2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Healing a Wounded Tree
- Angelic Voice
- Fre-du-Jon Beauty
- Luscious Locks
- Become a Vampire in a Week
- Animal Ears
- Healing a Cut
- Change Cup Size
- Prayer to Cassiel
- Attract Him
#2021 - Healing a Wounded Tree
Pour the water in a circle around the tree. Drape the towel on the roots. Light the candle, and put it on the towel. Say the following words:
"Spirt of the Tree: Listen to me. I know that someone has gravely hurt thee. Take the warmth, the comfort, and the water. And maybe they stop their slaughter."
After you say these words, sit a few moments in front of the tree.
Last edited on May 16, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2022 - Angelic Voice
Put the egg yolk into a glass. Add sugar and milk, then mix them very good untill it looks like a foam. Take the glass and put it near the candle. Light the candle and put the pentagram into the glass( wash it before). Then chant aloud: "Gods and Goddesses, and angels from above, give me an angelic voice so that I can sing in your name forever more!''.
Take out the pentagram( do not forget to wash it). Drink that egg yolk with milk and sugar slowly. After this blow the candle. After two weeks of doing this daily, you can have fun with your voice.
Last edited on Nov 21, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2023 - Fre-du-Jon Beauty
Put in a pot red sweet wine. Place the pot on a cooker stove and boil the wine. After this add rosemary, cinnamon and a very little ment. Mix them together. Then take a glass of wine, put it in front of the red candle, light the candle and chant: '' Purify me, so that I can be beautiful! Because this is the wish of my heart, the love of my soul and the destiny of my body. So mote it be!''
So drink a glass of that blessed wine every day before you go to sleep untill you see the difrences. This spell will not change your body, but it will make you feel more beautiful and it will make you healtier, so you will look better:) it will take between a month to 24 months to work, it depends on each body.
Last edited on Dec 24, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2024 - Luscious Locks
First put the lavender water in a small bowl , then add the olive oil and egg , mix together these ingredients. Next cut the lemon in half . Squeeze both half's into the bowl , as you squeeze the lemons chant the following
"This hair of mine is poor, not fine
I make it glow with beauty divine.
This hair of mine will dance and shine ."
Once you are finished carefully massage what is in the bowl over your head still repeating the spell , keep it on for about a half hour and let the magic do its work. Wash it off with warm water. Do this once a week.
Last edited on Nov 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2025 - Become a Vampire in a Week
1st light your candle if you use one. Aafter that get comfortable and relax, then say: "Vampires of the night, please let me join the undead, and let me have fangs and red eyes when in contact with blood. If I dont have a charm in the sunlight I shall burn but not die, I shall be able to ___ (you say what powers you want) and this is my will so mote it be".
You need to say this 10x at night and if it doesnt work this isnt the spell for you
Last edited on Nov 21, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2026 - Animal Ears
Light the candle. Then concentrate on the animals picture while chanting this 12 times: "Gods and godesses, give me ears. Ears, ears by the power of three. Give me (animal) ears, so mote it be".
Last edited on Nov 20, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2027 - Healing a Cut
Eat something first, then meditate. Focus on the cut you want to heal and chant:
"Rivers of blood:
Stop your flow".
Now imagine the cut being stitched up or closed. Chant:
"Rivers of blood:
Remove this cut from me.
Stop the flow,
So mote it be".
Last edited on Nov 19, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2028 - Change Cup Size
Help me, help me, help me please
Please make her breasts be cup size *
Soon they will be
Soon they will be
Soon they'll be cup size *
Note 1: can substitute * with A, B, C,or D
Note 2: can substitute her with my
#2029 - Prayer to Cassiel
#2030 - Attract Him
Write the victims name on the paper. Roll up the paper and tie on the red string. Light candle and chant; 'This represents the spark in my heart"
Then hold the paper by the string and letit burn while chanting; 'And this is what your heart will do, it will melt for me and only me, so mote it be'. Place ashes in the locket,and wear when around the victim!
Last edited on Nov 19, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.