2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Draconic Power
- Calming Meditation
- Passion On Your Doorstep
- Key to Your Heart
- Silver Ring Love Charm
- Emotion Eye Color Change
- Noodles Mmagic
- Superhuman Abilities
- Warming
#521 - Draconic Power
Light the candles, and dip the blank paper in the holy water. Set the dragon charm onto the paper. Hold the paper above the three candles (which are placed in a triangular formation in the middle of a magickal pentagram).
Chant: "Dragon, Air, Earth, Water, Fire. Make this spell Magic, so mote it be. Formidable dragons, show me your power. Take my offering, and give me strength." Drip the liquid Dragonsbane onto the dragon charm. Then rub the leaves of Dragonsbane and pinch of Dragon Blood onto the rope.
Continue chanting: "Your strength will be mine, so mote it be." Tie a strong knot in the rope. String the dragon charm onto the rope and blow out the candles. Lay the charm (still on the rope) under your pillow, and go to sleep. The next morning, wear the dragon charm on a regular string (no longer on the rope) around your neck, and dragon power will be yours.
Last edited on Jan 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#522 - Calming Meditation
Count by doubles starting at 1. As you keep going you find you'll focus more on counting and less on the problem
Last edited on Jan 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#523 - Passion On Your Doorstep
You don't need to be too precise with the herbs. Two or three pinches of each would be fine, just try to use the same amount for all the herbs. Stir everything together in a bowl, while you concentrate on drawing love and passion into your life.
Using your fingers, sprinkle the mixture around your front doorstep. Don't just pour it all out in one spot. Wash your hands well afterwards, and wait for love to come knocking at your door.
Last edited on Jan 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#524 - Key to Your Heart
After the 2 weeks are up, bury the roses outside and keep the horseshoe and key someplace safe near your bed. They will draw a new love to you within a month.
#525 - Silver Ring Love Charm
You need to perform this spell under the light of a full moon, so hopefully the skies will be clear for you or you should wait for another night.
Wrap the ring in the cloth, and bury it under ground. Sit quietly and watch the moon as you concentrate on the qualities you are seeking in a new love relationship. Pour the wine over the spot where you burying the ring, and recite the spell:
"Blessed Goddess, fair and true
This silver gift I offer you
Bless this ring and make it shine
Bring a lover to be mine"
Leave the ring for a month, and dig it up on the next full moon. From that day on, wear it every day to attract your true love to you. If you live in an apartment with no access to any "ground", you can try this spell using a large flowerpot filled with earth instead.
Last edited on Jul 04, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#526 - Emotion Eye Color Change
Write down the color you want to change to with your emotion (ex: red eyes - angry, blue eyes - sad, etc..). After that, think of what you made you sad, angry, etc for each emotion you wrote down. Say the spell 3x
"I have emotions
I want my eyes to go with it
Change my eye color
To what expression I do
My eyes to my emotion
My emotion to my eyes
Grant me this
After (the time you want spell to work)
This shall stay until I reverse
So please grant me this
So mote it be"
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#527 - Noodles Mmagic
Just say with pointing clockwise in noodle bowl:
"As this noodle wave,
As this meal vibrate ,
Vibrate me with magical power,
As the good will stay
And bad thing be gone
This meal make me full of energy
Full energy until I satisfied,
So be it"
Chant three times.
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
SAY SPELL 3 times.
Mind, Mind, Mind, Flick the switch.
Make me emotionless, Let me never to feel hate or hurt again.
Let me hear horrible things and never to breakdown with rain of tears. God God God you gave me this, You gave you the choice, You gave me the Choice, The Choice to never feel. I Will not hurt,... I will not feel. I shall not feel until it's dawn.
I Shall never ever feel again until it's dawn, I will remember my family who have passed away and family who are living as they are, but never shall I shed a tear of the passed away, I will not feel, I will not hurt, I will not hurt, I will never feel hurt.
From today and on I will not feel.
I will not care for the rest of my existence.
So mote it Be!
EFFECTS: **Don't worry you will not hurt anyone during the mind transtion.**
Last edited on Oct 31, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#529 - Superhuman Abilities
Say 1x: "By day and by night sun and moon give me (2 abilities) to use for good, so mote it be"
Last edited on Jan 20, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#530 - Warming
Think about warm things, like fire, a nice shower, hot cocoa, something that's warm. Then concentrate and think about that warmth spreading through your body. Repeat until you feel warm enough.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.