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2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2472 Beauty Spells
2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2472 Beauty Spells
  1. To Cast Pain Away
  2. The Anifornum
  3. Energy Spell
  4. Bath to Look Younger
  5. Relese your Inner Strengh
  6. Calmness and Peace
  7. To Coverse With A Serpent
  8. Strong Desire
  9. Wart Vanishing Spell
  10. Magic Seal
#2441 - #2450
#2461 - #2470
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#2461 - To Cast Pain Away

This is a spell to get rid of pain. This is not a healing spell!
You may need:

  • 1 Blue Candle
  • 1 Aquatic Incense
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    You may need:

  • 1 Blue Candle
  • 1 Aquatic Incense
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    Chant this while focusing of a gold light radiating from the spot that is hurting you.

    ''I cast this pain far away,

    But it will came back again someday,

    To the depts it will go,

    I will see to it so,

    So mote it be!''

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    #2462 - The Anifornum

    Allows you to adopt the guise of any animal you choose.

    ***Please note that this spell is text exerted from the book entitled "Wizardology"***
    You may need:

  • Dolphin's milk
  • Honeydew mellon
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    You may need:

  • Dolphin's milk
  • Honeydew mellon
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    Drink the mixture of honeydew and dolphin's milk, then recite:

    "Bestia Animo, my human shape shall go. Bestio Betietta,it shall be for the better. Bestio Anifornum, I shall turn into a (the name of an animal).

    Here's is the Latin version of the spell.

    "Optimus Bestia, Meus humanus vultus vadum vado, Optimus bestietta, is vadum exsisto pro melior, Optimus anifornum, Ego vadum verto in a _____________. "

    You might also want to say the animals name in latin. Here are a few translations.

    • Dog- Canis
    • Cat- Cattus
    • Bird- Bird
    • Fish- Piscis
    • Wolf- Lupus
    • Bear- Gero
    • Lion- Leo

    ***Note: If you lack dolphin's milk, the spell will work only you will not physically shapeshift, you will only have the senses of the animal, along with its mental abilities. Also, make sure to focus.***

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    #2463 - Energy Spell

    A spell to give yourself energy.
    You may need:

  • Paper
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    You may need:

  • Paper
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    All you have to do is get paper, draw a pentagram on it and then sit on it for any amount of time. This will give you more energy than you previously had.

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    #2464 - Bath to Look Younger

    Will help decrease the appearance of aging.
    You may need:

  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal
  • 1 drop of anise oil
  • ½ teaspoons of ginseng
  • ¼ teaspoon of maidenhair
  • 1 Light: a pink (for romance) or red (for passionate relationship) candle
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    You may need:

  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal
  • 1 drop of anise oil
  • ½ teaspoons of ginseng
  • ¼ teaspoon of maidenhair
  • 1 Light: a pink (for romance) or red (for passionate relationship) candle
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    Pour all of the ingredients in the cheesecloth and fill your bath with water. Go inside and place the cheesecloth (tied) into the bath water and let it diffuse. Visualize the kind of lover you want and what type of relationship you wish to have. Thank the goddess/gods and snuff out the candle (don't blow out!). Do not rinse or use soap! Let this beauty/attraction bath stay on you for the rest of the night.

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    #2465 - Relese your Inner Strengh

    To call upon you inner strengh.
    You may need:

  • 1 rose
  • full moon
  • time: midnight
  • clear voice and total concentration.
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    You may need:

  • 1 rose
  • full moon
  • time: midnight
  • clear voice and total concentration.
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    On a full moon at midnight, go outside and let the moon bathe you in its light. Lift the rose to your heart. Then, lift your head and stare at the moon while chanting...

    ''Moon, Moon, I call upon you,
    Relese my power that is true,
    Summon the strengh that lies within me,
    and I shall leave you be.''

    Repeat this 2 more times.

    Your inner strenght should now come to you to wield to your will. It will last till the next full moon. Every full moon you do this, your inner strengh and power will be replenished.

    Use it wisely.


    If this spell does not work, even when you give the moon respect, then you have no inner strengh or magic and should no even be looking at spells.

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    #2466 - Calmness and Peace

    This spell will make you super calm.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    First sit on the ground with your legs crossed. Then close your eyes and say these words:

    "Day light calm me,
    Moon light calm me,
    The sun and moon,
    Day and night calm me"

    Meditate for a short while afterwards, reflecting inwards. Focus on the words you said and your intent to calm, and you will find yourself at peace.

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    #2467 - To Coverse With A Serpent

    This spell will allow you to attract a snake.
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Determination
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Determination
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    Gaze into the Serpents eyes,
    focus deep, and concentrate.
    When the snakes eyes and
    your own have met,
    these words shall you chant.


    The Serpent,
    Ever Sleek and Sly,
    Over unto You shall Glide.

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    #2468 - Strong Desire

    A spell designed to make someone desire you.
    You may need:

  • Incense (optional)
  • Red candle
  • Lover's oil
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    You may need:

  • Incense (optional)
  • Red candle
  • Lover's oil
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    It is not necessary to burn incense during the spell, but it is recommended. If you decide to use it, start by burning the incense. Then, dress the red candle with the lover's oil and say the following:

    "I am possessed by the burning love for this man/woman and this love comes to me from Apsaras, who is ever victorious. Let this man/woman yearn for me. Desire me. Let his/her desire burn for me! Let this love come from the spirit and enter him/her. Let him/her desire me as nothing has been desired before. I love him/her, I want him/her. He/she must feel the same desire for me. O spirit of the air, let him/her burn with love for me."

    Repeat this three times for five nights in a row, back to back.

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    #2469 - Wart Vanishing Spell

    This simple spell gets rid of those nasty warts in a very simple way.
    You may need:

  • 1 small pea
  • 1 small piece of paper
  • moist ground
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    You may need:

  • 1 small pea
  • 1 small piece of paper
  • moist ground
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    Pick up the small pea and touch the wart with the pea. After you have done this, then fold the pea completely in the small piece of paper. Lastly, bury it in moist ground. The force will soon vanish the wart.

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    #2470 - Magic Seal

    Makes a seal to hold your power
    You may need:

  • a blessed pen(black)
  • a regular pen(optional)
  • a creative design
  • a body
  • an item of your choosing
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    You may need:

  • a blessed pen(black)
  • a regular pen(optional)
  • a creative design
  • a body
  • an item of your choosing
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    The purpose of this spell is to slowly siphon some of your power into a seal, located either on you, or a specified object. The siphoning cannot be stopped unless your powers blocked, or if you break or counter-seal it. This is good because its purpose is kind of like a ''backup-generator,'' it also serves as a temporary ''power surge''

    First off before you can do anything, you will need a blessed pen, i believe someone has already posted that somewhere here so i will not go into detail on that

    You will need to brainstorm a creative and unique design that only you could thing of, to avoid sharing a design with someone(unless you want to)once you have the design you may want to practice drawing the design so you can just tap your power on the spot. You also might want to make it kind of simple to you dont have to draw it for hours just to get a little ''kick.''

    When you have your design finalized, you are ready top turn it into a seal. To do this draw the seal with the pen, on whatever you want to be your ''talisman'' or ''trinket.'' I drew mine on my arm so i dont have to worry about forgetting it, losing it, or having it stolen, and it makes it easier to divert power to it. You can draw it on metal, but make sure you can see it in your mind since you can't see the actual marking.

    Now is the activation, if you want to change designs do it now before you activate it. Now concentrate on your power and materialize and aura. Now direct some(or all) of it to the seal, closing you eyes as you do so imagine in your mind a plain black screen with you seal in white, in the direct center

    Keep concentrating your aura to the seal untill it changes colors
    when it has changed to the color completely, drop your focus and concentration and saySealYour seal should have been created, if you feel a warm/burning sensation around the seal on your body then you have done it correctly.

    If you sealed some of your power into a talisman or some kind of object, then you should feel as though some of your limbs are dead, or you may feel a bit drowsy.

    There is a way to temporarily stop the seal from siphoning power, and it is to consciously will it to stop. It is a good idea, because before i discovered this ''loophole'' some of my spells had been weakened becasue some of their energy had been taken away. Break sealing: a spell used to permanently dissolve a seal, releasing all of its energy and power to the owner of the pen who drew it.
    Counter sealing: a spell used to limit the storage of seals, causing bad luck and misfortune to those within contact of the ''leaking'' aura(similar scenario: you save $10 and someone takes out $5 to burn at a campfire)

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    2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters