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2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2472 Beauty Spells
2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2472 Beauty Spells
  1. Cleansing Ritual
  2. Wolf Pack Spell
  3. Altering energy to the Moon
  4. Mermaid Spell
  5. Breast size spell
  6. Accepting a Difficult Situation
  7. Calming Potion
  8. Charm of Attraction
  9. Weight Loss Spell ~My Spell~
  10. Simple love spell

#381 - Cleansing Ritual

A ritual to cleanse your body from all negative and toxic effects.
You may need:

  • a pot of water (holy water)(1 liter)
  • Dandelion (x
  • garlic (one to two cloves)
  • a honey comb
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    You may need:

  • a pot of water (holy water)(1 liter)
  • Dandelion (x
  • garlic (one to two cloves)
  • a honey comb
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    Warm up the pot of holy water after which place the dandelion inside the pot and let the water start boiling.
    Crush the garlic and place it into the boiling water, let it boil for a few minutes.
    Stir until it becomes a homogenize mixture, after which pour a glass of the cleanse, now follow the instructions very carefully.
    Take a bite from the honey comb and then drink the mixture so that you can wash it down.

    The honeycomb represents a net which will trap every negative effect in your body, while the mixture of holy water, dandelion and garlic will cleanse your body.

    Added to on Sep 27, 2017
    Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #382 - Wolf Pack Spell

    So you and your new pack will be like wolfs like from twilight.
    You may need:

  • Day or Night
  • Outside
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    You may need:

  • Day or Night
  • Outside
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    Form a circle with your new pack then hold hands
    Then all of you say 3x or more:

    "Gods and goddesses hear us plea as we form this circle that hold us together we wish for your grant to transform us into a wolf like from the movies twilight. we shall be both human and wolf. We shall have enhanced speed, agility, strength,senses as well as healing factor. We shall be able to transform to wolf at will."

    The Alpha says:

    "I as the alpha will protect and lead the pack."

    Then everyone say:

    "That is our will so mote it be!!!"

    Added to on Sep 26, 2017
    Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #383 - Altering energy to the Moon

    This is a spell of my own designee. it takes the casters current energy and much like a blood trans fusion replaces your energy with that of the moons. This is extremely useful because it can amplify your energy and you can transfer it in to other things. So like making moon water now all you need is a dark space with some quiet time to transfer some of the energy into the water.
    You may need:

  • - Three white candles
  • - Salt
  • - A black blanket (big enough to sit on)
  • - A moon phase of your choosing (the phase gives of different energys so pick wisely)
  • - And what ever else like a wand and what not.
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    You may need:

  • - Three white candles
  • - Salt
  • - A black blanket (big enough to sit on)
  • - A moon phase of your choosing (the phase gives of different energys so pick wisely)
  • - And what ever else like a wand and what not.
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    Pick a spot to lay out your blanket in direct moon light. Be it a window or in the park or your yard just make sure the light is on the blanket. But before you lay out the blanket bless the space and your Items. Now take your blanket and lay it down. sprinkle the salt on the blanket. Now when you sit on the blanket put one candle behind you and the other two on ether side of you (do not light the candles). Meditate and clear your mind. then say the following.

    To mother moon I am true my love and your light are all that is in me tonight. Bless me on this blessed night with all my might make me your star child to night. Replace what is with in and fill me though out for this is my request for you my lady of rest. Ego enim anima mea in sempiternum et si iungi miscerique vobis polliceor. Cum enim quamdiu subsistam, et non estis nunc ad altare tuum sit.

    Now meditate and pick every thing up go take a cold shower no talking for one hour. Immediately go to sleep after the shower. Your energy should change over night if not try one more time that normally does it. So best of luck casting friend and blessed be.

    Added to on Sep 25, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #384 - Mermaid Spell

    This is a spell to become a mermaid. This is my first spell and I haven't tried it so I don't know the side effects or if it works. If it does you can email me and tell me.
    You may need:

  • -Cup
  • -Sea water-if you don't live near the beach you can mix salt and water but it works better with sea water
  • -Necklace or bracelet nothing other
  • -Food dye or something that'll make the colour you want your tail to be
  • -Belief
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    You may need:

  • -Cup
  • -Sea water-if you don't live near the beach you can mix salt and water but it works better with sea water
  • -Necklace or bracelet nothing other
  • -Food dye or something that'll make the colour you want your tail to be
  • -Belief
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    You take your sea water or salt water and mix the dye in it until it turns the colour you want. Then you put your necklace or bracelet in the cup if its big enough for the bracelet. If not just use a bowl. Then that your cup or bowl,put it in front of you and meditate in a comfortable position for about 10 minutes or until you're calm and your mind is clear.

    Imagine yourself with the tail you want swimming around,interacting with fish,whatever. You can take the bowl/cup with you to the beach and meditate to the waves if you want. Put on the bracelet or necklace.

    Say this spell 3 times.

    I want to travel through the ocean
    No rivers or ponds only sea
    Let me have a tail of (colour)
    Please,oh please may my wish come true
    My tail shall only sprout in ocean water
    No salty tears should change me
    So please,oh please let me have a mermaid tail
    This is my wish so mote it be.

    Added to on Sep 24, 2017
    Last edited on Dec 06, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #385 - Breast size spell

    Allows you to change your breast size to whatever measurements you want
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen(cil)
  • Breasts
  • A lust for success
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen(cil)
  • Breasts
  • A lust for success
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    Take the paper and write out the measurements of your breasts that you want. Write out the B measurement, W measurement, and H measurement. Make them as big numbers as you want, but its recommended to not exceed 150 as the measurement for any stat.

    Note: the process will be slow at first, but after several days, will (hopefully) speed up. it may also be painful, and/or you will feel a MASSIVE tingling sensation in your breasts. it may also feel like there is an immense pressure over them as they change size, with the pressure becoming more intense the faster they grow. You may also feel mild pleasure while the spell is active.

    Added to on Sep 20, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #386 - Accepting a Difficult Situation

    To be able to accept and actions of the past, and to have the ability to move on.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Writing utensil
  • Fireproof area
  • Match or lighter
  • Traumatic experience or something you'd wish to forget
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Writing utensil
  • Fireproof area
  • Match or lighter
  • Traumatic experience or something you'd wish to forget
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    Cast a circle around you and your items. Clear your mind and relive the exact situation you wish to be able to move on from. Think of your emotions during that time, anything you felt physically or emotionally, and keep these feelings at the front of you mind when saying the spell.

    Take your piece of paper and writing utensil, and scribble on it to express those built up feelings. If you don't want to scribble, then crumble up the paper. Feel the negative energy from your situation transfer into the paper. Say this spell:

    Let the powers of the universe open my mind, let them travel to my memories of a harsher time. This event will no longer be the anchor attached to my life, nor the pain similar to which is caused by a knife. Acceptance is in my soul and let forgiveness take its toll. by the power of three times three, so mote it be.

    Then light the paper on fire and watch the smoke disappear into air, watch those negative feelings attached to that memory disappear into the universe.

    Added to on Sep 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #387 - Calming Potion

    This is a spell to ease the mind and soul.
    The tension will slowly ebb away from your body, and you will feel relaxed and refreshed.
    You may need:

  • 1 teaspoon dried chives
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon honey
  • Water
  • A medium sized jar or bottle
  • A bowl
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    You may need:

  • 1 teaspoon dried chives
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon honey
  • Water
  • A medium sized jar or bottle
  • A bowl
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    Fill the bowl with water up to around half way
    Add the herbs and honey
    Add some more water
    Stir well until the honey is completely gone
    Let it soak for 1 hour
    Put into a strainer and strain into the jar
    When you feel tense, or unrelaxed in the body, grab out the bottle and use a sponge to apply some to your body.
    When you feel tense and unrelaxed in the mind, grab out your jar and have three teaspoons, until you feel your tension ebb away.

    Added to on Sep 10, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #388 - Charm of Attraction

    This charm will make you seem more attractive to any gender.
    You may need:

  • Moss
  • Sea salt
  • Rose petals
  • A glass cup of hot water.
  • A necklace preferably with a stone clear quartz or rose quartz is recommended.
  • Candles as many as you need to draw energy from. Pink and red is recommended.
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    You may need:

  • Moss
  • Sea salt
  • Rose petals
  • A glass cup of hot water.
  • A necklace preferably with a stone clear quartz or rose quartz is recommended.
  • Candles as many as you need to draw energy from. Pink and red is recommended.
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    This spell should be done on a full moon as close to midnight as possible.

    Ground yourself, breathe in and out focus on your breathing, clear your mind think only on what your about to do. Take as much time as you need to ground yourself. When you are ready add all the ingredients to the hot water. Grab your necklace and put it in. Hold up the cup and say:

    "Aphrodite! Goddess of love, I call upon thee! I invoke thee! Bless this necklace with the power of attraction. I ask this of you, I beg and plead (she's a goddess you shouldn't Demand anything) please hear my plea and grant my wish."

    You may say this as many times as you want.

    Hold the cup to your chest and visualize how the necklace will work, then place the cup with the necklace in the moonlight to charge. Leave it over night. The next morning take it out clean it up a little if must dump the ingredients outside. And wear it. You will notice that you get complemented much more when wearing it.

    Added to on Sep 02, 2017
    Last edited on Jul 19, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #389 - Weight Loss Spell ~My Spell~

    A weight loss spell that I made to help you lose weight. It will make it faster, better, and more effective if you exercise, eat healthy, etc.
    You may need:

  • Fruit
  • Belief
  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • Fruit
  • Belief
  • Concentration
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    What 2 Do:
    Hold the fruit up to you and imagine
    your new body and also throughout
    the spell. Imagine a bite is a pound
    Say this spell 3x before eating the fruit

    I call on the magickal nature
    To help me lose weight
    To help me on my weight loss journey
    I wish to lose (number) pounds in
    (the time you choose)
    That is my goal
    Which turns into a wish
    That I want granted
    That I want (how you want your body to be)
    So it shall be
    Magickal nature, please help me.
    So mote it be

    On the number, you choose how much lbs you want to

    On the time you choose you put how many days
    you want the spell to work

    On how you want your body to be, you choose
    the details like flat abs, slim legs, etc

    Added to on Aug 31, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #390 - Simple love spell

    this spell is untested if it works please mail me
    You may need:

  • nothing but your voice
  • concentration and mind
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    You may need:

  • nothing but your voice
  • concentration and mind
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    say this out loud as many times as you see fit
    to find true love i conjure thee, i conjure thee,
    i am the queen your the bee as i desire so shall it be

    Added to on Aug 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters