2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Avoid Being Out of Breath
- Binding
- Inner Beauty
- Spice Up Your Life
- Anger
- Cure the Illness
- Cookies that give you power
- Mirror Beauty
- Your Hands Will Lift By Themseleves
- Grow Quick
#2241 - Avoid Being Out of Breath
Under your breath chant, "The breath that leaves me, stay inside. For I can't abide to learn to pass this skill. So mote it be, as I will".
#2242 - Binding
Take a piece of paper and write the name of the person that is to be
bound on a 3 x 3 piece of paper, using a black ink pen or a
While you do this visualize the face of the person on your mind.
When you have written the name across it with an inverted
pentacle (5 pointed star with a circle).
Fold the paper twice and take a rubber band and tie the paper with
it. Raise it up to your temple and chant three times the following
"To be protected from you,
This magic charm I will do,
With this words I bind thee,
For you to let me be,
To be protected from your harm,
I now seal this charm.
Now place the paper on the right shoe and slam your feet on the
ground nine times (doesnt have to be so loud that everyone can
hear it). As you slam it ninth time say
So mote it be."
I hope you guys and girls enjoy this spell, it is really easy and to 19
do. If you have any questions just ask them.
#2243 - Inner Beauty
Rip the grass and chant:
"Green grass so bright
So light, Light up the sky tonight."
Add the water slowly
and chant:
"Glistening blue drops
Of magic glow
oh please do this, show
Me my beauty."
Add the flower (if used)
Repeat grass chant referring to your flower
Make a circle with your wool around your bowl
Now say each chant as one ( grass chant than water then flower(if used) the below:)
"Beauty shine forever and on
Lets get going for it is my plea
Listen to this my gentle song
I wish to be Beautiful
So mote it be."
#2244 - Spice Up Your Life
Mix the ingredients together and chant: "Spice my life up and give me hope. No more being sad, crying or mopes. With this I shall get the kick that I need to succeed. With this mix I cause good clicks". Sprinkle this onto your next meal.
#2245 - Anger
As soon as you feel rage bursting through your veins take 3 deep breaths and chant this :
"Forgive and forget
Love and let go
Feelings soften
Feelings flow
Like the river flows and flows
like the river flows and flows
Like the river finds the sea
So i'll flow in harmony
It's my will
So shall it be"
#2246 - Cure the Illness
Light all the candles. Think about the person you want to cure, what is wrong with them, what they have done for you. Chant:
"Ilness with curse, leave this person be,
cure 'em of (__), normal, let them be.
If we're not real, will we still cry?
Let me float in the heavenly skies"
#2247 - Cookies that give you power
In a small bowl, stir together flour, baking soda, coffe, baking powder. Set aside.
In a large bowl, cream together butter and sugar until smooth. Beat in the egg and vanilla. Gradually blend in dry ingredients. Add enough of the buttermilk to moisten the dough and make it soft, not wet.
Roll rounded teaspoons of dough into balls and place on a ungreased cookie sheet. With a brush or fingers, moisten the top of each cookie with the remaining buttermilk and slightly flatten the top of each cookie. Sprinkle with raw sugar or colored sprinkles.
Bake for 8 to 10 minutes or until slightly golden. Let stand for 2 minutes before removing to cool on a rack.
#2248 - Mirror Beauty
While staring into a mirror, chant: "Mirror mirror on the wall. I am the fairest of them all. You don't tell me, I tell you. Everyone will see my beauty through and through. So mote it be"
If using a handheld mirror, chant: "Mirror mirror in my hand. I am the fairest in the land. You don't tell me, I tell you. Everyone will see my beauty through and through. So mote it be"
#2249 - Your Hands Will Lift By Themseleves
Then,make the person count to 15 in their mind and when theyre done snap your fingers 15 times against their ears and cross their hands 15 times.
Now,make the person count to 10 in their mind and snap your fingers 10 times against their ears and cross the person's hands 10 times.
make person, count to 5 in their mind and snap your fingers 5 times against their ears and cross their hands 5 times.
Finally, make the person count to 1 in their mind and snap your fingers against their ears 1 time and cross their hands one time.
Now when all of this is done make person say a lot of times (its in spanish) ''Charlie Charlie, levantame las manos para que este juego se termine'' or they can say it in english ''charlie charle lift my hands so this game can be over'' (it works better if you say it in spanish and it doesnt work on everyone,mostly it works on kids and teenagers)
#2250 - Grow Quick
Stand in a quiet place and chant: "I am short and I am small. Make me grow two inches tall".