2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Body Swap
- Body Swap Spell
- Change Your Eye Color Spell 2016 ~My Spell~
- Slimmer Waist 2016 ~My Spell~
- Bigger Butt Spell 2016 ~My Spell~
- Heat Spell
- Long Hair In 1 Day
- Hair Growth
- Warning Incense Burners Herbalists
- Werewolf Possession
#691 - Body Swap
"God and goddes please switch my soul with name please when swaping into this person please don't let other people know of me getting there traits fast please make the swap fell extramly good and don't let other people notice the changes but me when swaping I go were they are have there memories and everything please make it fast and within couple hours let me have the new bodie name please so mote it be."
Last edited on Apr 06, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#692 - Body Swap Spell
I conjure thee, O circle of power that thou Best a meeting place of love and joy and truth; a shield Against all wickedness and evil; a boundary between men and The realm of the might ones; a rampart and protection that Shall preserve and contain the power that we shall rise within thee.
Now Write On A Piece Of Paper ''Body Swap'' And Next To It Put The Item Related To You On One Side And The Item Related To Them On The Other Side Then Say This Spell
''Gods And Godessess Grant This Plea Help Me Swap Bodies With Thee,(Your Full Name) And (Victims Full Name) Shall Swap Bodies When I'm Around Them I'll Shall Say ''Swap Bodies'' Then We Shall Swap Bodies, When I Wanna Be Back In My Body I Shall Say ''Un-Swap Bodies'' And I'll Be Back In My Body But It Will Only Work If I Have The Charm Related To Me With Me So Note Of Be!!''
Starting To Look Like The Victim
Starting To Talk Like The Victim
Side Effects Will Go Away Right After Your First Actual Swap.
Subscribe To My YouTube Channel BeautyRuler And Beauty.Ruler
And Please Message Me More Requests.
#693 - Change Your Eye Color Spell 2016 ~My Spell~
Then Put One Drop In Each Eye And Don't Look In The Mirror Until The Next Day And It Should Have Worked
Side Effects:
Eyes Burning
Eyes Itching
Last edited on Jun 25, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#694 - Slimmer Waist 2016 ~My Spell~
Slimmer Waist Is What I Want It Is What I Desire I Need This Thinner Slimmer Waist Grant My Plea Gods A Goddesses Of Beauty Grant My Wish Of A Slimmer Waist So Mote It Be!!
Say This Doing 30 Power Up Crunches 2 Times Also
Do 25 Standing Side Crunches 3 Times While Saying The Spell
Do 30 Butterfly Twist 2 Times While Saying This Spell
Do This 3 Times A Week For That Slim Waist Also Try This With My Bigger But Spell To Become Slim Thick ;)
Side Effects:
Belly Burning
#695 - Bigger Butt Spell 2016 ~My Spell~
Say That Everyday While Doing 5 Squats Until Your But Is How You Wanted It.
Side Effects:
Butt Hurting
Thighs Hurting
I Didn't Test This Out But I'm Sure This Works.
#696 - Heat Spell
#697 - Long Hair In 1 Day
Cut the doll hair and cast a circle using the hair.
Make sure all the ingredients are in the circle.
While sprinkling salt around the circle chant this
1 time to banish any evil wickedness
"I conjure thee, O circle of power that thou
Best a meeting place of love and joy and truth; a shield
Against all wickedness and evil; a boundary between men and
The realm of the might ones; a rampart and protection that
Shall preserve and contain the power that we shall rise within thee."
Now time for the spell. Hold the oil and say:
"Within this oil that I hold, (Then Start Putting It In Your Hair) my hair shall grow like never seen before. My hair will be so healthy and beautiful Gods and Goddesses of beauty make my hair grow -- inches overnight as I sleep with the nourishing oil in my hair, my hair shall be the healthiest of all. So please make my hair the desired length when o wake, So Mote It Be!"
Side Effects:
Hair Itching and headaches but don't scratch it.
Don't Forget To Bless The Elements Before
Removing The Circle.
Write down the spell and make sure
You put 1 minute of energy into it
Before saying it.
Good Luck.
Last edited on Mar 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#698 - Hair Growth
Go into a bath or shower and wash your hair.
While washing your hair chant 3x:
"Stretch it twist it make it grow
like a river let it flow,
3x fast will this grow."
"By the power of 3 this is my will
So mote it be."
Last edited on Mar 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#699 - Warning Incense Burners Herbalists
If you are an herbalist who knows how, or is learning how to make incense and infusions, this is for you.
I just had a very bad experience with one of my homemade incenses. It started fairly normally, and then I could feel my head start to hurt, and the room became a very scary place when I shut the lights off to sleep.
If you have ever made an incense with all of the right ingredients, and you're just itching to test it, make sure that all of the ingredients are safe to inhale.
You may want to research it, and consider steaming it, or making an infusion.
This morning was also a bad experience.
Make sure you can burn something before you try it, some results can be lethal, and no one wants anyone getting hurt.
This warning is here simply to urge you to research what you make.
It will save you a lot of grief!
Last edited on Mar 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#700 - Werewolf Possession
You first need to draw what your companion will look like. Go wild! Next, color in the areas that need special attention. i.e.; eyes fur. Write things like height, weight, width, abilities, name, etc. Fold hamburger style and draw a pentagram as big as you can make it. Fold hamburger again and draw so mote it be as big as you can make it. That night put it under your pillow and think about it until you fall asleep, you need to dream about it in order for it to work. Say this once (1) times;
"Please bless me o spirits of the moon. grant me with the night child in which I have imagined. this is my will, so mote it be!"
The spell will take about 1-2 weeks to take effect. Enjoy the spell!!!
Last edited on May 21, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.