Light the magenta candle and put 2 of the towels on your feet. Gimthenadite is the goddess of speed, so the towels transfer the energy to your legs and feet. Then, put the last towel on your wand/athame. This will transfer Gimthenadite's fast energy so when you use it, it's effects will be quicker. This is great for defense spells, as it will be quick and you can get defended faster, same with healing.
Side Affects:
May slow you down
Will do nothing
To Undo:
Do all the steps exept DO NOT light the candle and make sure the towels are dry
This is a spell that calls upon the powers of herbs, color and the deity Brigid (or the Hindu goddess of knowledge, Saravasti) to help us when we are in need of help with going back to the basics.
You may need:
2 parts rosemary
1 parts basil
1 part caraway seeds
1 part dried rind of citrus fruit
A small bowl to mix the herbs
A small cloth bag about 15 cm in size
A silver thread or cord
You may need:
2 parts rosemary
1 parts basil
1 part caraway seeds
1 part dried rind of citrus fruit
A small bowl to mix the herbs
A small cloth bag about 15 cm in size
A silver thread or cord
Combine the herbs thoroughly while chanting either
"Brigid, Brighde, fashioner of words,
Help me now as I seek your aid
Let me now bring you honor
In what I have to say today."
or, for Saravasti
"Saravasti, divine consort of Brahma
Mistress of knowledge
Teach me to use words wisely and well
My doubts and fears I pray you dispel."
Now put the herbs in the bag, tying it securely with the silver cord then place the sachet some where within your work area.
This is to become a vampire. Must be said at night. Must believe in Satan and the occult. You will lose your soul. I made it up, so it may or may not work
You may need:
1 Black Candle
An Inverted Pentagram (in red)
A Razor or Sharp Object
You may need:
1 Black Candle
An Inverted Pentagram (in red)
A Razor or Sharp Object
Light the candle
Place the inverted pentagram in front of you
Prick your finger and put a couple drops of blood on the pentagram
Dear lord Satan, hear my prayer
I give you my soul I so swear
Make me a vampir after this night
So I can give others a fright
I will not be restricted to the night
I shall also walk in daylight
Dear lord Satan, hear my plea
Make me a vampire, so mote it be
Note: You must already have an established connection with your dragon spirit guide in order for this to work. Dragons view themselves as your equal or even greater, so respect them.
Chant the following:
''Dragon, my time is here,
Come to me, your duty is clear,
Give me wisdom, give me strength,
Help me now, aid me with your spirit.''
*Say Dragon Name* I call thee, not in command, but in plea.
*Say Dragon Name* I call thee, not as ruler, but as a friend in need.
Cut the banana in half. put one side on the left side, and the other one on the right. put the piece of silver(real silver guys not the table ware stuff) in between you and the candle. wait ten minuets. Now eat the banana halves. You should feel better in no time!
For certain witches like me, we have a thing for beauty. So using our potion skills for our beauty works well.
When you use this, use it on the ends of your hair after use of conditioneer.
You may need:
Veggie Oil
Some sent of choice (as long it does not counteract with the honey and smell bad)
Squeez bottle (where you take the cap off to put it in)
You may need:
Veggie Oil
Some sent of choice (as long it does not counteract with the honey and smell bad)
Squeez bottle (where you take the cap off to put it in)
Put everything in the bowl and mix.
Put the mixture into the container and seal the cap.
Shake the bottle to mix it 100%
Use on the ends after conditioner and rinse.