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2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2472 Beauty Spells
2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2472 Beauty Spells
  1. Jumbo's Touch
  2. Real and Working Love
  3. Nose Turning
  4. Magic Senses
  5. Butterfly Wings
  6. Luscious Locks and Beautiful Eyes
  7. Temporary No Pain
  8. Neko (Revenge)
  9. Another World Skills
  10. 3 Spells in One

#1241 - Jumbo's Touch

This spell decapacitates or ernergizes anyone depending on your emotions.
You may need:

  • Your mind
  • Your hands
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    You may need:

  • Your mind
  • Your hands
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    Cast this spell before touching anything:

    "I invoke heckingson jumbo as the lord of my body spirit mind and soul
    Give me the power of your touch."

    Note: If you are holding something like a phone while chanting it will be rendered useless.

    Added to on Jul 20, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1242 - Real and Working Love

    Makes whomever you wish grow an attraction to you. However, it is up to you to do the rest of the convincing.
    You may need:

  • 2 red roses
  • 2 pink roses
  • 2 white roses
  • 1 chocolate bar
  • 1 necklace
  • 1 white, two pink, and two red candles
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    You may need:

  • 2 red roses
  • 2 pink roses
  • 2 white roses
  • 1 chocolate bar
  • 1 necklace
  • 1 white, two pink, and two red candles
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    Draw a pentagram, (preferably one foot in diameter) the red candles on the first point, then the other on the second (Going clockwise) then put the two pinks on the next two points, and the white on the final. Light them and chant,

    "Red for love, which he/she shall grow,
    Pink for innocence and romance,
    white for purity and chance"

    Place the roses in the center of the pentagram then chant,
    "Roses, scented ever so sweet,
    the symbol of love,
    attraction towards me he/she will feel,
    the next time our eyes meet,
    give me a sign from above,"

    Place the chocolate over the roses,
    "Sweet scent, taste, and smell,
    he/she i desire shall grow an attraction to me,
    do not let this love splinter or fraction,"

    Move necklace through every flame then place it in the center also,
    "All I ask is for a chance,
    a chance at love,
    please do not make this a pointless dance,
    all i ask is for a chance."

    Put the necklace on and wear it until the the person does begin to like you. let the candles burn down. This spell works within a week.

    Added to on Jul 20, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1243 - Nose Turning

    Change enemy's nose to any nose, gills, any breathing things (even stomata)! Rank : Intermediate
    You may need:

  • 3 Black Candles
  • Voice and Visualise
  • Picture of your enemy
  • Picture of any nose you want
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    You may need:

  • 3 Black Candles
  • Voice and Visualise
  • Picture of your enemy
  • Picture of any nose you want
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    • Sit relax
    • Put the picture of enemy in front of you and put the candles circling it
    • Put the picture of nose above the picture of enemy
    • Light the candles and visualise your enemy's nose is changing
    • Say this :

    "Goddess of Revenge! I call thee! Let (name) have the nose I want! No nose now he/she has! Let he/she get his/her lessons! Keep like that until I'm avenged! Goddess of Revenge! Let this happen! So mote it be!"

    Turn off the candle and hide it
    • Trash the picture

    Added to on Jul 20, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1244 - Magic Senses

    Allows your senses to sense magic around you and also improving your sight, hearing, smelling, and tasting skills!
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Belief
  • Visualize
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Belief
  • Visualize
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    • Sit down relax
    • Say this :

    "Magic of Magical World! Let me sense the magic of this world! My senses will sense magic near me! Magic eyes let me see. Magic nose let me smell. Magic ears let me hear. Magic skin let me feel! Magic will sensed around me! So mote it be!"

    *** Side Effects ***
    Clearer senses
    Feeling of Magical

    Added to on Jul 19, 2014
    Last edited on Nov 17, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1245 - Butterfly Wings

    Want to get a pair of butterfly wings? Be the butterfly girl or boy? Try this if it worked! Rank : Intermediate
    You may need:

  • 3-6 Pink Candles
  • A picture of b. wings do you want
  • A (Colour of b. wings) candle
  • 3 Golden Candles
  • Voice and Belief
  • Visualising
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    You may need:

  • 3-6 Pink Candles
  • A picture of b. wings do you want
  • A (Colour of b. wings) candle
  • 3 Golden Candles
  • Voice and Belief
  • Visualising
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    • Sit cross-legged
    • Put the picture in front of you
    • Put the pink candles above the picture and put the (colours of wings) candles outside the picture
    • Put the golden candles behind you
    • Light all of them and say :

    "Goddess of Beauty and Goddess of Butterfly! Hear me! Let me have this pair of butterfly wings! Let me flow in the meadows and skies! Beauty is I'm seeking too! Make me beautiful and can fly over! For my will, so mote it be!

    • And then visualise you have your butterfly wings for 2 minutes and turn off all candles!
    • Hide the candles and chant it every night until 3 nights!

    *** Side Effects ***
    Skin is clearer, whiter, and more shining
    Face is more perfect
    Body likes butterfly
    Bones are more flexible
    Feels a thing in your back and a hurt or pain there
    Eyes clearer than before
    A dream becoming a butterfly girl or boy

    Added to on Jul 18, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1246 - Luscious Locks and Beautiful Eyes

    This is a spell to make your hair and eyes more beautiful.
    You may need:

  • Water
  • Dried flower petals (any kind)
  • Pentagram on a piece of paper
  • Candle (any color)
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    You may need:

  • Water
  • Dried flower petals (any kind)
  • Pentagram on a piece of paper
  • Candle (any color)
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    Wet your hair, make sure it's COMPLETELY soaked. Set down your pentagram on a flat surface. Then set your LIT candle in the center of the pentagram. Make your middle and index fingers touch one of the points on the pentagram, and have your other hand hovering above the candle. When you feel the heat from the candle going through your hand burn 2 of your flower petals in the flames, then say this spell 2x.

    "Luscious locks is what I want, and (any color) eyes that I may flaunt, stretch my hair and make it grow, like a river going to and fro, no knots in my hair are to be found, it grows until it touches the ground, glimmering in the dark of night, my eyes shall show but not too bright, my eyes shall shine like the evening star, they shall be the prettiest by far, oh goddess Aphrodite of love and beauty, this is my will so mote it be!"

    Then burry the ashes from the flower petals and the pentagram you used somewhere safe. After you burry these things put both hands on the place of which you buried them and say: "this is my will, so mote it be".

    Added to on Jul 18, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1247 - Temporary No Pain

    Use this to relieve temporary pains.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Place a hand on where it is in pain, apply very little pressure then say this outloud:

    "Pain fly out of my skin
    Dissapear into the air
    So might
    So thin"

    Say this 5 to 10 times and the pain should fade.

    Added to on Jul 17, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1248 - Neko (Revenge)

    I turned my friend into a neko! He says sorry to me anyway and I use the reverse spell!
    You may need:

  • 3 Red Ribbons
  • 3 Black Candles
  • A cat fur (as him/her ear colour)
  • A cat fur (as him/her tail colour)
  • A Gold Ribbon
  • A milk with a fish inside
  • A picture of your enemy
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    You may need:

  • 3 Red Ribbons
  • 3 Black Candles
  • A cat fur (as him/her ear colour)
  • A cat fur (as him/her tail colour)
  • A Gold Ribbon
  • A milk with a fish inside
  • A picture of your enemy
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    Sit cross-legged. Put the picture on the floor in front of you. Put one red ribbon and one gold ribbon above it and say : "Goddess of Cat and Neko! Let me take control! This way (enemy's name) will become, a neko (enemy's name) will be! This red ribbon of neko (enemy's name) will be. Gold ribbon of cute for (enemy's name)! Neko (enemy's name) will be! So mote it be!"

    Now wear the red ribbon on your neck and hair. Put 3 black candles in front of you. Put the milk with fish inside of black candles triangle. Put the fur of a cat and the fur of a cat inside the milk. Visualise your enemy's changing into the neko

    Drink the milk but (the hard step is) don't drink the two furs and fish! Wait until the black candles turned off. And then before 3 hours, go to your enemy's bed and put the fur above his/her nose! Make sure its night and the enemy's sleeping

    The reverse spell (Not always worked) : "Goddess of Cat and Neko! Let me take control! Neko, oh Neko of you, Oh neko (enemy's name). I will turn you back to be a human (enemy's name)! Neko you will be if you make me mad again! I'm avenged because you're neko for (how many days)! I'm just say, "Neko, neko, change (enemy's name" and you will be a neko again! So mote it be!"

    Added to on Jul 16, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1249 - Another World Skills

    If you afraid to be in another world, this is the perfect spells for you! You must move to another world before 3 hours after doing this spell! Or you will feel really hurt pain!
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Belief
  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Belief
  • Concentration
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    • Stand Up
    • Say this :

    "I wish to locate me in another world, locate me now! Before of that, give me knowledge of language and knowledge of transforming there! No die and no pain shall I feel! Locate me and give me knowledge! So mote it be!"

    • Before 3 hours, teleport into another world! Or you will feel an absolutely really hurt pain!
    • Works for me before going into the dragon world! I've make no friends in there anyway!

    Added to on Jul 16, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1250 - 3 Spells in One

    1st : Breathe freely, stronger resistance of breathe than normal breathe. 2nd : Invisible Gills (not always worked) 3rd : Elements Breathe
    You may need:

  • For 1st : Lotions
  • For 2nd : None
  • For 3rd : (Elements) Candle
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    You may need:

  • For 1st : Lotions
  • For 2nd : None
  • For 3rd : (Elements) Candle
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    Not worked for everyone but worked for me!

    For the 1st :
    • Sit down normally and grab the lotion
    • Say while grabbing :

    "Oh hidden water, colourful you are! I wish to take a control of you! Nose you will change for! Let me breathe freely, water! So please it be!"

    Open the lotion and soft it to your nose! You should breathe better than anyone!

    For the 2nd :
    • Sit down normally and say :

    "Goddess of Water, Fish, and Mermaids! Hear me now! Let me have invisible gills on my neck! So I can breathe like fishes and swimming in the sea! So please let it be! So mote it be!"

    For the 3rd :
    • Sit and put the candles in front of you
    • Light it up and say :

    "Dragons of dragons! Hear me now! Let me show everyone how strong are you! Give me the fire breathe of you that everyone will never have! So shall it be, honour and thanks I have given to you! So let it be, Dragon! So mote it be!"

    *** Side Effects ***
    Feels your nose is stronger
    Feels a thing on your neck
    Something element inside your body

    Added to on Jul 16, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters