2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Soul Setting Tea
- Look like foxy from fnaf
- Magical Instruments - Needle for thy caster
- Magical Instruments - Ink for thy spells, incantations, pacts, etc...
- Magical Instruments - Pen for thy caster
- Magical Instruments - Knife of Black
- Healing headaches
- Easy Mermaid Spell
- High Health Tea
- clear skin spell
#281 - Soul Setting Tea
Begin by folding your coffee twice ( fold it in half vertically then fold the already folded sheet in half again horizontally this time).
Turn the paper so that the creased part is in an L shape
Do not cut the L, instead use the L part of your square
Unfold the square sheet
Place your herbs in the center
Fold the sheet into a similar design as an unsealed tea bag (make sure its not open on any sides except the top flap)
fold down the top flap and punch a hole in the middle of it
use your twine to tie it up
cut off the string till its a short or long as you want it.
If you want a paper tag as well fold a piece of the excess paper in half
cut it as you please
put a hold in it
tie it the the opposite end of the string that holds the tea bag.
*sorry if this is confusing.
enjoy your tea
#282 - Look like foxy from fnaf
Draw a ring of salt around you but the foxy plushie on the north side of the circle but the he strand of hair to the south of the circle (optional drip the blood on the foxy plushie for better chances of becoming a animatronic) then chant aloud 5x "I am tired of my body and whant change I want to look like foxy from five nights at Freddy's I want to become foxy please help me become foxy I beg of thee (shout this part) SO MOTE IT BE"
Eye irritation
Gums hurting
Hair slowly turning red
For increased chances of becoming a animatronic say everyday for a month takes 3 weks to a year for effects if it dose not happen into that time just keep trying and it will work tried it on myself and friend for me it took 4 months for friend 2 months also the animatronic form is not permanent you can stay in that form for up to 2 hours everyday bye!!!
#283 - Magical Instruments - Needle for thy caster
This blade needs to be crafted on a Thursday at 9 - 10 pm or 21:00 - 22:00 under the light of the full moon, what I mean is that everything listed in the "ingredients" needs to be collected & crafted just prior to crafting this blade.
On the night of Thursday in the hour of 9 while bathing in the full moon, take the steel needle and place it just over the fire for 3 seconds, repeat this 3 times.
Next, take both the moles blood and the flower juice and pour both on the needle to cool it.
lastly, chant the following while holding your needle to the moon:
"I conjure and form this instrument to serve me in my works of magic by the virtue and influence of the planet Jupiter, during whose day and hour of reign these were made! By virtue of the Elements, Gemstones, Herbs, Snow, Hail, and Winds! It is my will that you possess all the necessary virtues that I may succeed in all the works I intend! I invoke you, Oh great spirits, you, Damahu, Lumech, Gadal, Pancia, and Velaos, Merod, Lamidoch, Baldach, Ancreton, and Adonay, Metatron, to help me in every step of this work, that I may obtain the secrets of the highest science and be successful in my endeavors"
once done, place your needle into the red silk bag along with both powdered flowers.
on a side note, if you use pimpernel grass juice and black cats blood in place of the listed above the needle will work better if you have dark intentions while casting
Check out my other works to find a use for this new instrument. I generally provide a spell a week, If you would like a specific spell in the category of love/attraction/binding please message me
if you would like something other than those categories, message me with 3 *** in the subject line of the message, and I will review and consider the request
#284 - Magical Instruments - Ink for thy spells, incantations, pacts, etc...
Other than the fern branch needed for crafting this ink all other ingredients can be purchased or crafted in the case of the needle.
- Start off by taking the pit of a peach and reducing it to ash in a fire
- Next take your unused bowl and place the rainwater or river water into it.
- Take the Gum and Gall. Mix both extremely finely
- Add the ash of the peach pit, to the soot of a chimney. Make sure this mix it fine.
- Sift both mixtures into the filled bowl
- Next, take the coals of the fern and slowly add them to the bowl.
- You then have to stir this mixture once a day for 5 consecutive days for 5 minutes bathing in the light of the waning moon.
- Lastly, take your Magical Instruments needle and prick any finger on your left hand, adding 2 drops of blood to the mixture.
Congrats, you have made magical ink. this is used in succession with the Magical Instruments Pen to weave spells, make pacts, and perform magics.
Last edited on Nov 16, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#285 - Magical Instruments - Pen for thy caster
First, to gain this item you need a live goose, so for those in a city, it may need to be bought from a reliable supplier.
take your goose in your arms on a Thursday night at 12am or 24:00, In the light of the full moon chant this while plunging the white knife into his heart:
"I sacrifice you, oh marvelous, unequaled bird, in this solemn hour in honor of the mighty and sublime Adonay, to who I devote the first of my works, that you through the gift of your magical feathers, serve me well in all my experiments."
Finally, take the fifth feather on the right wing at the bone ridge of the wing.
everyone who knows or have used magic, know that it comes with sacrifice. just know that any spells I have posted do work, and are some of the strongest I know of for love or binding.
#286 - Magical Instruments - Knife of Black
First off, thank you for going through this process. I promise you if done properly this instrument can conduct magical energies when performing any of my other spells.
This blade needs to be crafted on a Saturday at 10 - 11 pm or 22:00 - 23:00 under the light of the new moon, what I mean is that everything listed in the "ingredients" needs to be collected & crafted just prior to crafting this blade.
On the night of Saturday in the hour of 10 while bathing in the dark of night, take the steel blade and place it just over the fire for 3 seconds, repeat this 3 times.
Next, take both the cats blood and the grass juice and pour both on the blade to cool it.
Following the cooling, take the goat horn and leather strips and tie the horn to the base of the blade as a hilt.
lastly, chant the following while holding your new blade to the stars:
"I conjure and form this instrument to serve me in my works of magic by the virtue and influence of the planet Jupiter, during whose day and hour of reign these were made! By virtue of the Elements, Gemstones, Herbs, Snow, Hail, and Winds! It is my will that you possess all the necessary virtues that I may succeed in all the works I intend! I invoke you, Oh great spirits, you, Damahu, Lumech, Gadal, Pancia, and Velaos, Merod, Lamidoch, Baldach, Ancreton, and Adonay, Metatron, to help me in every step of this work, that I may obtain the secrets of the highest science and be successful in my endeavors"
once done, place your new knife into the red silk bag along with both powdered flowers.
Check out my other works to find a use for this new instrument. I generally provide a spell a week, If you would like a specific spell in the category of love/attraction/binding please message me
Last edited on Apr 03, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#287 - Healing headaches
Place your writing hand on to your stomach. Recite;
"Cuckerdya pal m're per
Caven save misece
Cuckerdya pal m're per
Den miseceske from odry prejial!"
Last edited on Oct 04, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#288 - Easy Mermaid Spell
Pour water into a bowl or cup
Add as much salt as you like
Put ring in water and mix until salt has completely dissolve
Chant 3 times:
Mermaids of the Ocean Blue
Make me what I wish to be
Make me one of you
When wet a mermaid, when dry a human
This is my wish so mote it be
#289 - High Health Tea
First mix all ground herbs stating the name of each herb and what you want it to help (stating herbs and uses is optional) and put a half a teaspoon to a whole teaspoon of the mix at the bottom of the cup. Make your tea. Pour the tea into your cup with mix at the bottom. Thoroughly stir. Add Honey/Sugar as needed. Pray to your deity (optional). Believe strongly in your ability to get better and enjoy beverage.
#290 - clear skin spell
To get your clear skin you will need to be sitting/standing in front of a clean mirror. Have every light off in the room you are in (apart from the candle). Have your hands in a cup-shape with the candle lit and located within your hands.
Chant 3x repeatedly after each other:
'a desire, a wish, clear skin would be bliss.
goddess Aphrodite, it would be a delight
to have the clearest skin in all the light
a desire, a wish, clear skin would be bliss.'
after chanting 3x, blow out the candle. Blemishes/redness ect. will disappear.