2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Weight Gain
- Get Any Power
- Herculean Strength
- Dragons Abilities
- Purification Spell
- Smooth Skin
- Demon
- Protection Bath
- Anger Relief Tea
- The Restoration of the Inner Soul
#1161 - Weight Gain
Say "tit tat now your fat" and it is done.
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1162 - Get Any Power
Get a cup and then fill it with water then put in some salt and then mix it with the spoon. Now say this "Oh miracles work your magic and give me (the power you want)" and drink the salt water. Do it three times and then say "Oh miracles of the sea thank you for giving this power to me".
Last edited on Jan 02, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1163 - Herculean Strength
Here is what you do when you win obstacles in your constant path and events, you must win fear first. If you are working at attaining that strength, you must concentrate on the inside before you do the outside. First visualize a power that streams from your heart, that is courage, and it flows and engulf your entire muscular system and inner strength. Keep doing that because of the absolute and intense feeling is the progress of doing it with the stream and the flow from the heart, then you are ready to face the odds.
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1164 - Dragons Abilities
Now, sit down relaxly on the floor, and make sure you're alone! Now make the blue candles circling you. Light them up and write : "Oh... Mighty Dragons... I call thee... Come to me, can you do a favor for me?" Say them loudly!
Now put the element candles circling you but outside of the blue candles. Write : "Mighty Dragons... Please Come... My Favor is I need you to come to me and in me! Give me the power that shall I have. Let this (element) can I conquer and used by me! So mote it be!" Say it loudly! Now you're been given the power but you shall know how to use it!
*** Side Effects ***
- Communication with Dragons
- Feel stronger and unbeatable
- Improved abilities
- Tough and Strong Mental
*** Additions ***
- Wind/Sky : Blue Auras around you, but don't toughen your skin very much. But It's improving your speed. Improves regeneration also. But calculating powers done by absorbing this element. Sometimes looked like scales! Blue eyes colours.
- Fire/Lava : Red Auras around you, it improves both power and defence but less improve speed! Normally, changed your eyes colour to red. Looked like scales.
- Earth/Soil : Brown Auras around you, it performed as It's increasing your defence very much, but lower your power and speed. Looked like stones scales.
- Forest/Nature : Green Auras around you, it almost improves healing and regeneration ability from fighting. Builds speed and reflexes. Also increasing Strategy Definition Mind.
- Lighting : Light Flashing Blue Auras around you. Improves power and speeds. But lower the Strategy Definition and Reflexes. Besides, it lowers regeneration ability done from you. But this extremely powerful and dangerous
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1165 - Purification Spell
''Darkness is not with thee. Light be thy guide and set thy soul free. Cast out the dark and bring in the light! So mote it be!''
If performed correctly, you should feel all evil lift from your body and a warm light fill your body and soul. Perform once a month for a greater effect.
#1166 - Smooth Skin
Put 1 1/2 cups of dirt in a mixing bowl and then put 1/2 or 1 cup in with the dirt and mix it. Add about 10 leaves and one whole flower of rose petals mix all the the ingredients together and put the mixture on your skin and leave it there for 5 minutes. Ten take it off, dry your skin and feel how smooth it is
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1167 - Demon
Take the piece of paper and draw a pentagram . Then take the knife or sharp and cut the tip of your finger. Then put left hand on paper and right hand up. And say "I (your full name) shall serve satan and honor him he is now my lord my king my master."
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1168 - Protection Bath
In bathing water mix a lemon and sea salt and take bath. Say "In or out protect me" then thank nature after you are finished in the bath.
Last edited on Jul 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1169 - Anger Relief Tea
Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Use two tablespoons of tea for every cup of water. As the tea steeps , chant : "Fiery anger go away. Calmness come, and with me stay. Soothe my mind so I can think. Steel peace of mind within this drink ". Sweeten tea with honey if desired
Last edited on Jul 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1170 - The Restoration of the Inner Soul