2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Sea Waves Hair Spray
- Hair Moisturizing Serum
- Blessed Fruit of Beauty
- Potion Making 101: The Sleep Potion
- Dragon Fist
- Common Werewolf Spell
- Run Fast
- Conflict Healing Spell
- Weight Gain Spell
- Hair Growth Potion
#1421 - Sea Waves Hair Spray
Put everything in your spray bottle and seal.
To use:
Spray onto your hair
#1422 - Hair Moisturizing Serum
Then, when your finished, but the mixture into the bottle and close.
This will be awaiting you until first use. Unless you have to take a bath afterwards.
#1423 - Blessed Fruit of Beauty
Bestow a blessing upon your fruit. Ask your deity and spirit guide(s) to bless the fruit. Leave it in the sunlight, then the moonlight.
In the morning, bestow a final blessing on the fruit.
You are done, and now the fruit will make you extremely pretty as long as you eat it within the deadline. The number of fruits you blessed is the number of days you have to eat it all, including the finishing day. The more fruit you eat, the prettier you will become. Blessed be! Message me the results!
#1424 - Potion Making 101: The Sleep Potion
Preheat your Cauldron to 350F
How to get the chlorophyll
1.Put leaves in the cup, pour in boiling water until it covers the sample. Leave for ~30 sec to 1 min. Remove leaves from water and dry them with paper towel. Boiling water kills the cells and destroys enzymes which can promote chlorophyll degradation. It also breaks chloroplatsts which makes chlorophyll extraction easier.
2.Take the leaves and remove petioles and central veins - this parts of leaf do not contain a lot of pigments. Throw them away. Cut the rest of the leaf material into the small 1-2 mm pieces. Spread them evenly on the foil and put it in the oven for 20 minutes at temperature 104F (40C).
3.Put dry leaf pieces in the mortar (make sure mortar and pestle are perfectly dry!) and grind them. Continue until they turn into uniform yellow-green powder. Grinding breaks cell walls and at the same time increases area of the surface. Leaf grinds will release more pigment.
4.Put powder in a jar or container with tight lid. Add few ml of solvent, close the lid and shake
5. Wait 10 minutes to 30 minutes max. then go back and check if you did ever thing right then There should be emerald-green slightly opalescent liquid on top of dark green powder (which will sink to the bottom of the container)This is it. Chlorophyll is extracted. At the moment it's pretty diluted and solution contaminated with fine debris from the broken cells. Remains of chloroplasts and other cell components are floating in liquid making it slightly foggy.
Now add 1 cup of water, you may use more if you like. but don't use more then 5 cups of water.
First, add the chlorophyll in to the water stir a little about 5 to 7 times. next add the Feather. then add the animal fur. now add some body hair(for best results use the body hair of the person who is going to drink this). and lastly A little Alcohol for flavoring. put on med to high heat for 10 min. then add this to a food or drink.
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1425 - Dragon Fist
Use telepathy to say this to the dragons,
"Dragons, dragons, beasts of might,
Make me strong for one day and night,
Make me swifter, and hard to beat,
I beg you dragons, I'm in some heat,
This is my wish, by the power of three,
So Mote It Be."
The dragons will lend you their tough skin camouflaged to look like yours, and their rough fighting abilities.
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1426 - Common Werewolf Spell
''By the light of the moon and our piercing howls we are further transformed into cunning beasts. From the circle of life to the evolution of man, I shall be reawakened as one with the land.''
Side effects:
Sharper teeth (especially canines)
Longer nails
Phantom hunger (hunger right after eating)
Tendency to howl/growl (pretty much being loud)
Better senses
#1427 - Run Fast
Say this spell 5 times:
"Run run like the wind,
I can because I am the wind."
Last edited on Apr 20, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1428 - Conflict Healing Spell
''I block all harm in my direction.
I reflect love and healing to you.
May I be forgiven for my deeds.
I forgive you, too.''
Repeat the spell for seven days. Spend some time thinking about the situation and your role. What in the conflict is your roll? While casting the spell, be willing to look within to heal. Approach the situation with love in your heart and you can do no wrong.
Whats left of the candle blow out and place in a jar of water. Close it tight and bury it, without breaking it.
#1429 - Weight Gain Spell
"Gods and goddesses above me please oh please here my plea I want to extend my belly so fat so wide if this dont work at least I tried please please I beg thee fatter fatter I command you belly grow grow and grow some more until I can barely fit out the door, please gods an goddesses her me plea make me have a big belly so mote it be!"
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1430 - Hair Growth Potion
Take the bucket and put in one cup of water. Squirt in conditioner and shampoo. Put in the egg yolk. Drop in the hairs. Dip the tip of the marker into the water and let the ink dye the water. Sprinkle in the glitter. Mix this. Now, say the following 3x:
"Goddess of beauty, transform my hair Let it flow long beyond compare. My hair now is (hair color), yes It is so short, looks like a mess. Shall it will grow long Shall should it be strong Should my hair be (adjective, example curly) Should shall it be Good thoughts of long hair Flowing freely. Goddess of beauty, Transform my hair. I have said my plea, So mote it be!"
Side effects: Losing your short hair and long hair growing in its place Head hurting
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.