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2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2472 Beauty Spells
2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2472 Beauty Spells
  1. Younger Spell
  2. Kaitlyn's Love
  3. Witch spell
  4. Sorcerer's Snow
  5. Abilities Spell
  6. Innocent Attraction
  7. Change Your Eye Color
  8. Wolf Transformation spell
  9. Animal Spell
  10. Skin Care Spell

#1541 - Younger Spell

Look younger and feel younger. WARNING! If you fail to follow instructions, you will die in one month.
You may need:

  • 3 year old
  • water
  • a hair from 3 year old
  • scab
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    You may need:

  • 3 year old
  • water
  • a hair from 3 year old
  • scab
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    FIrst put the scab and hair in water. Have the 3 year old come in the room. Put your hand in the water and close your eyes.Chant this 2 time:
    I wish to be younger. I wish to be (how old you want to be). Hagina kaykay!

    Side affects: Acting like a kid, Eating mustard, getting in trouble

    Added to on Oct 05, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1542 - Kaitlyn's Love

    An easy to do love spell.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "(Full Name) (First Name) (Your 1st name with his last) I love you, we now are two, not apart, but two together. I love you! Please love me! (His Full Name) (His First Name) (Your 1st Name W/ his last) So mote it be"

    Added to on Oct 03, 2013
    Last edited on May 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1543 - Witch spell

    This is a simple spell to become a witch. You will get various powers that depend on you. Credits to the uknown owner, this spell IS NOT MINE.
    You may need:

  • Night time - after 9 p.m and before 3 a.m
  • Necklace - it is better to use pendant of pentagram (ordinary, not satanic pentagram), YinYang or any symbol that has some meaning to you.
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    You may need:

  • Night time - after 9 p.m and before 3 a.m
  • Necklace - it is better to use pendant of pentagram (ordinary, not satanic pentagram), YinYang or any symbol that has some meaning to you.
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    ''Dear witches from forests and winds, please listen to my calls. I plea to be a witch, witch beautiful as an angel, agile as a tiger and wild as fire. Please let me become this, a witch!
    A witch gifted with the power to grant as many wishes I will to anyone I plea.
    Witch gifted with the power to manipulate and conjure (element you want to have) and (another element you want to posses).
    Witch gifted with the power of flight, to fly whenever I wish, as long as I can, and as far as I plea.
    Please let this me, a being gifted with all kinds of magic I will be! As soon as sun rises, so will my magic rise. As soon as the next day is born, so will I be reborn. Reborn and awakened as a witch. This is what I wish to be, I wish to become a witch. SO MOTE IT BE!''

    Say this spell 3 times.

    You can be inside or outside, it doesn't matter. What you think will do it the best is what you need to do. Put your necklace on. Imagine you flying - floating. Imagine, think about witches and magic. Imagine you flying on night sky by presence of full moon. Believe it will happen, but don't lie to yourself.
    Don't squeeze your fists and say ''It will work'' while asking yourself, deep inside, ''Will this REALLY work!?''. That is trick, but you can't trick spells.
    Say spell 3 times, slowly, clearly, and if you want, loudly, but you can also whisper it, just make sure that what you say is clear, as if someone is listening to you, but he has to hear every word from first time.


    - Dreams - dream of being a witch. You might dream yourself flying with your black, white or any other color you like, dress waving on air as you fly. You will mostly fly.
    - Pain - pain in your vessels, if that is how I can describe it. Headaches, stomaches, coughing and might get sore throat or fever.
    - Coldproof and fireproof - heat and/or cold doesn't seem to bother you much, nor affect you.
    - Animals - witches' magick is stronger when they own animals, and their owned pets are connected to them. Your pets will see their protector and best friend in you, and will be more friendly than ever.

    - Believe
    - Spell will work next morning, after dawn
    - You will get various powers and abilities. Depends on you, what you have carried from your birth to this day, burried inside yourself, your secret power?

    - Flight - you will be able to fly as you wish, without aid of anything else than your own mind. It might be bit difficult, but you will see that you can do it, but just not long enough. Practice and no fear
    - Elements you chose in spell. You can have only two of them. I will list what elements you can have down below.
    - Wish granting - instantly granting unlimited number of wishes to anyone you want by your will. Careful with this please!
    - Unique gift - power you will get that is decided on your own burried power, and your talent. I will list some of them I am familiar with.

    - Unnatural beauty - far more beautiful than any human.
    - Agility - more agile than before.


    - Fire
    - Earth
    - Wind
    - Water
    - Ice
    - Electricity
    - Shadow/Darkness
    - Light

    (Earth is controling plants too so say earth if you wannna control plants!)


    - Mind reading
    - Precognition
    - Healing/Empathy healing
    - Telepathy
    - Telekinesis
    - Retrocognition
    - Memory absorption
    - Mind control
    - Emotion control (love inducement, hatred inducement etc.)
    - Psychic shadow
    - Empathy
    - Dream manipulation
    - Inhuman beauty (you do get this but you might get beauty that is even beyond witchs')
    - Power bestowal

    Questions about this spell? Message me then!

    5 STARS - if it worked
    4 STARS - if it worked but information were incorrect
    3 STARS - if you got side effect but it didn't work
    2 STARS - if you didn't get any side effects and it didn't work
    1 STAR - there is no way this spell can work after many times you've tried


    Added to on Oct 03, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1544 - Sorcerer's Snow

    Say this to yourself if you are feeling hot (temperature).
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Envisioning yourself in the arctic tundra, say

    "I am cool, cold as ice;
    The kind of cold that feels so nice;
    Comfortable temperature, work for me;
    Just like the snow, so mote it be."

    Added to on Oct 02, 2013
    Last edited on May 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1545 - Abilities Spell

    Often when one does not use their divine given abilities enough they become snuffed out or muted. This spell rite helps to re-awaken those muted abilities.
    You may need:

  • 7 White candles
  • Mint Incense (or clove)
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    You may need:

  • 7 White candles
  • Mint Incense (or clove)
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    Invoke your gods as you see fit to your belief or Pantheon. Divinities such as Bast, Hekate, Cerridwen and other such ''witch'' associated gods are best. Never invoke a divinity you are not associated with.

    Light the incense first and use it not only as an offering but also as a stimulant to awaken you body.

    Start off by invoking the gods you called, to help you with the spell, in your own words. Tell them why you are doing this rite and ask for their help.

    Light the first candle. Place your hands about it, draw in its energy and say:

    ''Powers of the earth, to you I call,
    I ask you to enhance my abilities, one and all,
    Powers of rock and tree, plant and ground
    You and I now be bound.''

    Light the second candle and, with hands about it chant:

    ''Powers of the air, to you I call,
    I ask you to enhance my abilities, one and all,
    Power of wind and voice, storm and sky
    We are now as one. So says I''

    Light the third candle and, with hands about it chant:

    ''Powers of the fire, to you I call,
    I ask you to enhance my abilities, one and all,
    Power of flame and soot, ash and fire
    Give my abilities the power I desire.''

    Light the forth candle and, with hands about it chant:

    ''Powers of the water, to you I call,
    I ask you to enhance my abilities, one and all,
    Power of the sea and stream, pond and river
    Awaken on my powers, make them shiver.''

    Light the fifth candle and, with hands about it chant:

    ''Powers of the soul, to you I call,
    I ask you to enhance my abilities, one and all,
    Powers of being, direction and soul,
    Awaken my powers and make them bold.''

    Light the sixth candle and, with hands about it chant:

    ''Powers of the spirit, to you I call,
    I ask you to enhance my abilities, one and all,
    Powers of the divine, Gods and Fae
    Enhance my abilities and adhere them to stay.''

    Light the seventh candle and, with hands about it chant:

    ''Powers of balance, to you I call,
    I ask you to enhance my abilities, one and all,
    Power of creation and force, balance and laws.
    Enhance and awake my abilities, this is my cause.''

    Now sit and meditate in the basking candle light on what abilities you wish to regain or enhance. See yourself in the near future and how you will use these abilities. See your abilities as closed flower buds, now bursting open and spreading out like fire works, invigorating your body. At the same time, continue breathing in the scent of the incense.

    End by thanking the gods. Let the candles burn out as well as the incense. If you plan to continue this spell for the next several days (And I suggest you do) then blow out the candles and use them again the next day. You may also wish to burn more incense throughout the house to help invigorate yourself and energy in the house. Mint, Clove, Orange and Lemon are best for such things as they have a zing to get things going. You may even want to have a tea made of one of these foods in the day.

    This spell-rite is used ritually by the Autumn Wood, my clan, when things get a bit hazed down by mundane life.

    Added to on Oct 02, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1546 - Innocent Attraction

    Love is usually the most popular spells, even if Im not that interested. This will make whoever you love to feel the same way about you. Use wisely.
    You may need:

  • Red/pink (pen/colored pencil/marker/crayon)
  • Full moon (optional)
  • Paper (About a fourth of the page)
  • Voice
  • Night/Bedtime
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    You may need:

  • Red/pink (pen/colored pencil/marker/crayon)
  • Full moon (optional)
  • Paper (About a fourth of the page)
  • Voice
  • Night/Bedtime
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    ***Step 1*** Write down your crush's full name in the red/pink writing utensil, then draw a heart around it. Under the heart, write ''will fall in love with (your name here)''. Draw more hearts around your names.
    ***Step 2*** Fold the paper three times, and hold it to your chest, thinking about the person you're in love with. Visualize them clearly.
    ***Step 3(optional)*** You don't have to do this, but it will strengthen the spell. Hold the paper in the moonlight, thinking about him/her.
    ***Step 4*** Kiss the paper, and hold it so it barely brushes your lips. Close your eyes and sing this: ''Let my love fall for me.Let he/she want to be with me. We will love each other for eternity. This is my will so mote it be.''
    ***Step 5*** Thank the goddess of love,then put the paper underneath your pillow as you go to sleep.
    ***NOTE*** Yes, you have to memorize the song. You can do steps 3-5 every night for a week and it will more likely happen, but you can also just keep the paper underneath your pillow until it happens, while falling asleep thinking about your crush. Make sure to thank the goddess every night.
    TESTIMONY: My bff tried this, and it worked in about two weeks time. Message me if it also works for you, so there will be more testimonys.
    If you have any questions, message me. If you want to request a spell, or if you want me to cast a spell for you, also just message me.

    Added to on Sep 30, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1547 - Change Your Eye Color

    This is to temporarily change your eye color. This spell doesn't permanently change you eye color.
    You may need:

  • Just your voice and a clear mind.
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    You may need:

  • Just your voice and a clear mind.
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    If you wish, stand in front of the mirror or have a mirror in hand.
    Close your eyes.
    Visualize the eye color that you wish to change your eyes.
    Think, and say aloud:

    "By the power of three, let them see. So Mote it Be."

    Repeat this until your eyes feel tired; like you're about to fall asleep. It may take a while for you (it took me about 15 times to repeat those words for something to happen), but be patient and don't be mad if it doesn't work.

    Added to on Sep 30, 2013
    Last edited on May 01, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1548 - Wolf Transformation spell

    Something I made and put thought into, like more then usual. Hope it works, if it does message me! You are still human, but you cam shape into a wolf.
    You may need:

  • Be outside.
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    You may need:

  • Be outside.
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    As you chant thing imagine yourself as a wolf, just what you would look like.
    ''Soft fur,
    Piercing eyes,
    Razor fangs,
    Sharp long claws,
    I'm a wolf howling in the moon light!''
    Right after that, say this, while visualizing yourself as a wolf running in a forest first at night then at day.
    ''Long tail,
    Thudding paws,
    I'm running in the windy night!
    Through day and the night a wolf I be,
    Unless I need the human me!
    So mote it be!''

    Now you need to find a way to trigger your transformation right after you chant that.
    To turn into a wolf, think, The Wolf in me is needed! And visualize yourself as a wolf.
    To be a human again claw the ground five time and think, so mote it be! As you visualize yourself as human.

    It might not work right away, and I suggest you do this once during the day and once at night. Then it should work!

    Added to on Sep 29, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1549 - Animal Spell

    This spell makes you 50% animal. But not the way, as, you choose cat and you will get only some characteristics. A half animal, for this spell, means you can shapeshift into animal you chose in spell.
    You may need:

  • Believe
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Believe
  • Voice
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    ''Gods of nature and divine I want to be part animal.
    Please grant me my wish and I will honor you with all my heart.
    Grant me my wish, make me a (say animal you wish to become).''

    Chant spell one time.

    You need to just say spell once and belive it, believe it will happen with all your heart, just like you have to with all your spells. As you say spell, think of how you will look like as animal you said.
    After ''make me a'' you have to say animal you want to shapeshift in. For example, wolf, cat, bird, crocodile, etc.

    - Spell takes min: 5 minutes, max: 1 week
    - To shapeshift is very easy once you done this spell. You have to think of yourself as animal you want to become.

    SIDE EFFECTS: Are different for each animal.

    Questions? Message me

    Added to on Sep 28, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 30, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1550 - Skin Care Spell

    A useful spell based on my experience and knowledge of skin caring for the last 5 years. It helps you to have a soft skin.
    You may need:

  • Fresh rose petal (or rosemary)
  • Plain yogurt (aloe vera yogurt is even better)
  • Cooled fresh water (not freezing cold)
  • 2 candels (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Fresh rose petal (or rosemary)
  • Plain yogurt (aloe vera yogurt is even better)
  • Cooled fresh water (not freezing cold)
  • 2 candels (optional)
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    Having a soft and as white as milk skin will be a true gift for girls and boys. I've tried this many times and I think it prevent acne. I'm not that sure it helps you for a 100% pretty skin. Take care of your skin yourself.
    First go to the quiet bathroom at night in your house, and stand in front of the tub. Pour the water into the bath tub until it fills enough for you to bath.
    Place the candels everywhere you think will make the room beautiful and magically. Concentrate and slowly sprinkle the petal on the water, chanting: ''The Fairy of Beauty, please help me. I wish for a white and healthy skin. By using the herbs's glamourness, i pray for my dream to come true. So mote it be.'' Finishing the sprinkle, you apply the yogurt on the face, hands or anywhere you wish. Gracefully step inside the water-filled tub and decorated by rose petals. Bath normally, praying again is OK.

    Added to on Sep 27, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters