2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Stop Loosing Breath
- Eye Color Change Spell
- Activating Your Powers
- Eye Color Changing
- Hair Straighten Spell
- Hair Growth
- Become a Yo-kai
- 600 Years Of Perfect Health
- Light as a Feather
- Attractiveness
#531 - Stop Loosing Breath
Say chant 3x:
"Every time I walk I always seem to loose my breath.
I wish to loose it no more so note it be."
Last edited on Jan 16, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#532 - Eye Color Change Spell
What to do:
Stare into the color of what you want your eyes to be
for 10 seconds.
Imagine your eyes changing color for how long you want
Say this spell 3x
"I call on the 4 Elements
To change my eye color
From (your eye color) to (new eye color)
By the power of 3
Change the color of my eyes please
They will stay until I reverse this
Right now, this is what I wish
Power of the elements
Please hear me.
Change my eye color please
So mote it be."
For "From (your eye color) to (new eye color)" you put the color
of your eyes in the first and the color you want your eyes to be in the second.
Last edited on Aug 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#533 - Activating Your Powers
factus liberatio heka
Dunk your face in the water for as long as you can.
Go to sleep within an hour of the spell. It will take a while for you to be sleep, but you will eventually. When you awake, your Powers should be activated. Within two days, you must choose your magical path: Elemental Power, Healing Power, or the Gemini Path*.
After choosing your path, you can only do the Chosen magic. If you don't Choose, your magic will close forever. To choose Elemental Power, you must take a leaf from the ground, put it in a bowl of water and chant once: elementum factus
To choose Healing Power, dip your finger in water, smear it across your forehead and chant: factus medice
Good luck on your Witching journey!
*Choosing the Gemini Path takes another set of incantations. Message me through this site for additional information on how to choose the Gemini Path. I will not publisize the incantation, for it is different for every Witch.
#534 - Eye Color Changing
Go somewhere where you won't be disturbed, whether it's the bathroom or a bedroom, just make sure no one will bug you. Take out the mirror and look at your eyes. Keep looking at them until they seem to be flickering between colors. Also, don't blink, as that will ruin the spell. Imagine your eyes in the color of your choice, visualize them changing into that color. If your eyes are a different color after you blink, then you did it!
Last edited on Dec 31, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#535 - Hair Straighten Spell
Say this spell once:
"Hair, hair, thick and brown,
Please get rid of this sad old frown.
I ask for you to curl no more,
Cause curly hair is such a bore.
Instead grow straight, straight as a board,
And make disappear this curly hoard.
This will happen in (amount of time), you'll see,
This is my will so mote it be."
Last edited on Jan 16, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#536 - Hair Growth
You can do this spell while brushing your hair; here is the incantation: "Hair, hair, thick and brown, Please remove this sad old frown. Borrow some of my own strength And grow to a (#) length. It'll happen in (time), you see, This is my will, so note it be".
Last edited on Jan 15, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#537 - Become a Yo-kai
Say: "I wish to be a yo-Kai,yo-Kai,yo-Kai,yo-Kai,yo-Kai,oh please make me a yo-kai of the (tribe) tribe with the power of (power) this is my will, so mote it be"
Last edited on Jan 15, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#538 - 600 Years Of Perfect Health
Hold a gathering of two or more people and start a campfire in the name of Och. After the fire is started place sweet food into the flames as the food offering. Light incense around and place the sigil of Och into the flame, then request his blessing for a long life.
Last edited on Jan 14, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#539 - Light as a Feather
First, before you get started. This spell doesn't make you feel lighter gradually, it is very sudden, and can be quite surprising. The moment I feel light I'm always shocked out of concentration, so this is a momentary spell.
To start, go to your place outside that is quiet and has a totally clear view of the sky, and lay down. Don't do anything just yet, just relax. Clear your mind, and look to the sky. Relax, and try to let your body become loose and relaxed. This is the meditation step.
Next, now that you've relaxed, direct your thoughts to the sky. Think about just how big it is, how high it goes. The sky is very large, almost endless. There is a lot of space between you and the edge of the sky, earth's atmosphere.
Now that you've pictured how high the sky is, picture how deep it is, and the space beyond it. The sky is large, but where it ends the pitch black abyss of space starts. It goes on and on continuously, swallowing all. Try to feel it being deep like the ocean, but bottomless, and engulfing everything.
*Suddenly, the sky switches from feeling tall to feeling deep, and you feel extremely light. You'll feel like you'll fall into the deep ocean of the sky. The sudden weightlessness is like when you're dreaming and you fall, it surprises you so much you jump and wake yourself up. I always jump, even when I know what to expect.
Last edited on Nov 21, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#540 - Attractiveness
Chant 3x: "To everyone I shall be as attractive as can be"
Last edited on Jan 14, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.