2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
Included in this list of 2482 Beauty Spells
- Invoking Love Ritual
- Love Yourself (Bath of Herbs)
- Kid spell
- Dragan spell
- Mermaid spell #2
- Insouciant/mermaid spell
- Prayer for Strength in a Time of Need
- Get Rid Of Acne and Other Imperfections
- Shower Meditation
- merry sleep
#361 - Invoking Love Ritual
Crystals can be used in ritual; here is an example using Rose Quartz to invoke love.
You may need:
4 pieces of Rose Quartz
1 large Amethyst
Candles and candle holders
Silk cloth
Second, take your Rose Quartz crystals into your hands and sit facing your table (if the crystals are large, do one at a time.) Close your eyes and quietly attune to the crystals. Let their energy flow through your hands, up your arms, and into your heart. As the energy reaches your heart, feel it open and expand. Touch the crystals to your heart. Rose Quartz is a powerful heart cleanser and healer, so allow your heart to be purified by the energies of the crystals.
Then say, out loud: ''I am a magnet for love. I welcome love into my heart.'' Place the crystals around the Amethyst on the table and say out loud: ''And love into my life.'' Sit quietly for a few moments with your eyes focused on the crystals. When you are ready to complete the ritual, get up and blow out each candle in turn, saying: ''I send your light and love into the world.'' Either leave the crystals on the table or place them around your bed.
BabyWitchh has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Dec 03, 2017
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on Dec 03, 2017
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Last edited on Mar 31, 2022
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#362 - Love Yourself (Bath of Herbs)
You have to really love and appreciate yourself. If you want anybody else to love and appreciate you, that's where it starts. It doesn't start from meeting someone to fill in the missing parts of yourself. So you want to embrace and love yourself. This is a spell taken from a Wiccan Love Spell video on YouTube ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKYaruKA05I )
You may need:
1 photograph of yourself as a child (placed on your alter)
Water (warm bath)
White handkerchief or a red piece of cloth
Tea bag: e.g. Honey, peach, ginger tea (green tea is also acceptable)
Pink ribbon or a red ribbon
Journal or a pen and paper
Mortar and pestle or a knife
Candles (red / pink)
You may need:
1 photograph of yourself as a child (placed on your alter)
Water (warm bath)
White handkerchief or a red piece of cloth
Tea bag: e.g. Honey, peach, ginger tea (green tea is also acceptable)
Pink ribbon or a red ribbon
Journal or a pen and paper
Mortar and pestle or a knife
Candles (red / pink)
What you're doing is a symbolic enactment. One of the best ways to do a love spell for yourself is a bath; because water is the element of love.
So you go to the kitchen cabinet and you pull out a number of ingredients. And you can put them in a white handkerchief, or a red piece of cloth. Red: symbol of love, passion, desire; which you need for yourself.
Grab some cinnamon, then lavender, which is very relaxing. Then add some rosemary and some peppermint which is great for cleansing and purification. After you put that in, go to your tea cabinet, and you pull out a tea bag. Open it up, and add it to the mixture of herbs.
And what you want to do is use your nose; because the artistry of spell casting is very sensual. If you want to grind them together, you would grind it in a clockwise manner, Using a mortar and pestle, but you may also use the butt end of a knife.
Grind them together; put them back in the cloth; tie it up with a little pink ribbon, or a red ribbon; and run a warm bath. Then dump in the herbs and then soak. You can also add candles; red and pink will do to represent love.
When you get out of the bath, look yourself in the mirror and tell that child that you love them.
BabyWitchh has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Dec 03, 2017
#363 - Kid spell
Mey not work *become a kid for one day*
Chant 5 times: I shall become a kid for one whole day so I could do ******** for the day and have childishActions so mote it be
Ehehpotato has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Dec 03, 2017
#364 - Dragan spell
Might not work
Chant 3 times: I give you my plea God and goddesses please make me a dragan I will turn when you want I would like black color eyes,wings,I would like ******** color wings so mote it be
Ehehpotato has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Dec 03, 2017
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on Dec 03, 2017
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Last edited on Feb 10, 2020
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#365 - Mermaid spell #2
This is not 100% real so sorry if it doesn't work for you.
You may need:
A glass bowl (I used a fish bowl)
Your suliva (spit)
Add objects you got from the sea (I used shells)
Mermaid objects (figures, shells, mermaid writin papers)
2 Fake flowers
your favorite piece of jewelry
2. Add ALOT of salt, stir
3. Spit in it twice and stir.
4. Add the objects from the sea, stir.
5.Add more water, stir.
6. Add mermaid objects, stir.
7.Add fake flowers, stir.
8.Say this twice:
''A mermaid I want to be,
But not permanately!
With a tail of gold and blue!
and the power of freezing shaping and heating!
When I'm neck deep or deeper in
My tail will grow,
I will
As easily and painlessly as on land,
When I'm dry or in the water,
From the knee down,
I will have legs and be human,
Oh a mermaid i wish to be!
Witches one and witches all,
Give this power to me!
But BEWARE the full moon,
Touch water in it's view,
And you'll be a mermaid for
24 hours,
Witches one and witches all,
A mermaid I wish to be,
So give this power to ME!
9.As you say ''ME'', throw in your fave peice of jewlery.
10.Take some out some and rub it on your legs.
11.Repeat step 8
12. Dry off but leave your feet wet.
Your legs should be very itchy right away.
Aleahiscool has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Jul 22, 2017
#366 - Insouciant/mermaid spell
This is a true mermaid spell if ur brave or just really wanna become a mermaid!!!
There are tons of spells and potions and rituals out there and I've done my share of research. But one spell that keeps popping up is the Insouciant spell. I've heard it's effective but I'm too scared to try it since it comes with a long list of unappealing side effects including nausea, fatigue, difficulty breathing, coughing fits, thirst , mood swings, salt cravings, and headaches. If you're brave enough (or desperately want to become a mermaid) to attempt this spell here it is:(say the spell ten times)
Insouciant inclemency
Redoubtable mediocracy
Refutable humanity
Make me what I wish to be
A mermaid
Witches* one, witches* all
Give this power to me
In-soo-see-ent in-klem-en-see
Re-dow-ta-bull mee-dee-o-kra-see
Re-few-ta-bull hew-man-i-tee
Make me what I wish to be
A mermaid
Witches* one, witches* all
Give this power to me
Meaning of the Spell (this is a word for word translation so it might not make sense):
Carefree severe
Formidable ruled by mediocrity
Proven false humankind
Make me what I wish to be
A mermaid
Witches* one, witches* all
Give this power to me
*you don't have to be a witch for this spell to work
When reciting the spell some part of you has to be touching water otherwise something really bad will happen.
You have to be a believer for this spell to work.
You have to be wearing something that is special to you (earrings, bracelet, necklace) this will become your symbol. You have to wear your symbol while reciting the spell and you cannot take it off for more than 2 hours at a time for the rest of your life.
It takes a month to become a mermaid.
After casting the spell do not look at the moon. Apparently the moon will take control of you much like in h2o.
There are some good side effects too, like extended lung capacity and the ability to sing really well.
Not everyone is effected by side effects but this is a rare exception and you also may not have done the spell right. Some girls experience other strange side effects like '' I was about to get out of the shower i felt like i was gonna fall''.
Hope you don't go through too much discomfort and I hope it's all worth it in the end!
Aleahiscool has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Jul 22, 2017
#367 - Prayer for Strength in a Time of Need
As the title suggests you use this prayer to gain help from a divine being in cases of danger
To begin, I recommend that you meditate until you are focused, however, this is not required. Lower yourself to your knees, in a bowing position, and chant calmly focusing on your words and them reaching the deity your are praying to.
"Gods and Goddesses hear my call. I fear for my safety and beg on my knees, oh help me to protect myself and my home grant me the power. I need to be known. Oh help me please. I offer (Something decent) in return for your deeds."
This spell can be modified in many ways, if you wish it. You may work in a specified power so you know what your getting or you cant trust them to decide.
stspeer has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Nov 30, 2017
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Last edited on Sep 27, 2019
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#368 - Get Rid Of Acne and Other Imperfections
A quick spell you can do with objects in your home.
You may need:
1 pen, penicl, or marker
1 piece of paper
1 large pentacle (on paper)
1 sewing needle (of any kind)
1 pinch of cinnamon
1 pinch of nutmeg
Any extras such as stones, leaves...optional but do add to the elemental power.
Take your other piece of paper that is NOT your pentacle and draw a circle on it. Say, ''this circle represents my face.'' Draw various shapes such as circles, squares, straight or squiggly lines. Each time you draw a new shape say out loud what it represents.
EX: ''These squares represent any scabs and scars on my face.''
(The shapes you draw should be inside the circle you drew, on your 'face'')
Once finished drawing take the paper and fold it in half three times, you should have a thick rectangle. Take some cinnamon and smear it over the outside and then take the needle and say
''As this needle penetrates this paper so shall the magic penetrate my face. Second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour each blemish shall fade,so by the time that I wake all blemishes shall be gone from my face.''
Stab the needle through the middle of the paper until it comes out on the other side then STOP and with the needle still in the paper (it's sticking out on both sides so you can set the paper down at a kind of angle), set it down in the center of your pentacle and sprinkle nutmeg all aorund the perimeter of the pentacle.
Say, ''This is my will, so mote it be. This is my will, so mote it be. This is my will, so mote it be. By the power of three, change I shall see.''
Wait until the next morning and then take your pentacle and paper with the needle still in it and bury it anywhere in the ground. Pour water over the spot. Look in the mirror and praise your power, you have clear skin now!
twicca_ has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Nov 27, 2017
#369 - Shower Meditation
Use this technique to cleanse away your stress and anxiety.
Every time you take a shower, visualize washing your stress and anxiety. Concentrate on the feel of the water upon your skin. Envision the power of the water washing away your negative thoughts. Feel sadness, regret, anger, and depression washing right off of you. Let it all go down the drain, you'll start to feel lighter and much more clear.
babywiccan has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Nov 13, 2017
#370 - merry sleep
for help sleeping
Merry sleep and happy sheets // melatonin keep my tired feet // light of sun be gone away // light of moon shine dimly and give me shade // drowsiness take over me // awake begone and fade // cannabis help me // restlessness go away // take me to a tranquil quay // in my bed all night ill stay // resting deep no rustling of the hay // may i sleep sleep sleep in my happy sheets // warm and tranquil // my feet wont dangle // bless my sheets and part my cheeks // warm blankets keep my feet // merry sleep and happy sheets
Trojan has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Nov 19, 2017
2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters