2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Banishing Bad Habits
- Meditation Spell
- Wrapped and Sealed Burrito
- Beauty
- To Become a Demon
- Aura of Clarent
- Turn into dog
- Third eye
- Dark Interprise
- Conjuring the Mermaid Within You
#1661 - Banishing Bad Habits
Knowing which habit you are wishing to break, prepare to set up your work space. Set your black candle on the left side in front of you, and your white candle on the right side. Now set the tarot card that represents you bad habit in between the candles.
Now, light your black candle and say:
This holds me back. No more will I do it. No more is it part of me.
Now light the white candle and say:
This is my might and my courage and my victory. This battle is already won.
Now picture in your mind the habit you want to break. Picture yourself free from it. After a few minutes of imagining your victory, put out the black candle, then the white.
Repeat this as necessary. Best used at nights, preferably around midnight.
#1662 - Meditation Spell
Breathe in until you slowly count to four and then breathe out until you count to four. (Repeat or if uncomfortable, breathe at own pace. I however prefer to have a steady breathing rate).
Imagine a tiny green ball of light in the core of your body (in your abdomen area). With every breath you inhale it gets bigger, but with every breath you exhale, it gets smaller.
Imagine that every time you inhale (ball still growing) you feel your stress growing and then when you exhale (ball still shrinking)you feel the stress getting pushed out of your body.
With each and every breath you take, the stress is becoming less and less. Imagine your negativity leaking out of your fingers and toes until your mind is empty of all stress.
Last edited on Aug 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1663 - Wrapped and Sealed Burrito
Wrap your burrito and hold the part you want to seal, with a small amount of pressure. Chant once:
"Magic make my burrito seal,
My burrito is a big deal,
My magic is true and real.
Earth, wind, fire, and sea,
As I say, so mote it be".
Last edited on Apr 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1664 - Beauty
On a full moon, go outside with a mirror (If you can't go outside, you can open a window and make sure the moon is reflected off the mirror)
Take a piece of the picture (hair, lips eyes e.t.c, whatever you are interested in changing)
place it on the mirror and concentrate on it and say,
"Moonshine, Starlight
let the wind carry your light
let your glow cover my body,
and let your shine cover every eye"
Say it 3 times and concentrate on the part you want to change and say
"Moonshine, Starlight
shape and mold my body,
as a rose is granted beauty,
let me blossom in your light,
the light that brings me beauty,
and grant me beauty three times three"
Say it three times and when your finished light a candle (pink) or incense.
Last edited on Apr 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1665 - To Become a Demon
On the night of the full moon between 10pm-12am, go outside with the things needed. Mediate for 5 minutes then write down on a piece of paper, what demon you would like to be and the powers you wish. Fold it in half twice then say "witches of 3, witches of all, turn me into a demon with powers that suits my personality and heart. So mote it be" 5-10 times while looking at the moon. Then burn the paper with the lighter and put into the glass bowl. Once it is finished burning, put water into the glass bowl without taking the paper out. Then before you leave, shout out "so mote it be" once.
Last edited on Apr 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1666 - Aura of Clarent
-Breath deeply and fully. Imagine the Sword of Clarent. Imagine it however you want, but be sure that the blade has a flame-like aura on it. Imagine this aura shrouding you and cloaking you in fire.
-Take in the energy and pool it all together into your heart Chakra. Let it rest there for a moment then carry the energy down to your Solar Plexus. Once there, let the energy radiate and glow in a vibrant flash of light similar to the sun. Feel the heat of the light run along your limps and course throughout your body. Smell the fragrance of burnt leaves and orange zest with some cinnamon spice. (The scent is important. It is Clarent's signature scent)
-Now pool it all together and bind every bit of the energy into your Solar Plexus ad refuse to let it go. Imagine storing a star within your Solar Plexus. Feel the great heat try to escape, but with no avail. Hold this as long as possible. Premature release results in fatigue. Your body should be cold.
(TEST-Feel your skin. all areas except your Solar Plexus should be cold while your Solar Plexus should be extremely hot. This tells you that the energy is ready.)
-Release the bonds on the energy and let it explode into a brilliant flame of orange and red. Let Clarent's smell fill the air again. Let the newly-born flames rage along your body. (You should feel really hot) Let the energy continue to surge, even past your body. Commonly, people in the vicinity feel warm and sometimes blinded. (really helpful in combat) When ever you use your aura, imagine using Clarent's aura instead.
To Release the Aura - Summon Excalibur. Let your body instantly cool, dousing Clarent. (Has to be with Excalibur. Excalibur is the only power that stands against Clarent.)
With enough skill, you can actually store Clarent's aura within your Solar Plexus and call upon it when needed without going through the Transmutation, but that energy still needs to be replenished.
I've used this many times. It should work with enough practice.
For more Aura Transmutations or Spells, feel freee to message me with special requests.
Good Luck, Blessed Be.
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1667 - Turn into dog
Goddess of nature make me a dog and bide my fortune forever
side effects:
scratch a lot
Grow a lot of hair on body
Hair turns color
Skin turns pinkish
(also allows y to befriend ad talk to ds.)
Last edited on Oct 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1668 - Third eye
In some traditions as Hinduism the third eye is said to be located around the middle of the forehead, slightly above the junction of the eyebrows. In other traditions, as in Theosophy, it is believed to be connected with the pineal gland. According to this theory, humans had in far ancient times an actual third eye in the back of the head with a physical and spiritual function. Over time, as humans evolved, this eye atrophied and sunk into what today is known as the pineal gland. Dr. Rick Strassman has controversially suggested that the pineal gland, which maintains light sensitivity, is responsible for the production and release of DMT (dimethyltryptamine), a psychedelic drug which he believes to be excreted in large quantities at the moments of birth and death.
In religion
Hindu tradition associates the third eye with the sahasrara, or crown, chakra. Also, in the Tantra yoga system it is associated with the sound Om, and is known as the Ajna chakra. In Tantra, the crown is believed to be the Shivatic lotus of ten thousand petals.
In Taoism and many traditional Chinese religious sects such as Chan (a cousin to the Zen school), ''third eye training'' involves focusing attention on the point between the eyebrows with the eyes closed, and while the body is in various qigong postures. The goal of this training is to allow students to tune in to the correct ''vibration'' of the universe and gain a solid foundation on which to reach more advanced meditation levels. Taoism teaches that the third eye, also called the mind's eye, is situated between the two physical eyes, and expands up to the middle of the forehead when opened. Taoism claims that the third eye is one of the main energy centers of the body located at the sixth chakra, forming a part of the main meridian, the line separating left and right hemispheres of the body.
According to the Christian teaching of Father Richard Rohr, the concept of the third eye is a metaphor for non-dualistic thinking; the way the mystics see. In Rhohr's concept, mystics employ the first eye (sensory input such as sight) and the second eye (the eye of reason, meditation, and reflection), ''but they know not to confuse knowledge with depth, or mere correct information with the transformation of consciousness itself. The mystical gaze builds upon the first two eyesand yet goes further.'' Rohr refers to this level of awareness as ''having the mind of Christ''.
According to the neo-gnostic teachings of Samael Aun Weor, the third eye is referenced symbolically and functionally several times in the Book of Revelation 3:7-13, a work which, as a whole, he believes describes Kundalini and its progression upwards through three and a half turns and seven chakras. This interpretation equates the third eye with the sixth of the seven churches of Asia detailed therein, the Church of Philadelphia.
Adherents of Theosophy H.P. Blavatsky[9] have suggested that the third eye is in fact the partially dormant pineal gland, which resides between the two hemispheres of the brain. Various types of lower vertebrates, such as reptiles and amphibians, can actually sense light via a third parietal eyea structure associated with the pineal glandwhich serves to regulate their circadian rhythms, and for navigation, as it can sense the polarization of light. C.W. Leadbeater claimed that by extending an ''etheric tube'' from the third eye, it is possible to develop microscopic and telescopic vision. It has been asserted by Stephen Phillips that the third eye's microscopic vision is capable of observing objects as small as quarks.
According to Max Heindel's Rosicrucian writings, called Western Wisdom Teachings, the third eye is localized in the pituitary body and the pineal gland. It was said that in the far past, when man was in touch with the inner worlds, these organs were his means of ingress thereto.
Other interpretations
The third eye is a concept found in many meditation schools and arts, such as in yoga, qigong, Aikido.
In the esoteric discipline of Kabbalah, the Ajna chakra is attributed to the sphere of Chokmah, or Wisdom, although others regard the third eye as corresponding to the non-emanated sephirah of da'ath (knowledge).
#1669 - Dark Interprise
Hold hands together tightly together or around an item and recite.
"Spirits that linger here
With every word I speak
You grow weak
And my chains begin to creep"
Now visualize your energys branching out and say:
"Bind your neck arms and feat
You will fall prey to defeat
I drag thee into me
You no longer free
A slave to a degree
Struggle maybe
Your spirits mine
To do with as I please"
Visualize your energy weaving into a knoted ball around the spirit making a cage geting tieter and tieter around the victime squeezing and filtering out there energy and pump it into your chakras or chosen item.
Last edited on Apr 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1670 - Conjuring the Mermaid Within You
First,you lay the towels down.Through the spell, just think "i wish to be a mermaid/merman" Next, lay your shells down on the towels in a pattern you desire. Put the products for your body on the towel. Now if you are left handed,put it on the left,same for right handed.
Next you need to get the jar and put the herbs and water in it. Place the jar in the middle of the pattern. Put 1 drop of each product on the shells you feel are most special, then one of each in the jar.
Chant "Make me a mermaid to swim with the fish, let this me my one and only wish, to breathe under water, swim and have instinct, twice I will not have to think" Then, take a bath and pour the stuff in the jar in then when you are done,use the same towels from the spell to dry off with and lay all the shells on a windowsill.
Last edited on Apr 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.