2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Cleansing Negative Energy
- Physical Body Change
- Beautiful Skin
- Grow Hair
- How to Grow a Unicorn Horn
- Super Hearing
- Wings Meditation
- Easy Love Spell
- Find Your Elements
- Sleeping
#1031 - Cleansing Negative Energy
Cleansing your own negative energy:
Sit cross legged and point directly to west and east with your arms wide open. Then imagine a ball of positive energy gathering together in your hands. Hold the balls with your palms facing the sky. Start breathing deep and concentrating. Imagine all of your negative energy flowing around you like a red stream. Imagine the red stream divided into two and each one soaking into one of the balls and disappearing. Then imagine the white stream of the balls going inside your heart.
Cleansing someone elses negative energy:
Tell the person to sit cross legged and concentrate on freeing the negative energy in the atmosphere around His/Her head. Kneel before him/her and hold your hand upon his/her head. Create a ball of energy in the palm of your hand while holding your hand above his/her head, tell him /her to release the energy and make it soak into your hand. After that gather your fist and destroy the ball.
Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1032 - Physical Body Change
Take the small piece of paper and write your name on it. Draw on it what body or body part you want changed and what you want it to look like. The picture could show the entire body or just the part.
Now hold the paper in your hands and imagine the body/part changing from what it looks like now to what you want it to look like.Then fold it up any way you like and tie it to the crystal.
Then once more visualize the body part changing. Put it away and every evening until the body is changed take it out and visualize it changing again. When the change is done tear the paper up and scatter it to the wind.
Last edited on Jan 21, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1033 - Beautiful Skin
Get an apple and cut it in half horizontally across the middle. Once you cut it you will see a five pointed star.Rub one half of the apple over your face or the affected area. Say this:
"Apple, sacred fruit of the Goddess,
With this gift, I do caress
The pimple that brought me shame.
I banish this zit in your name."
Get another apple and cut it vertically from top to bottom. Rub one half of this over your face or affected area as well. Say this:
"I love and accept myself as I am today.
Clear skin I summon to come my way.
By my will, so mote it be"
Bury the first apple by a tree, bush or flower that is outside. Bury the second apple by water. If you can't find a place like this, just bury it anywhere and pour water over it.
Last edited on May 07, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1034 - Grow Hair
Say this chant three times as you hold the part of your body that you wish for hair to grow on...
"Stretch it
Twist it
Make it grow
Like a river
Let it flow
Three times fast shall this hair grow
This is my will
So mote it be"
Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1035 - How to Grow a Unicorn Horn
Find a rainbow and with a jar capture some rainbow air, then quickly put on the lid some flood water. In a bowl add flood water, lava, narwhal scale and rainbow air. With a spoon mix it all in. Drink this potion
Add glitter to your shampoo and conditioner and use this as your usual hair product. After 3-5 days you will find a little unicorn horn stump.
Last edited on Aug 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1036 - Super Hearing
Cup your hand over your right hand then say: "Some sounds are heard, some sound are astray, give me the hearing of far away".
Last edited on Aug 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1037 - Wings Meditation
Next, meditate very hard on what your wings will look like. You need to feel, and know your wings until they feel like a part of you.
Then, you need to imagine energy from inside of you flow into your wings, and they softly start flapping. Now imagine your shoulder blade bones growing until they are your wing bones, and magick is flowing into your wings and flooding them with the color of your choice.
Finally, you need to clear the image out of your mind and start over. Imagine that your shoulder blades fill with magick and break your skin and grow slowly until full sized, and the color you want.
Last step is to imagine yourself get up, walk outside, and fly into the clouds. Imagine you are sitting on the clouds, and your wings go into the clouds as you lay down on them. When you come up, your wings come out of the clouds, and they are filled with strength and magick.
I hope this works for you, it is currently working for me! This will take a while, maybe a year, but it is worth it!
Mail me if it works, and see you in the next spell!
#1038 - Easy Love Spell
#1039 - Find Your Elements
Go to an outdoor place, especially in quiet place so you can concentrate.
Now stretch your hands apart. Concentrate and close your eyes. Feel and call the wind, if you feel wind or breeze. Then you have wind element.
Now go to a water source, jump yourself in. If you love being in the water, then you have water element.
Now go to a fire camp below the sun shines brightly. If you don't feel hot, then you have fire element.
Now relax your body in the dirt. If you feel relax and peaceful. Then you have earth element.
Some people have more than one element.
PM or email me at matmail1231@gmail.com for more info!
#1040 - Sleeping