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2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2472 Beauty Spells
2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2472 Beauty Spells
  1. Cool off any part of your body
  2. Burn Off Fat
  3. Angel's Protection
  4. Change Your Eye Color
  5. Rose Water
  6. Real Mermaid Spell
  7. Weight Gain
  8. Make Yourself Warmer
  9. Spell to make you or friend a wizard
  10. Nature Binding Spell.

#2181 - Cool off any part of your body

Good for beginners but the more magick practice the better it will work.
You may need:

  • none
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    You may need:

  • none
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    Imagine the part of your body you want to cool off. Imagine sparkling blue energy coming from your chakras into that body part.

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    #2182 - Burn Off Fat

    This spell achieves the same things burning off carbs naturally would do for you.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Take your dominant hand and put it against your stomach (or wherever your fat is that you want to burn off). Feel intense heat moving between your hand and the area it is touching. Use your other hand to take a "bite" out of the flame. Soon enough, you'll begin to burn fat in that area.

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    #2183 - Angel's Protection

    This spell calls for the protective power of the Angels. More specifically 3 Angels.
    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Voice
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    Close your eyes and chant the following:

    "Lovely Angels hear my plea,
    Only three I call to me.
    I call for your protective power,
    Here and in my needing hour."

    Chant until you feel protected.

    Blessed be.

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    #2184 - Change Your Eye Color

    A spell to change your eyes any color you want!
    You may need:

  • One candle of the color you want your eyes
  • One pentacle
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    You may need:

  • One candle of the color you want your eyes
  • One pentacle
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    Light the candle(s) and sit in front of it/them with the pentacle and chant the following three or more times: "One, two, three, eyes change for me. One, two, three (color you have now) to (new color) I see."

    Take a deep cleansing breath while you envision yourself with the new eye color, then chant this three or more times: "By the power of three, so mote it be."

    Again visualize your eyes changing from their original color to the new color, then check the mirror.

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    #2185 - Rose Water

    Make rose water for healing wounds without scab.
    You may need:

  • Rose petals
  • Warm water
  • Bowl
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    You may need:

  • Rose petals
  • Warm water
  • Bowl
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    Put the water and rose petals into bowl. Mix it together and chant:

    "Roses and water
    become one
    make rose water
    for heal my wounds"

    Apply the rose water on your wounds, so that there wont be any blood there. The rose water heals wounds without scab.

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    #2186 - Real Mermaid Spell

    To become a mermaid with a tail just like H20 just add water.
    You may need:

  • Bathtub
  • 1 Cup of Salt
  • A clean sharp item
  • Small class cup
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Bathtub
  • 1 Cup of Salt
  • A clean sharp item
  • Small class cup
  • Voice
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    This spell includes using blood so anyone who is desperate enough to be a mermaid may read it, anyone who may be squeemish about blood should not use this spell.

    1. Fill up your bathtub halfway with water.
    2. Take 1 cup of salt and pour 3/4 of it in the bath tub.
    3. Do not touch the water (not yet anyway).
    4. Take the clean sharp item and make a little cut on your leg.
    5. Take one drop of your blood and put it in the small glass cup.
    6. Pour 1/4 of the salt into the cup with the blood.
    7. Fill the glass up with sink water.
    8. Mix the ingridients with your finger.
    9. Get into the bathtub with the potion in your hand.
    10. Chant these words while clutching the potion:

    "This potion I hold in the clutch of my hand,
    will part me to see and no longer land.
    As I touch the water a tail will appear,
    I will be human on land with no fear.
    As I drink this potion I will have no feet,
    until I get dry, mote it be, mote it be."

    After you chant these words you will notice there is no tail. Not to worry! To obtain your tail you must wait 2 weeks. Some people will get lucky and the more you believe the luckier you are. The lucky people I have tested this potion with became a mermaid in 2-3 days! But others didn't believe that much so it took longer for them to develope their tail and power. You will obtain a power too but you do not get to choose. It may be a power like being able to communicating with fish in the sea, or controlling sea life, etc.

    There are a few side effects and just to be cautious and to look ahead, the side effects are: Itchy legs, legs change color, you smell like fish, need for water, legs feel rough, legs stick together, you get mermaid dreams, visions, have the need for salt, need to swim in water, take more baths than the average human (3 times a day), begin to understand sea life (like fish, manatees, ect.), start to swim like a fish, splash in a bathtub, lose your balance, fall in the shower, have moments where you breath underwater, have moments where you see clearly under salt water or any other water, breath heavy on land, when falling on the floor or laying down you start flapping your legs, constant hunger for sea food, have the feeling you want to collect shells, and seduce more men.

    If you have any of these side effects you will soon gain your h20 just add water tail and yes it does include the bikini top with it. Some people are really lucky and obtain their power first before tail. Some people get their tail first and have obtained these side effects for their power. Either way it will end out good in tail and power. Also, some people maybe you may get more than one power. It just depends.

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    #2187 - Weight Gain

    This spell will make you inflate to the point you pop buttons.
    You may need:

  • 1 Cup of Water
  • 5 Stones (any kind of stones)
  • Your Voice
  • Concentration
  • Quiet Room
  • 1 Black Pen
  • 1 Piece of Paper
  • 1 Glass Cup
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    You may need:

  • 1 Cup of Water
  • 5 Stones (any kind of stones)
  • Your Voice
  • Concentration
  • Quiet Room
  • 1 Black Pen
  • 1 Piece of Paper
  • 1 Glass Cup
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    1. Take your glass cup and fill it up with 1 cup of water. No more and no less than a cup.
    2. Lay out your five stones around the glass in a pentagon shape. Each stone represents the five spiritual elemants.
    3. Take a black pen and a piece of paper and draw out the pagan sign.
    4. Concentrate on your goal to inflate and begin to chant these words:

    ''Earth, water, fire, air,
    other elements that pair.
    The only way to pop buttons,
    is to pray upon thee. Mote it
    be, mote it be. Make me fat
    and still growing. I want to
    stretch with a big belly,
    Mote it be, Mote it be''

    After this you will begin to feel an odd pain in your belly. Soon you notice your pants or shirt is tight (I suggest you wear a button shirt because that is always much more fun to see your buttons fly off). After a while when your first button pops off your shirt, the process of inflation begins to quicken and you notice more buttons pop. After you look as you are about to explode, the inflation stops. You will stay fat like this for 1 hour and then you will slowly deflate. To recharge the spell wait 2 hours before you cast it again.

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    #2188 - Make Yourself Warmer

    Warm your body.
    You may need:

  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Voice
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    Clear mind then imagine yourself sitting by fire the say:

    "Sitting by the fire so my tempeture can get higher. I now invoke the law of three this is my will, so mote it be."

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    #2189 - Spell to make you or friend a wizard

    This WILL work. you can make you or your friend a wizard.
    You may need:

  • Wand
  • Friend
  • Full Wizard
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    You may need:

  • Wand
  • Friend
  • Full Wizard
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    Ok, first get your wand, while pointing it at your friend. Chant:
    ''Light of day
    3 of says
    My friend,me
    As a wicca wizard
    I See
    I see
    So Mote It Be!

    Chant 3 times.

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    #2190 - Nature Binding Spell.

    Use energy visualization to "bind" your target. Not physically.
    You may need:

  • Yourself.
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    You may need:

  • Yourself.
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    Start by finding a peaceful place and face in the general direction of your target.

    Envision roots creeping up around your target starting at their feet and growing all the way accross them. To finalize this step visualize the kanji for earth and declare in your mind ''Bound''

    Envision two trees growing upon either side of the target. Growing around the target's hands and feet to immobilize your target. Then, visualize the kanji for earth and declare ''Bound''

    Envision a much larger tree growing around your target, encasing them within the trunk, their energies shine only dimly through the bark of the tree. Then, visualize the kanji for earth and declare ''Bound''

    Finally, envision a forest of trees growing around the one tree. Their energies are lost in the darkness of the forest and their words lost amongst the trees.

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    2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters