2477 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Color Healing
- Healing Potion
- Tail
- Curse of Hair Loss
- Anti-anxiety Chant
- Wings
- Random Acid Reflux Spell
- Calling A Lost Witch Spell
- Make Someone Fall in Love with you Love Spell
- Draw Love Into Your Home (Love Spell)
#1681 - Color Healing
Tape the colored paper to th bottle an put it in the light for 6-8hrs have about a wine glass full a day
- Blue-cuts and burns
- Indigo-removed fears
- Violet-disorders,nervous system, female complaints
- Yellow-Heart burn, constipation, bowles, intestines
- Green-healer, when in doubt, headaches, colds
Last edited on Apr 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1682 - Healing Potion
Place water in the vile the a few drops of the blood from the cut ,now mix well an drink this should help it heal faster an stop the pain while mixing say this: "Sweet mother, sweet mother, send your child unto me for the sins of the unworthy must be bathed, tossed in blood and fear"
Last edited on Apr 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1683 - Tail
Sit down somewhere you won't be distracted. Visulize a tail growing from the base of your spine, feal your coxis elongate (if done corectly this WILL be quite painfull) and grow from your back. Keep up this for about a week.
The next week do the same again but start thinking about the fur. See the colour feel the texture, is it soft, is it coarse, or is it fluffy? Think about the length: is it short or is it long. At this point you may get a mild case of phantom limb syndrome which is where your mind can feel the missing limb in this case the tail but it isn't there. Encourage this ,focus on it as much as you can before it becomes painful.
Last edited on Mar 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1684 - Curse of Hair Loss
First Cast your satanic pentagram on your altar with black cloth. Second place all the elements in the appropriate spot on pentagram, starting with earth in top left corner, then following a clock wise patern place Air next, then Spirit, Then Water, Then Fire.
In the centre of the pentagram you place the second candle (DO NOT light it just yet), In front of the candle you place a bowl with the photo and hair of your victim.
Then get in contact with the dark forces and summon Hecate (Greek godess of the underworld and whitchcraft). Now that Hecate is summoned light the centre candle, take the photo and hair of your victim in your right hand and say the following curse.
By the power and grace of Hecate the goddess of the underworld I curse thee mine enemy, may your hair fall from your head, as you go to sleep in your bed.
Take the photo and hair of your victim and set it allight with the centre candle, place it in the bowl and finish the curse as follow. "By the power of Hecate the godess of the underworld and whitchcraft this curse be spoken, thus is my wish, so mote it be"
Let the centre candle burn out in the same bowl as the ashes of the photo and hair of your victim. Once the centre candle has burnt out take all contents in the bowl and break it into the black pouch bag and tie it wit the red string.
Go to your victims house and stash this bag somewhere where it would not be found. And watch them go bald day by day.
Last edited on Mar 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1685 - Anti-anxiety Chant
"Nervous anxiety, you are dead.
Lord and lady, soothe my head.
Bring me to your calming peace
As I will, so mote it be".
Last edited on Apr 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1686 - Wings
Put one candle in front or behind of you. then don't light the second one and put that one to your left. put the feather on the unlighted candle. Then say three times: "Dear wind grant my plea have me soar through the night and day for wings for them to look like my picture wind grant me to fly as high and long as a bird wind please hear my plea. so mote it be".
Light the second candle and make sure to burn the feather after you say the spell.
Last edited on Mar 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1687 - Random Acid Reflux Spell
#1688 - Calling A Lost Witch Spell
Power of the witches' rise.
Course unseen across the skies.
Come to us, we call you near.
Come to us and settle here.
Blood to blood, I summon thee.
Blood to blood, return to me.
#1689 - Make Someone Fall in Love with you Love Spell
You will need to find 3 dragons blood candles , and label them according to 3 things you will be asking the spirits to do for you in love:
to open a channel between you and your lover, allow feelings to connect between you two, and lastly have these feelings turn into fully ignited love.. We will label each candle accordingly (I don't mean to literally "Label" Each candle, just remember it's purpose) in line with the desire of that flame. Label the first candle as the "Channel" Love candle. The second as the "Connect" Love candle and the third as the "True Love" candle. These 3 candles will represent the goals of the love spell. Lite all 3 candles and allow them to burn during the initial offering: "Spirits of Love, allow a channel to be opened between ( ___) and me" "Spirits of Love, allow this channel to blossom a connection between (_____) and me" "And Finally, Spirits of Love, I beseech you, Allow true love to come between (______) and me" "Spirits allow these candles to be symbols to you for my desires Allow there flames to represent my burning desire for what I ask of you Thank you Spirits and I thank you for listening to my requests upon you" Take melting wax from the 3 candles immediately afterwards and rub it together (Not a large amount, just a bit from each candle, or you can burn yourself a bit) and rub it near your belly bottom. This will serve as your gateway. Hold personal items of the person you are seeking in either hand and stare at each candle as you envision your desires with the person. Watch each candle for 5 minutes each, with the same thought coursing through your mind.ABOUT THE AUTHOR
#1690 - Draw Love Into Your Home (Love Spell)
The Description of your Hearts true match written on unlined paper.
After you write the description,burn the paper and put the ashes inside the bottle.
Keep the bottle INSIDE your home,preferably in the room you sleep. keep this for a period of up to 6 months before repeating
After you write the description, burn the paper and put the ashes inside the bottle. Keep the bottle INSIDE your home, preferably in the room you sleep. Keep this for a period of up to 6 months before repeating. After you write the description, burn the paper and put the ashes inside the bottle. Keep the bottle INSIDE your home, preferably in the room you sleep. After you write the description, burn the paper and put the ashes inside the bottle. Keep the bottle INSIDE your home, preferably in the room you sleep. Keep this for a period of up to 6 months before repeating.Keep this for a period of up to 6 months before repeating.