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2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2472 Beauty Spells
2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2472 Beauty Spells
  1. Attraction Spell
  2. Avian Wings
  3. Fairy
  4. Anger Feeding Hex
  5. Change Eye Color
  6. The Break that Habit
  7. Skin Whitening
  8. Super Saiyan God
  9. Basic Meditation
  10. Become a Good Singer

#1111 - Attraction Spell

Someone in my email list want me to make this. So I'm not testing this for this one! So try it!
You may need:

  • Pink Candles
  • Red Candles
  • Ring
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    You may need:

  • Pink Candles
  • Red Candles
  • Ring
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    Sit down and put the pink candles circling you. Put the red candles exactly outside the pink candles. Hold a ring and say :

    "Goddess of Beauty, I call thee. Please let me be attractive by using this ring. Thanks I've given to you. Let this ring attract (girls/boys/men/women) to be near me! So mote it be!"

    You must use it to make it work!

    Added to on Dec 04, 2014
    Last edited on Jan 01, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1112 - Avian Wings

    It will take lots of energy and concentration, and if the spell works for you, the side effects would be head aches, back pains, sleep deprived, liking heights and really really really hungry and thirsty.
    You may need:

  • 2 feathers (optional, but recommended)
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    You may need:

  • 2 feathers (optional, but recommended)
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    First meditate or take a nap for 30 mins. Next go to a quiet place with no noise or music and completely alone. Next take the feathers and place one in front of you and hold the other in your hand

    If it is noon you will hold the feather with your left hand and say this... "God of the Sun, Goddess of the moon, I ask you for one thing, I wish to have wondrous wings of gleaming beauty, I wish for them to be black as space it's self, this is my wish I pray for this to happen please grant my wish!"

    If it is mid night say the same thing but "Goddess of the moon "will go before "God of the sun " and instead of "black as space it's self" it will be "as white as the snow that falls to the ground" and you will hold the feather in your right hand.

    I don't know when the wings will fully come in but it won't be longer than 4 months if it is do a different spell or redo this one. If you see side effects within the first hour after doing the spell your wings will come in in about a month or two if later it will take about 3 months.

    Added to on Dec 01, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1113 - Fairy

    This spell is to let you be a fairy with the saying of simple words.
    You may need:

  • Outfit you wish too be in when you transform
  • Things the represent your 4 powers you wish to have
  • 1 Favorite jewelry piece
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    You may need:

  • Outfit you wish too be in when you transform
  • Things the represent your 4 powers you wish to have
  • 1 Favorite jewelry piece
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    Put on the outfit you wish too be in. Now, put on the piece of jewelry, *NOTE: you MUST have that piece of jewelry on to transform* Set the representations of your powers in front of you. Put your hands over one of the items, and close your eyes. Imagine your self using that power, move on to the next, and do the same too all of the others.

    Open your eyes and say this 4 times: "Gods and Goddesses, hear my plea. I wish to become a fairy! With my wings of a (type of wings). They will be (size of wings) and the colors of (color) and (color)are my colors I wish too have. I wish to have the powers of (powers), and the three special powers of: (special powers). My Summoning Words for wings are: (summoning words) my wings will appear on my back. When I say the words: (Disappearing words), my wings will be absent. Gods and Goddesses, hear my plea, I wish to be a fairy!"

    When you have said that, put your hands in front of your power "symbols". Close your eyes and imagine flying with your wings and using your powers. Open your eyes and dispose of the "symbols". You need to wait until your wings and powers appear!

    Added to on Nov 30, 2014
    Last edited on Dec 22, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1114 - Anger Feeding Hex

    If there is one or more people who Anger you and seem to throve off of your outbursts, this is perfect for you.
    WARNING: This spell uses Black magic!
    You may need:

  • Person who Angers you, angering you
  • Power to keep cool
  • Power of Black Magic
  • Jar(optinal)
  • Paper and pen(optinal)
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    You may need:

  • Person who Angers you, angering you
  • Power to keep cool
  • Power of Black Magic
  • Jar(optinal)
  • Paper and pen(optinal)
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    This spell is all about feeding off of someone's bad words, and using it against them. Whenever someone is either being mean, talking bad about you, yelling at you or angry at you, this is the time to feed off of their negative energy. Most likely this will make you Angry, and Anger is what you really need. But instead of exploding in their face, you need to tuck away this negative energy in a part of your soul where it still lives and powers you, but doesn't effect your emotions too much. You can try to conceal your angry by clenching your teeth, holding your breath, balling up your fists or biting your tongue or lip. You don't want it to be too noticeable, or else they will notice your up to something. The fact that you are not getting angry and that they thrive off of your angry, will only Anger them more and power you more. You can feed off of their negative energy now, by paying attention to their words. Instead of letting these words get to your head, soak up their negative energy. You want to feel their dark aura and absorb it untill they no longer have a reason to be angry, or the energy to do so. When they are still trying to make you angry, you can just smile to make them angry more, and feed you. Once they are no longer angry or they are to tired to be angry, feed your new power with your still existing anger. If you want to keep feeding your anger daily because you don't deal with these people, you can create an anger jar. Write down all of the mean and horrible things that people have done to you, and seal them in the jar. You can focus your energy on the inside of the jar and feed it with the dark aura and then seal the jar, so the negative energy will thrive in the jar. You can read and absorb the things in the jar everyday before you start the day, and fill it back up with negatives energy at the end of the day. keep feeding your negative energy each day untill you feel like your energy is about to tip over and spill all over the place. Now is the time to use your energy! While your opponent is yelling at you or Angering you, curl your fingers and imagine them filling up with black, dark negative energy. Imagine yourself being surrounded by a dark black negative aura and all of your energy going into you hands. Now point your hands at your opponent and flatten your hands out. Imagine all of this dark energy rushing to the person and breaking through their natural field. Imagine it damaging you enemy's soul and breaking their heart. Concentrate on pain and pretend like their burning up and dying. The effects fan vary from making them weak, to having nose bleeds and even passing out. Occasionally they could get sick and barf, but mortal pain is more likely. Once you see them in pain, absorb their negative energy and start building up your pot of black magic inside your soul to use against them again. Then you can just smile and walk away without saying anything. This could teach your enemy to fear you, for they had underestimated your power. If not, then you should try and build up your energy even more and feel more negative thoughts toward them. Practice makes perfect, and the more you dispose them the easier it will be to knock them down!

    Thanks for reading, email me your results!!

    Added to on Nov 30, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1115 - Change Eye Color

    If you use another color and you change the color you want it will work.. but it will just have the color you used to want and the color and want now.
    You may need:

  • Water
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    You may need:

  • Water
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    Close your eyes and cover it in you hands and think of your eye color you have right now and imagine flowing away. Now you have clear white eyes and deep your hands in the water and imagine it has the color you want in the water and put it to your eyes and say, " I have( the color you want)" 3 times

    Added to on Nov 29, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1116 - The Break that Habit

    If you are a smoker and want to quit, or a heavy drinker who knows that you have to cut down, or are a bit overweight but find it impossible to stick to a diet, this spell should help.
    You may need:

  • A flowerpot
  • Potting compost
  • Hyacinth bulbs or some sweet smelling herbs
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    You may need:

  • A flowerpot
  • Potting compost
  • Hyacinth bulbs or some sweet smelling herbs
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    Fill the pot with the compost and plant your bulbs or herbs. As you do this, see yourself free from your addiction or sticking to your diet, and looking much healthier as a result. Pat the compost nine times with your finger, saying

    "By the power that makes these bulbs/herbs grow
    I ask that my compulsion to ***** shall go.
    And it harm none, so be it."

    Next time you find yourself giving in to temptation (and let's face it we are all human) take the offending cigarette, drink or bun to somewhere you can shred it or pour it into a suitable container.

    Take this to the flowerpot and plant or pour a tiny amount into the soil and say:

    "Mother Earth, I bury this that you may
    Give it new life, through decay.
    And it harm none, so be it."

    Breathe in the fragrance of the plant, thanking Mother Earth for her grace and dispose of the rest of the offending substance. Next time you are tempted, go to the pot and smell the plants, again thanking Mother Earth for her lovely fragrance

    Added to on Nov 29, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1117 - Skin Whitening

    Peoples are bothered all around about their skin color and keep dreaming and making change attempts, do try this spell and get the change. (Effective)
    You may need:

  • Your photo
  • Bowl with milk
  • White candle
  • Small handy mirror
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    You may need:

  • Your photo
  • Bowl with milk
  • White candle
  • Small handy mirror
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    First light the candle, hold your photo in your hands and imagine the change you want,
    Then dip the photo in the milk, and say this spell:
    As bright as sun,
    As white as moon,
    Let my skin change soon.
    With glow and shine,
    Let the skin be mine.
    White as milk, smooth as silk.
    Let the change be,
    Let change be see.
    This is my will so mote it be
    ________________say for 3 times.
    Then look in the mirror and say out loud in mind or by mouth,
    I have white skin___x 3.

    Added to on Nov 27, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1118 - Super Saiyan God

    This is a dragonball z spell to become a super saiyan god
    You may need:

  • 6 other magic users
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    You may need:

  • 6 other magic users
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    Must hold hands and focus y'all energy to one person and say: "Saiyans, gods of super saiyan, please help (the person who getting the energy) transform into a super saiyan god".

    Added to on Nov 26, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1119 - Basic Meditation

    This is how I meditate, it also helps with visualization.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    This is really simple. Sit in a quiet place where you can be comfortable and close your eyes. (if you want you can turn off the lights, this will help)

    Now imagine you're sitting on a log in the middle of a forest. while keeping your eyes closed, imagine what you would see. Is there a lake nearby? Maybe some deer or birds? Imagine how the log you're sitting on feels, what sound you would hear. Now slowly let the world you just created fade into white (or black, green, whatever color you want) don't try to make anything else happen, otherwise you wouldn't be meditating.

    Do this as long as you feel comfortable. With some practice you should be able to do it longer each time.

    Added to on Nov 26, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1120 - Become a Good Singer

    Have a lovely voice!
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say this as many times you want!

    "La La La
    I want to have a lovely voice!
    Make birds and animals come to me!
    La La La
    I have a beautiful voice!
    High notes
    Low notes
    I want to become a good singer!
    So mote it be!"

    Added to on Nov 23, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters