2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- A switching bodies
- A body switch
- Appear More Attractive
- Lord and Lady Healing Chant
- Lupin the third’s masculine charm. (FTM friendly.)
- potent beauty spell
- tunnel making spell
- tunnel making spell
- Percy Jackson Demigod spell (full moon)
- Magic Sun Beauty Spell
#121 - A switching bodies
Once with a werewolf and grimoire which, we are believes himself in a full, he is working this dedication importantly because it is full dedication except likely words of deposit and input with, might have changes of full moon.,
#122 - A body switch
Once with a werewolf and grimoire which, we are believes himself in a full,
he is working this dedication importantly because it is full dedication except
likely words of deposit and input with, might have changes of full moon.,
#123 - Appear More Attractive
Sit In a quiet room. Light the candle and say:
"Oh Aphrodite, please hear my call.
Let me seem more attractive to them all.
By (say what you want to change to look more attractive).
Please Aphrodite, this is my plea.
Please make it happen so mote it be."
Now, close your eyes and visualize you looking more attractive. See all the people complimenting you. And all the people asking you out, and saying how attractive you are. Now, blow out the candle.
Last edited on Sep 09, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#124 - Lord and Lady Healing Chant
Come to me lord and lady, heal this spirit, heal this soul.
Come to me lord and lady, mind and body shall be whole.
Beast, of the burning sunlight, sear this wound that pain may cease.
Mistress of watery midnight, hold us fast and bring us peace.
Last edited on Aug 17, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#125 - Lupin the third’s masculine charm. (FTM friendly.)
(This spell mostly involves dressing like Lupin the third. To be clear, NOT REALLY in a form of cosplay but kind of. As a Lupin the third kin, I am blessing you all who do this spell with his confidence and his masculine charm.)
Part one-intention: Four days before casting this spell, no matter what the moon phase is go stand outside on a clear night. Look at the star closest to the moon while holding your electronic device (like a cell phone) that has a picture of Lupin the third pulled up on the internet browser. Doesn't matter what color jacket he's wearing in the image. And either out loud or mentally state the following: "I am ready to be confident. I am ready to have masculine charm. I am ready to have the confidence and masculine charm like Lupin the third." Say that while glancing at the star, and the image three times.
Before we move onto part two, if you're trying to manifest your twin flame, now is a good chance to manifest them.
Part two-Making the good stuff: Next, two days before casting this spell AFTER setting intentions, make the scent. In a small glass spray bottle, fill it about three quarters full of water, then another three quarters full of witch hazel. Next, add 10-25 drops of cedar wood essential oil, and 15-20 drops of lavender essential oil. Screw on the top of the spray bottle, put the cap back on and shake it well. Let it sit in a dark place away from sunlight till you're ready to use it.
Before we move onto part three, it might be a good idea to spray it on you and let the scent invigorate you. Doesn't it smell nice and masculine?
Part three-The transformation begins: The day you plan on doing this spell (finally!), get dressed like Lupin. Put on the dark blue or black button down shirt and khaki or light colored pants. Then, look at your hair. If the top part of your hair/bangs are too long, I would highly recommend using scissors to cut them. Look at a picture of Lupin for reference. His bangs are in a short V-shape on his forehead in the middle. (If your bangs are just right already, just skip this step.) Then, use hair gel or pomade (a little bit, not a lot!) to fix the style. Then, put on the belt, tie and jacket. Make sure the tie color coordinates with the color jacket. Spray yourself with the scent you made, and affirm: "I am confident like Lupin. I have masculine charm like him. Ladies/other guys like me and will want to hang out/ask me out/want to date me."
You will feel masculine and confident. You will also radiate self love energies, and others will feel it because of how powerful it is. You might even meet your twin flame. (Not promising anything in regards to that.) Expect this to wear off in about 24-72 hours, but it could vary on the person.
#126 - potent beauty spell
visualization is really important when you do a spell for beauty, so this exercise allows you to rub a potion onto the parts of your body that you are not secure with. while you do this, you're meant to visualize each part healing individually.
step 1. prep your space. make sure you have a clean, calming environment. if you like smoke cleansing, i recommend any type of sage except for white sage. white sage is overfarmed and near endangered nowadays. palo santo is amazing for this exercise because it's said to work miracles.
step 2. make sure you're prepared. place your cauldron down. the first ingredient you'll add is rose water, this will have the largest ratio and be the base of your potion. when you pour the rose water, visualize the rose water as pixie dust emitting white and rose gold light. this is what the rose water might look like on another plane, if you are charging your intent correctly.
step 3. blow a kiss into the rose water, imagine some of your personal energy or DNA is going from that breath into the potion. now, you can add 6 drops of tea tree oil. while you drop it in, you can start the incantation. you'll want to say this three times and mix the potion around.
"If beauty's real and all around, I see it in others and not myself.
With a mixture of love and beautiful change, I will look and feel like a fair forest elf."
while you are saying this, pour in the tea tree oil, and with every exhale on this line, you'll want to visualize all of your negative energy and self hate leaving through every hole in your body, even your pores.
step 4. add the rose petals and marigold to the potion. while you mix them in you can say the second part of the incantation. while you say this, imagine yourself physically transforming into the person you want to be.
"May the sun rise on my glowing skin in the morning, creating a nymph of light. May I become more soft and gentle, as days turn to night. To achieve this in a positive way, with myself I become enamored. I will look out for this beauty, keep healthy and well mannered."
now, you can get started on the application and visualization process. the potion you just made is actually a full-body toner. the first application process, you want to apply it to every part of your body that you're insecure about. imagine the mixture soaking into your skin and healing it with a white and rose light. imagine that when the mixture seeps in, it fixes every little part you don't like.
you can bottle up your potion and use it as a daily toner. visualization is most potent on Fridays.
remember in the end that the results will manifest over time. they also won't change who you are, you are still always going to look like yourself, and this spell is also meant to help you accept that, so if you take it the wrong way like this the spell might go awry. make sure you are mature enough to do this right and accept that you will still be YOU.
#127 - tunnel making spell
Funnel tunnel. Let's create a tunnel.
Last edited on Jul 29, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#128 - tunnel making spell
funnel tunnel lets create a tunnel
#129 - Percy Jackson Demigod spell (full moon)
Say this 1x on a Full Moon " Zeus King of the Gods I pray to you to let me become a Demigod of the God that I choose. I will become the son of (Gods name here). The God that I choose will pass down their powers and give me their blood. I wish to no longer be human but to be a Demigod Just like in the Percy Jackson series. I can attend camp half blood in the summer but return home for school this is my wish so mote it be."
This spell will let you become a Demigod of the God that you choose. You will live a life until you die just like the Demigods in the Percy Jackson series. It must be a Full Moon for this to work and when you sleep you dream about being a Demigod and your Godly parent talking to you while you're awake. The following side effects are feeling different. Getting the powers that God passed down to you. Feel like your Godly parent is watching you. And protecting you as well as you can hear a voice when your Godly parent is talking to you and helps give you Advice. You can understand Greek and write Greek. You can see things that normal mortals can't see.
Last edited on Jul 20, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#130 - Magic Sun Beauty Spell
Walk out in the sun with water and flower of choice. Sit down and chant 6 times,"Oh Magic mother sun, created great beauty you have done, however I wish to change, may you change me in a reasonable time range." Next sprinkle water on flower and take a deep breath. Then 2 times say "Magic may I have (wished color of eyes/hair/skintone) and (hair texture) in a week or 3." Then put flower in water sprinkling it in a circle around you. You should notice changes in a few weeks.
Note: Don't ingest any materials.
Last edited on Jul 14, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.