2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Overcome Emotional Pain
- Gender Change (Female)
- Relaxation Spell
- Empower
- Relaxing Bath
- Peeling Skin Elixer
- Beauty spell
- Become a Predacon
- Become A Neko
- Emotional Improvement
#1631 - Overcome Emotional Pain
Say, in a clear voice:
'By the power inside me,
times that by three.
This person needs help,
for emotional pain that lies deep.
Help them move on,
help them in any way possible.
Guide them on their journey,
and let them live it peacefully.
Earth, for mental growth.
Fire, for anger disperse.
Water, for a soothing thought.
And air, for leaving it behind'.
Last edited on Apr 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1632 - Gender Change (Female)
Your token should represent who you are as a person, take your token and imagine your energy and essence flowing around it. Now say this 5-10 times: I wish I wish to be a girl, I want to be a boy no more. I want to be a girl so bad, I do not want to be so sad. I wish to have nice large breasts, I wish to not have to rest. I want long flowing hair, I want skin that's soft and bare.
Last edited on May 17, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1633 - Relaxation Spell
Please take the incense and place it on a open area floor DO NOT LIGHT IT YET!
Candle (Preferable Blue)
Take the candle and also place it by the incense, again DO NOT LIGHT IT YET!
Cast a Circle
Cast a circle to keep negative and stressful energies from getting to you, but make sure its big enough for the ingredients and you to fit in there.
Light the candle and say "Spirit wash, spirit flow, relaxation is where I want to go."
Light the incense and say "Water flow spirit grow, relaxation is what I want to know.
Imagine a blue energy coming into you, relaxing your body, feel yourself becoming relaxed.
#1634 - Empower
Chant x 3
Power to ascend please descend unto me.
Pass on your knowledge Oh great one!
Teach your child what he/she needs to know.
Power from above i invoke thee, I welcome thee into my body.
We must be whole and complete as one i do you bidding.
As one i am your child.
Grant me your knowledge
Grant me your power
Be one with me.
So mote it be!
So mote it be!
#1635 - Relaxing Bath
Light the candles on both sides of the bath tub in the corners. Run a luke warm bath. Pour in the bubble bath: its best if its a soft smell such as sugar cookie or lavender. Run your hand side to side along the bottom to get big bubbles, then place the rose petals on top of the bubbles.
Hum or chant:
"All my pain to fade away
I am still here to stay
Todays just like any other day
All my stress, just melt away"
Imagine you're walking in a park or something you find peaceful and you see the light on the other side and you see yourself happy and smiling.
Last edited on Apr 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1636 - Peeling Skin Elixer
*the dandelion I am currently testing so I don't recommend using it unless you so wish to.
#1637 - Beauty spell
Placing your right hand over the water say the following:
The blossom remains flawless
Against the power of time
And so I shall remain
Now place your container in the freezer and for as long as the rose bud remains frozen so shall your beauty.
Last edited on May 13, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1638 - Become a Predacon
(x1 Every night until your transformation is complete.)
Last edited on May 26, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1639 - Become A Neko
royal blue
and place them around you in a circle.
2.) Put the cat ears on.
3.) Light the last candle, the one in the color of your cat ears, and place it directly in front of you.
4.) Take the strand(s) of hair and burn it/them in the flame of the candle in front of you.
5.) Recite: ''Ears and tail, a cat's wail, the animal I wish to be. A neko; half human, half cat, turn into one and turn back. The fur is that of the hair I burned, I shall be this creature, for there is much to learn. Climb a tree, change freely, so mote it be.''
6.) Take the sharp object and make an incision on the index (pointer) fingerof your RIGHT hand.
7.) Say: ''With the blood I sacrifice upon this candle, my DNA will become infused with that of a cat. The melted wax will have red/crimson (It depends on how dark your blood is... Red if it's a normal blood red; crimson if it's a dark red. Mine is crimson.) splotches or may be completely that color, and as long as it remains as so, I am going to be a Neko.''
8.) Let some of the blood lay upon the melted wax of the candle (in front of you) and after about 20 seconds, put out the candle by letting a few drops of blood land on the flame.
Side effects: Unidentified; if you experience any, let me know so I can put them up, please? Also, let me know if it works.
#1640 - Emotional Improvement
Meditate so you can form energy, because all spells need your own energy because otherwise they won't work as well as you may think or even may not work at all.
Cast the Circle and Call the Elements and invoke your chosen Deity that corresponds with Happiness or Joy. As said previously if you have not chosen a Pantheon yet then invoke Hathor. Now, get your candle (red) and hold it in your hands and visualize the energy that you gathered from meditation going into the candle, then when your done with that dress the candle with the herb you must dress the herb up the candle because that symbolizes bringing something in(pepper).
Light the candle and visualize within the flame that your goal is complete, so you would visualize yourself happy, then get your piece of paper and write what you want the invoked deity to do for you. Then what you want to do is fold the paper toward you, then turn it clockwise and fold it toward you again. What you need to do then is burn the piece of paper while chanting. Underneath if you have not chosen a pantheon I will put the invocation of Hathor, then chant:
"Great goddess, Hathor.
I ask that you bring
Your presence to this room.
Upon this night,
Help me with my magic
Fulfill my intention
Offerings I will leave to you.
All I ask is your help
So mote it be"
Then chant:
"Upon this blessed night
With Goddess Hathor's might
Great Goddess, hear my plea
Courage from you is what I seek.
Expel emotion and negativity
Fill me with confidence, pride,
This is my plea
So mote it be"
Leave an offering to Hathor after the spell has worked okay, if you don't have anything suitable as an offering then simply write on a piece of paper:
"Thank you Goddess Hathor for helping me
with my spell".
Then burn the paper in a candle, fire or whatever so that your messaged will be sent to the heavens.
Last edited on Apr 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.