2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- To Heal the Soul
- Skin/Acne Healing
- To Banish Personal Negativity
- Love Spell
- Body Swap
- Mind Control
- How to Hurt or Kill Someone
- Meditation and the Astral Plane
- Choose Your Next Life
- Clear Acne
#2051 - To Heal the Soul
To heal your soul: soak up the Sun's Blessing light, these words at length please do recite:
To Heal the Soul
"With these words, my spirit bright,
Take my soul and seize the light.
A helping hand to healing lend,
So I return to health again."
Last edited on Nov 13, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2052 - Skin/Acne Healing
First, take a bath. Find a comfortable place in the bedroom. Place dominate hand over face. Close your eyes. Imagine the ocean or something relaxing with water in it. Chant three times:
'Goddess heal me, so mote it be!'
Move fingers over the irritation. Imagine it smooth, flat, and healthy. It should feel as though the problem is almost healthy and healed. Thank the Goddess. The problem should be gone within a few days or more.
Last edited on Nov 14, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2053 - To Banish Personal Negativity
Consecrate the water. Bless the salt and sprinkle some onto the altar. Add a little salt to the water. Hold the water up to the sky and say:
'I ask the Lord and Lady to let this be the receiver of all my negativity, so that I may cleanse myself and become whole once more. Blessed be'.
Place the bowl down safely. Dip fingers and thumbs of both hands into the water. Visualize all negative thoughts and feelings moving through your hands down into the water. Visualize all negative thoughts and feelings moving through your body, through your arms, and out from your hands into the water. As you do so, notice that you are becoming lighter from losing the weight that has been on your mind. When you are done, remove your hands, shaking the last drops into the bowl. Hold the bowl up and say:
'I ask the Lord and Lady to take this negativity and through Their power and the power of the Elements to keep me safe in their hands. Blessed be.'
Afterwards, pour the water on the earth(if not possible, down the drain).
Last edited on Nov 14, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2054 - Love Spell
1. Light the candles.
2. Grab the bowl and pour the bottle of love oil into the bowl.
3. Then put in the gummies and mnm's into the bowl and pour all of them in at the same time.
4. Mix them together until it is all completely mixed together.
5. Then pour it into the beaker and put some of the flame from both candles and put it into the tube then stir it again.
6. Cover it with some kind of cap.
7. Then hide it in your pocket or if your a girl you can put into your bra.
Last edited on May 13, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2055 - Body Swap
Light the blue/white candle and the pink candle. Use the color of candle to denote the sex of yourself and the other person. Once the candles are lit, say: "Gods and Goddesses, please let me switch bodies with (name). I really hope my request will be heard. So mote it be". Hold the picture of the other person over the flames.
Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2056 - Mind Control
Put the 4 candles in a triangle and light the candles. As you do this, say: "Dear Gods and Goddesses. Please let me control the mind of (person). Please, so mote it be". And go to sleep.
By the morning, the candles should be burnt out. You will now be able to control the other persons thoughts.
Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2057 - How to Hurt or Kill Someone
Pour the milk into the blender. Add peppers, beer, and ten drops of hot sauce. Then add the bottle of eyeliner, colon, worms and dirt. After that, blend the ingredients for about two minutes.
While mixing say, "Gods and Goddesses, let me hurt or kill (person's name)". When finished, pour the mixture into an empty bottle. Add food dye and make the person drink it.
Last edited on Nov 13, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2058 - Meditation and the Astral Plane
Put your music on and get into a sitting position then concentrate hard on nothing else but the beat of the music. Do this for more than five minutes until you feel calm and relaxed through every part of your body mind and soul. Then push your spirit out of your body until you see the spirit world and the places beyond it .
Last edited on Nov 16, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2059 - Choose Your Next Life
Light the candle. Put the picture next to the candle. Then say "Gods and goddesses please let me comeback as my picture". Let the candle go out then go to bed but only after the candle goes out
Last edited on Aug 14, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2060 - Clear Acne
Light the candles and place them in a semicircle around you (this is optional)
Put all the herbs into the bowl and pour the water over them
Leave to steep for fifteen minutes.
Strain the water into a bottle and leave to cool.
Apply to face daily
Ta da acne gone!!!
Last edited on Apr 14, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.