2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Turn Into Your Pet Species
- Become a Powerful Witch or Wizard
- Wolf Powers
- Beauty Voice Potion
- Open the Third Eye
- Cover Gray Hair
- Vanity and Beauty
- Necromancy Beginner
- Shapeshifting
- Love Spell
#1041 - Turn Into Your Pet Species
Bring your pet into the quiet room. If your pet is small enough, hold it. If it's bigger, keep it close to you. Concentrate completely on your pet or the animal it is, and chant or think(you can also concentrate on the chant if you like):
"I shall change to this creature that I wish
Like my companion
Shall it be until dawn
When the first ray of sun shines
Do I turn back human."
Keep repeating this at least 5 times or as long as you wish. It might take a few days until the night when you transform.
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1042 - Become a Powerful Witch or Wizard
First,take a cup of water and put all the ingredients (sugar/honey, salt) and mix! Now take the paper and draw a big rainbow in the middle of the paper. Fold it hamburger style once so you can't see the rainbow.
Now, write on the side this: "God/godeses give me more power! More than anyone else."So mote it be". Fold hamburger style again and draw a pentagram. Now drink the potion and after an hour you'll be powerful.
Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1043 - Wolf Powers
First, take three tablespoons of water and put them in a cup and put the sugar, and two drops of blood, if you wish. Mix until the sugar vanished. Now,imagine for ten seconds how would you run, jump after the spell. When you open your eyes, say:
"Pagans, Wiccans and everyone with my blood
I command you to give me the start
Of a wild wolf with powers
That will be able to climb the highest towers!
One, two, three, blessed be!
One, two, three, that's my thee!"
Side Effects:
- feel your fingers more like paws
- more wild
- aches
- dog/wolf like acting
Last edited on Aug 09, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1044 - Beauty Voice Potion
First, take a cup full of water and put in it a pinch of salt, a tablespoon of sugar/honey and extract if you want, then read this in your mind:
"Singers and ghosts
Give the most
The most of your voice
To sing loud and make noise
A great noise that could be heard
Slowly or fast
Just give me the voice I need!
So mote it be!"
Drink all of it and don't talk for 10 seconds. Check your voice!
Last edited on Dec 12, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1045 - Open the Third Eye
Put your hands above your eyebrows in the middle and say x3:
"Wind, wind,
Water, water
Fire, fire
Earth, earth
I beg you touch my heart!
The paint and the itch must be forgot,
The more I believe it will be hot.
Hot like fire, just like me
Cold like water, I should be
Heavy like earth, to my heart
Light like wind, loyal and kind!
Let me see what I want,
The nature, the truth and my wand!
Let me pass trough the past and future
Like a bird of fortune!"
You will feel a little pressure up there, but you'll feel more powerful, more mind-opened, more nature attracted and more intelligent.
Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1046 - Cover Gray Hair
Look in mirror in bathroom. Make sure it is in a quiet place close bathroom door. Use your voice and in complete focus say this three times. While running your hands through your hair. It works best when hair is wet. Can also use for hair growth spell. Say this out loud.
"I want my hair to change to black. I want my hair to be a different color. Please be a different color now make it so."
Last edited on Aug 13, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1047 - Vanity and Beauty
''Moonshine, Starlight, let the wind carry your light, let your glow cover my body, and let your shine cover every eye.'' Say it 3 times and concentrate on the part that you want to change, Then say...
''Moonshine, Starlight, shape and mould my body, as a rose is granted beauty, let me blossom in your light, the light that brings me beauty, and grant me beauty three times three''
Say it 3 times and when you are finished light a candle (pink) or incense.
#1048 - Necromancy Beginner
Light the black candle in a dark room. Burn the hair of the target. Wait 5-10 minutes. Watch and enjoy the target the target scream.
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1049 - Shapeshifting
Draw what you want to transform into on the paper and place the item from it on it as well. Put the stones by the fire and chant: "Shape shifting God, Midyaiscas, of the hex realm". Then burn the paper and shout "Change my shape so mote it be"
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1050 - Love Spell
Say: ''Rose, bring me love, please come to me, for I say to thee, bring me love, Blessed be.''
Through the Rose petals and leave for the wind to take.
*If the flower petals are still on the ground the next day, the spell isn't working.