2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Attract Love
- Crocodile/Aligator Shifter
- Singing Ritual
- Pokémon Shifting
- Stop Turning Into a Mermaid
- Turn Someone Into a Baby
- Control the Sky
- Shapeshifting
- Winged Neko Spell
- Confidence
#591 - Attract Love
''Goddess Aphrodite above
Help me find and appreciate love''
Now burn the rose petal as an offering.
Note: If you don't worship Aphrodite, you may replace that part of the chant with whichever god or goddess you see fit.
Last edited on May 13, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#592 - Crocodile/Aligator Shifter
Say this at night time 5 times then drink the water: "Spirits of the moon, I wish to be a (crocodile/alligator) shifter that can transform just by thinking of myself as a crocodile or alligator. So please bless this water with the power to make me a crocodile or alligator shifter".
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#593 - Singing Ritual
Say ''I receive a singing voice''
Drink your tea.
You can sing along to songs you know and learn to stay in key if you really want to do it.
#594 - Pokémon Shifting
Chant: (replace the question marks with the name of your Pokémon)
"A (?) in spirit, so shall I be
My body will change and my true form run free
(?)! (?)! Come out! Be free!
I am a (?)! This is me!
And when I wish, human again I shall be!
Changing back and forth as I please,
Human to (?) and back when I need!
Gods above, grant this to me.
This is my will, so mote it be!"
Now focus on the image of your Pokémon, in the colours you want, with the additions you want (if any).
Possible side effects: (better list will be on my profile)
- Acting more like the chosen Pokémon
- Aches and pains
- Nausea
- Pokémon dreams
- Bits of fluff, fur, scales, etc. on skin
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#595 - Stop Turning Into a Mermaid
Put your legs in the bath, and have them merge into a tail. Then, cover it in salt. Prick your finger over the bowl, then prick your tail and let the blood drip into the bowl. Then, put more salt on your tail and wrap it in the towel before lighting the candles. Start rubbing your tail on the ground to dry it. Concentrate your mermaid energy into the candles until the black contains the negatives and the white the positives. Chant slowly, while holding the sea glass:
"I wish to always have my legs
And never have a tail
Even six feet under water
My toes will never scale
This mermaid blessing quickly changed
And now it is a curse
Quickly, take this tail away
Before it gets any worse
I wish to be human through and through
And run from the sea
As my mermaid body
Is betraying me
And this bond I break
My soul is now set free
And as I end my mermaid life
I remain the human me!"
Your tail should be dry by now, and you should have legs. Smash the shell with the hammer, then blow out the candles, sending the mermaid energy away. Wipe the salt off your legs and clean up, then place the shell pieces in the bloody water and throw it outside. (Don't throw the bowl! Just the water.)
Last edited on Sep 11, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#596 - Turn Someone Into a Baby
Get the bowl of water and place it at a table (or flat surface). Take the picture and place it behind the bowl of water, and take the strand that you got from the victim and place it in the bowl of water and say these word:
"Human that cries like baby; by turning into what (he or she) sounds like"
Say this three times and they will be transformed.
Last edited on May 08, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#597 - Control the Sky
''Ancient Gods and Goddesses, I invoke thee, hear my plea, and let it be. ( say request)
Ancient Gods and Goddesses, I invoke thee, hear my plea, so mote it be.''
This has worked every time for me, even on my first test, so I'm pretty sure you will be successful . This is also my first spell and am really proud of it.
#598 - Shapeshifting
Take the gemstone and cup it in your hands. Chant:
"In the sea, an island floats
In the island, there is a forest
In the forest, there is a clearing
In the clearing lies a large flat stone
Reflecting the Moon.
And if to the stone comes a man
Who presses his hand to its surface
And chants three times around it
In praise to the Moon
His face will reflect in the stone
And change to his will
And when his hand is removed
He shifts as well
Until he is the figure reflected."
Lower the gemstone into the water. Chant:
"Water, reflecting the Moon!
Serve as the stone
That changed man and beast!
And as I chant three times around
Allow me to painlessly change my form
And return to my original form when I wish it
And change in any way I wish
With no limitations to my body or mind!
And as the water reflects me,
I am one with the water!
And if I am to drink
I will become the one
That changes man and beast
And my form will be changed whenever I wish."
Close your hands around the gemstone. Chant three times:
"Stone of night, stone of sight!
The great Moon shines her light!
Fire and air, water and earth
Cross planes as death is as birth!
Fur, skin, feather, scale!
Eye, claw, tooth, tail!
Change me, twist my form anew
And bring my shape for all to view!
Moon's light bares my dream to the air
A new body for me to wear!
And soon my changes I will see!
This is my will, and mote it be!"
Then leave the gem in the water and mix in crushed basil. Put the morning glory flowers in whole (one is enough, but more is fine), and then take the strings. Braid them, and chant this as you do it.
"Black to aid me and change my form
Brown for the earth and magic of animals
Blue for the seas and the astral form
And beads of white to hold all together and power my soul."
Tie the other end so it doesn't come undone, and thread on three beads before tying into a loop. Soak it for nine seconds, then take the purple ribbon and tie nine knots in it before looping it through the bead braid. Tie if you wish, but they only need to stay looped for the spell. Eat the apple, but squeeze a bit of juice into the water. Then drink the water, hold the bead braid, and chant:
"As long as the strings do not fray and unravel, I will be able to change my form. In at least nine days and nine nights I will have my power, nine months at most, and when it is mine it will be mine forever, painless and simple!"
Last edited on Dec 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#599 - Winged Neko Spell
Sit down and place the bowl on an even surface. Fill with milk. Add cat hair, a few of the fluffy bottom fibers on the feather, and your hair. Tape a bit of the hair outside the bowl so you don't swallow it. Add the gemstone. Put on the bracelet/ring and dip it without removing it. If you are using a necklace, you don't need to put it on yet. Just dip it. Hold the feather to your heart. Chant:
"This (item) is linked to this soul of mine
Human mingles with avian and feline
Two (colour of gemstone) wings sprout to full size
As their colour fills my eyes.
The ears and tail of a (colour e.g. calico, cinnamon tabby) cat grow in
Replacing my ears whenever they come in
I will have retractable fangs and claws
and a homing instinct if, while flying, I am lost.
My senses will be enhanced and keen
and my tongue will be rough so I can clean
When I wish, my cat parts and wings appear
and when I will them to go, they disappear
Completely human outside and in.
My eyes turn back and human ears grow in.
My instincts and heightened senses stay.
Even when everything else goes away,
when I want to become a winged Neko.
My cat parts and wings will grow
When I need to be a human
My body will return to normal again
This is the wish I ask of thee
This is my will, so mote it be!"
(You can read the spell off your phone if you want.)
When you're done, take the item out. If it's a necklace, put it on. Now drink the bowl. If you can, drink like a cat. Don't drink up the human hair, though! You have to drink the feather parts and cat hair, but don't choke on the gem.
Side effects on my profile. You will be able to turn into a Neko, avian, winged Neko, or just grow fangs and claws, by focusing on what parts of you change.
Be careful, just in case your parts grow in while you're in public! If you feel them growing, focus on staying human.
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#600 - Confidence
Relax yourself, you can sit or stand up if you prefer it, but I recommend to sit and breathe calmly. Then say once:
"Crown of the Life
Mouth of the Wise
My Reign is the Night
And I am The Light.
Before my feet
all shall surrender
Will to me, greet
when I smile and wave.
My Charm Shall Arise
Crown of the Life
Mouth of the Wise
At my Word Will Rise.
In the Eye of the Beholder
My Beauty Never Gets Older
Forever I'll be the Moulder
And even the Owner.
My Charm Shall Arise
Beauty that Never Dies
Words of the Wise
Will be mine in Sunrise."
This will work for the next day. It is all right to use it once per day, and works better if you perform it at night.
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.