2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Cure a Headache
- Energy
- Weight Loss
- Turn into a Beautiful Fairy
- Dolphin Transformation Spell
- Peace
- Peace
- How to Become a Beautiful Angel
- Have More Stamina
- Opening the Chakras
#731 - Cure a Headache
Place the pillow on your head and take 3 deep breaths. Close your eyes and clear your mind.
Slowly imagine a monster scratching at your brain. Imagine you are battling the monster. When it is dead, take 3 more deep breaths. Open your eyes and remove the pillow.
Last edited on Apr 25, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#732 - Energy
Start with a basic 2-5min meditiation; focus on every sensation in your skin and body until you feel ready and relaxed.
When ready chant:
"I am drained, i am drained
Return my ki unto me
I am drained, i am drained
Lord and Lady hear my plea
Triple goddess Hecate
Please assist me with energy
So mote it be."
(Blow out candles)
Last edited on Oct 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#733 - Weight Loss
1. Ground yourself.
2. Place all ingredients on your altar top and light the candle.
3. As the candle burns imagine its heat filling your body. Stare into the flame and visualize yourself taking on the attributes of the fire.
4. watch how the flame burns away the wax of the candle, visualizing your own body burning away your excess fat.
5. Keep this image strong in your mind as you chant.
6. Pour the spices into the bag and tie it shut. Hold the bag in your projective hand as you visualize your weight loss goal, sending the image into the satchel as you repeat the chant.
7. Take the pouch and circle it around the candle three times,drawing the power of the flame into the herbs inside. Chant each time it passes keeping your thoughts focused on your goal.
8. Once completed put out the candle and keep the satchel with you at all times.
Note: Before each meal hold the satchel in your receptive hand and feel its enchantment take effect, visualizing it speeding up your bodies metabolism and abilities to lose weight.
Last edited on Mar 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#734 - Turn into a Beautiful Fairy
Go to a stream of water or a lake of water and get half of the bowl you are using.
Sit in front of the lake or stream and pick off each of the flowers petals and say this while dropping each petal in:
"I wish to be a fairy."
Say that for as how many petals are on that flower for example: if you picked off 4 petals, then you say that 4 times.
Drop in each strand of grass saying:
"I will care for my planet."
Really mean that.
Put in the pretty gem and say:
"Fairies listen now! I have a wish!"
The gem and the words grab their attention and they will start listening.
Put in the strand of hair and say:
"I give you my good DNA, to show you I am no harm."
Really mean that or they won't listen and they will avoid you.
Say this spell and every word you speak that they like to hear, they will get one step closer:
"Fairies, fairies the brightest of them all! Grant my wish so I can become one of you! I do no harm to the earth, I will care for my friends and I promise, I will not hurt anything gorgeous to you. Please listen and grant my wish so mote it be!"
After the spell, take out the gem,grass and petals and drink the water with the hair in it. All of it!
After drinking the water, act like a fairy. Make it look like you are one with the earth and the fairies will choose if you are good enough to become one of their tribe. When you go to bed tonight, think of fairies and then go to sleep. The fairies might wake you up and give you a bracelet that shrinks you and turns you into a fairy. If they don't, try again and they might give you the bracelet. Once you have the bracelet, bid the fairies goodbye and go back to sleep. In the morning, put on the bracelet and keep it on for 7 days to show the fairies you deserve that bracelet. After 7 days, keep the bracelet onand go outside. Call for the fairies and they will come out and they will tell you to say a specific spell. Once the spell is said, you will shrink down and turn you into a fairy. The fairies will give you a home and will give you a tour. Once done exploring, take the bracelet off and you will become human again. Go find the gem and give it to the fairies and they might give you one specific power that matches your ability. One gem= one power. Be blessed and message me for any unusual side effects! -MagicSparklz
Last edited on Feb 16, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#735 - Dolphin Transformation Spell
Step 1: Take the salt and water and mix together in the bowl.
Step 2: Take the Quartz Crystal and place it in the middle of the bowl.
Step 3: Place both hands into the bowl.
Step 4: Say this spell:
"Dear Delphine, god of dolphins, I wish to become a dolphin. I wish to serve you for as long as I shall live. Fuse my legs together into a long, gray dolphin tail. Shrink my legs and arms into nothingness. Sprout me two sets of gills on the sides of my neck, turn me into a dolphin. Make my body grow two flippers and a beautiful shiny dorsal fin, transform me into a dolphin. Stretch my mouth into a snout, with rows of beautiful sharp teeth, transform me into a dolphin. I will forget everything about my human past and I will never regret being a dolphin. I will obey my master and always do as he says. I will be stuck as a dolphin forever and will never regret it. This is my wish, I ask of thee, this is my will, so more it be."
After that you will start to transform into a dolphin shortly after you say the spell. You will be stuck as a dolphin forever and will always be a dolphin. Enjoy your new life as a dolphin! Message me your results.
Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#736 - Peace
To start, you need to meditate for 15 seconds. Then take in a deep breath and say these words:
"I have seen this spell to have peace. I will no longer have fear of the bad things that will happen to me so mote it be!"
Last edited on Oct 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#737 - Peace
Sit and meditate for 15 seconds
then,open your eyes and say these words:
"I have seen this spell, a spell of peace and I wish for peace and I will always be calm. So mote it be!"
Last edited on Apr 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#738 - How to Become a Beautiful Angel
Go into your bedroom or a room where you can here no people and lock the door. Kneel down onto the floor facing the picture of the beautiful angel. Stare at it for about a minute or two. In your mind while staring at the picture, think about what you will look like as an angel. Look at what that angel has and think of that angel as if it were you. Bow your head and close your eyes. Put your hands together like you are praying. Do not talk or peep for about one minute thinking about you as an angel and what good deeds you will do as an angel. Now start out your prayer with "Dear lord" or "Dear god" and talk to lord or god( or whatever you started with) and talk about why you want the wings and what good deeds you will do to become one of gods gngels. Tell him you will be good and why you think you should be given the stuff that angels have. Once you are done, end your conversation with God/ lord and silence yourself for about a minute and think about God or lord turning you into an angel and you are helping god out with special tasks. You might have dreams about angels. The dream will show god lifting you up to heaven and talking to you. He will give you instructions to become an angel. Pay close attention and if you have not listened to his instructions, you will have to do the spell over again. Once he has given instructions and tells you to wake up, try and do so and follow his steps. Soon you will become an angel one you have followed his orders. Some side effects are: pain on shoulder blades, vomiting your human cells and replacing them with Angel cells, wanting to fly, really tired and weak.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#739 - Have More Stamina
Sit down in a comfortable spot with your legs criss-crossed. If you have the feathers, put one on both thighs. Say this once: "Oh, the stamina I will possess, oh, how fast I will run when the spell is sealed and it is done. Magic, all I ask of you is to give me speed like the wind and stamina like it too.This is what I ask of thee, so mote it be!." Now, wave your wand if you have one and if you don't, tie the string an a knot and whisper: "The spell is sealed." After that, keep sitting down for 3 more minutes. After the 3 minutes, pick up the feathers and stand up. Hold your hands up high and let go of them. You'll know it's working if you are light headed and your legs feel wobbly and weak. If they do feel wobbly, wait 30 seconds before running.
Last edited on Oct 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#740 - Opening the Chakras
1. Sit upon a cushion or just on the floor in a lotus position.
2. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in the mind's eye.
3. At the root of your spine, imagine a swirling red light growing brighter and stronger. .
4. At your navel, imagine a swirling orange light growing brighter and stronger.
5. At your solar plexus, imagine a swirling yellow light growing brighter and stronger.
6. Just above your heart, imagine a swirling green light growing brighter and stronger.
7. At your throat, imagine a swirling blue light growing brighter and stronger.
8. Between your eyes, imagine a swirling indigo light growing brighter and stronger.
9. Right above your head, imagine a swirling purple light growing brighter and stronger.
10. Imagine a white light flowing from the purple chakra down to the red one. Stay like this as long as you want.
Last edited on Dec 09, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.