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2471 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2471 Beauty Spells
2471 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2471 Beauty Spells
  1. confidence charm
  2. Inner hearing
  3. Become a Neko of Any Animal-Type
  4. skittles love potion
  5. anger boils
  6. Hair growth potion
  7. New Moon Shifting Spell
  8. the spell of pure mind
  9. Be able to change into an animal spell
  10. Body Exchange

#491 - confidence charm

this spell will help you to have more confidence
You may need:

  • sometinge to use as a charm
  • (a old key works for me)
  • a voice
  • a black candle ( to bannish negativity)
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    You may need:

  • sometinge to use as a charm
  • (a old key works for me)
  • a voice
  • a black candle ( to bannish negativity)
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    1. Ligh the candle and place charm infrount of it.

    2. chant " Gods and goddesses here my plea. Make me strong and confident.

    3. blow out the candle and dip your charm in it

    4. now your charm is made.

    Added to on Mar 23, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #492 - Inner hearing

    This is a way to open up your inner hearing . This is a simple method and may work for some better than others.
    You may need:

  • Focus
  • Nearby noise
  • Far away noise
  • You
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    You may need:

  • Focus
  • Nearby noise
  • Far away noise
  • You
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    go somewhere where there are noises from both nearby and far away. Before you begin , let me explain something. Imagine there is a box . Half of it is nearby sound , the other is faraway sounds. There is a line between the two sides. Inside the line there is a very small amount of spac. This space is the thoughts of others . Inner hearing is being able to reach this very small line . Now that I have cleared this up , let's begin. First , try and concentrate on just the nearby sounds. Try and completely block out the faraway sounds . Now do the same , except with the faraway sounds. By doing this you can slip between the two '' sides of the box '' easier . After doing this for a while , you will start to be able to drift into the in between of both '' sides '' , into the thoughts of others . I know it sounds complicated but it is actually easier than it sounds . Hope it works . Also sorry about any grammar mistakes.

    Added to on Mar 17, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #493 - Become a Neko of Any Animal-Type

    Become a neko of any animal-type with this easy spell. Fox-neko, wolf-neko, cat-neko, you name it- and you can become it!
    You may need:

  • Your voice
  • Alone time in your bedroom
  • Belief in magic
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    You may need:

  • Your voice
  • Alone time in your bedroom
  • Belief in magic
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    For this spell, you will need to have a few minutes of privacy in your bedroom 3 times a day. I recommend: 1.) Right when you wake up, before you get up. 2.) Just after you get home from school/work. And, 3.) Right before bed.

    Ok, so when you are in your bedroom, you will need to lay down in your bed. You do not have to get in your covers, but rest your head on your pillow. Now close your eyes gently, think of claws and fur, and say this chant:

    A neko I wish, so shall I become,
    (color) ears and (color) tail, as I wish, they will come.
    Fangs and claws, they'll begin to grow,
    My bright (eye color) eyes, they will glow.
    I ask of you, God*, to listen to my plea,
    To be a neko, half (animal), so mote it be!

    *The use of the word God assumes you are Christian. Use whatever name your religion desires, if you are atheist, just say ''universe''.

    There's also a version that is permanent, but NOT reccomended:

    A neko I wish, so shall I become,
    (color) ears and (color) tail, to never be undone.
    Fangs and claws, they'll begin to grow,
    My bright (eye color) eyes, they will glow.
    I ask of you, God*, to listen to my plea,
    To be a neko, half (animal), so mote it be!

    *The use of the word God assumes you are Christian. Use whatever name your religion desires, if you are atheist, just say ''universe''.

    Here's a version specifically for cat-neko transformations:

    A neko I wish, so shall I become,
    (color) ears and (color) tail, as I wish, they will come.
    Fangs and claws, they'll begin to grow,
    My bright (eye color) eyes, they will glow.
    I ask of you, God*, to grant me this now,
    To be a neko, half cat, meow meow!

    *The use of the word God assumes you are Christian. Use whatever name your religion desires, if you are atheist, just say ''universe''.

    Here's the permanent version for cat-neko transformations:

    A neko I wish, so shall I become,
    (color) ears and (color) tail, to never be undone.
    Fangs and claws, they'll begin to grow,
    My bright (eye color) eyes, they will glow.
    I ask of you, God*, to grant me this now,
    To be a neko, half cat, meow meow!

    *The use of the word God assumes you are Christian. Use whatever name your religion desires, if you are atheist, just say ''universe''.

    For all of the above spells, say them 3 times a day for a week. It should work after 9 days.

    To change the color of your ears/tail, just say this spell 3 times a day for a week (it should work after a week):

    For Ears:
    My lovely (animal) ears are a (current color) hue,
    But I also adore the color (new color) too.
    So they shall change to (new color) now,
    For this is my color, and this is how.

    For Tails:
    My lovely (animal) tail is a (current color) hue,
    But I also adore the color (new color) too.
    So it shall change to (new color) now,
    For this is my color, and this is how.

    Say both chants if you please, but you must say them seperately.

    To reverse the spell, just say this chant 3 times a day for a week:

    I no longer wish to be a neko now,
    I will be only human, and this is how.
    My ears and tail will disappear overnight,
    and my (color) eyes won't seem so bright.
    My fangs and claws will disappear,
    God*, please, I hope you hear.

    *The use of the word God assumes you are Christian. Use whatever name your religion desires, if you are atheist, just say ''universe''.

    ~Side Effects~
    -Back, head and toothaches
    -Brighter eyes
    -Purring, hissing and meowing
    -Cravings for milk/fish

    Credit to PaintMeRed for inventing the spell, I have merely tweaked it and added to it.

    Email me at and tell me if it worked/didn't work.

    Added to on Mar 16, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #494 - skittles love potion

    want a lover who loves candy? Give him/her this skittles love potion.
    You may need:

  • skittles(any kind will do)
  • Vanilla extract
  • Water
  • Pot
  • Stove
  • bottle or container
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    You may need:

  • skittles(any kind will do)
  • Vanilla extract
  • Water
  • Pot
  • Stove
  • bottle or container
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    Put the skittles in the water by its color(all reds go in one bottle of water etc.), then put the vanilla in all of the water skittles. Take out the skittles from the water once it's a solid color(like the entire thing is green.) Then, put it in the water and bring it to a boil. Lastly put it in the bottle and give it to who you like.

    Added to on Mar 13, 2017
    Last edited on Apr 22, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #495 - anger boils

    You may need:

  • Cooking pot
  • About a cup of water
  • A few tablespoons of raw rock salt
  • A dead flower blossom (any kind)
  • A small jar or vial with a stoppered lid
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    You may need:

  • Cooking pot
  • About a cup of water
  • A few tablespoons of raw rock salt
  • A dead flower blossom (any kind)
  • A small jar or vial with a stoppered lid
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    Get the water boiling on the stove, and toss in the salt (save at least one piece for later). Repeat the following:

    Heat and power
    This dead flower
    By this curse,
    I make it worse

    Drop in the flower. Repeat the words again, this time saying your victim's name three times at the end. Repeat again.

    Watch the water boil and feel your own anger bubbling inside of you. Direct that energy into your spell, and then leave the pot to boil for a few more minutes. Do not let it boil dry! Take the pot off the heat, and pour the hot water into your bottle. Let it cool down and drop in another bit of salt. Seal up the bottle. Repeat the spell words again, including the name of your target.

    Keep the bottle somewhere safe until the curse has worked its magick.

    Added to on Mar 12, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #496 - Hair growth potion

    This is a potion that is supposed to make your hair grow fast.
    You may need:

  • Rose Oil
  • Blessed Water
  • Olive Oil
  • Brewed Black Tea
  • Pink Candle
  • White Candle
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    You may need:

  • Rose Oil
  • Blessed Water
  • Olive Oil
  • Brewed Black Tea
  • Pink Candle
  • White Candle
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    Combine the brewed tea (made with the blessed water), 5 drops of each oil and place it on your altar.
    Place the candles on your altar. Place the pink candle on the right and the white candle on the left.
    Light the candles and chant over the potion for an hour. You can leave the potion to step/brew for a few hours or overnight on the altar.
    The next time you shampoo your hair rinse as usual and then pour the potion in your hair. Let the potion sink in for 30 or so minutes and then rinse. Afterwards deep condition your hair.
    *NOTE: Black tea stains, so wear an old TEAshirt :).
    I hope this spell works for you. I have tried other spells to make hair grow for my hair type and they worked well but this one worked the best.

    Added to on Mar 05, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #497 - New Moon Shifting Spell

    A spell to kickstart and charge the metaphysical shifting method.
    You may need:

  • 2 white candles (any size)
  • 1 black candle (any size, same size as or bigger than white candles)
  • Small white candle or tealight
  • Small candle in your type's colour (decide, or pick the suggested colour)
  • Quartz stone (preferably a natural crystal or a carved rod shape)
  • Token/s of your mythical type (there are suggestions)
  • Token of humanity (there are suggestions)
  • Salt
  • Water
  • Empty ceramic bowl or ashtray
  • Paper (2 pieces)
  • New Moon at midnight
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    You may need:

  • 2 white candles (any size)
  • 1 black candle (any size, same size as or bigger than white candles)
  • Small white candle or tealight
  • Small candle in your type's colour (decide, or pick the suggested colour)
  • Quartz stone (preferably a natural crystal or a carved rod shape)
  • Token/s of your mythical type (there are suggestions)
  • Token of humanity (there are suggestions)
  • Salt
  • Water
  • Empty ceramic bowl or ashtray
  • Paper (2 pieces)
  • New Moon at midnight
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    Ingredient Meanings:
    Salt is for cleansing and purification of the self and the working space.
    Water is to bring the wish to life and make it real, signifying the sealing of the wish into the universe.
    The quartz represents the purity and clarity of your wish, the protection and healing properties to create the mental and physical shift, and many more magickal properties including a source of spell power.
    The paper is to write a clear thought and clear intent for the spell.
    The white candles provide a blank slate and represent the coming into being, the purity of the wish, the clarity of the wish, new beginnings, and general magick power.
    The black candle represents the banishment of negativity, darkness, the new moon, and magick. It also represents your mythical self.
    The small white candle represents your humanity.
    The small coloured candle represents your mythical self and the journey to get there.

    Warning: Make sure you are sure in your wish and won't change your mind.

    Spell instructions:

    Purify the space with salt. Sprinkle some over each candle.

    Light the white candles, then the black candle. Light the small white tealight and put the unlit coloured one next to it. Write on the first paper:

    ''I am a human.
    I am human in mind.
    I am human in body.
    I am human in spirit.
    I do not want to be human.''

    Now hold the token of humanity and say:

    ''I am human
    And on this day
    I reject my humanity
    And cast it away.''

    Light the coloured candle with the small white candle's flame. Say:

    ''A/n (type) is what I wish to be
    I change the spirit deep within me
    I need to be a/n (type), so I must change
    My life I shall rearrange
    My mind I shall shift with intensity
    To awaken the (type) inside of me
    With diligence of mind, body and soul
    I break my chains and become a whole.''

    Now hold the mythical token and say:

    ''A/n (type) is who I am within
    I change the soul beneath my skin
    I shift my mind to allow me to shift
    I shall achieve my dreams, my soul shall lift
    The physical shift is my greatest dream
    It shall be mine for all to see
    The (type) that I have become
    By the mystic Moon and shining Sun!''

    Now pick up the white candle and say:

    ''Here on this path I make my pledge
    That I shall never stray
    I shall never give up my dream
    Or stop and lose my way
    I shall become a (type)
    This is my greatest desire
    I employ my force of will
    Stronger than hottest fire
    I pledge to always stay strong
    Even when the path gets rough
    I shall achieve my physical shift
    And that knowledge is enough
    To keep me on the path
    Slowly soldiering on
    As I shift into a/n (type)
    I shall always be strong.''

    Now blow out the candle, imagining your human self blowing away, replaced with your desired self. Visualize your new self, form all angles and perspectives, taking in every detail. Imagine yourself physically shifting for the first time, the second time, the tenth time (unless you are shifting permanently). When you are done, write on the second paper (Remove anything that hasn't changed. For example, if you are an usagi with non retractable ears and tail, leave out the retractable part.):

    ''I am a/n (type).
    My eyes are (eye colour).
    My hair is (hair colour) and (hair length).
    I have (wings/ears/tail/etc.).
    I have (mythical parts).
    I have (mythical parts).
    I can retract my (mythical part) at will.
    I can retract my (mythical part) at will.
    I can retract my (mythical part) at will.
    (Add anything else you may want to add.)''

    Now read this paper while burning the human paper with the black candle's flame. Repeat it until the human paper is burned fully. Then fold it up, and place it in the water. Blow out the candles to complete the spell. Dispose of the ashes outside, and pour the water bowl into running water or a garden.

    Note: This does not make you a mythical on your own. It is meant to boost the metaphysical shifting process. Check my other spells for more standalone spells (although these also require some sort of shifting or boosting).

    Added to on Mar 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #498 - the spell of pure mind

    it help you concect in your mind and help you relax more
    You may need:

  • belive
  • pen
  • hand
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    You may need:

  • belive
  • pen
  • hand
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    draw the four element earth fire wind and water on your hand earth and fire on the bottom and water and win on top wind will be on top of eart as water on fire and draw a symbol any kind of your and clear your mind but only think of what you wish to do or remember as it help you go as easy and almost fall in to a deep sleep

    message if you have any problem with it ok

    Added to on Mar 02, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #499 - Be able to change into an animal spell

    This spell is where you can change into one animal. you say the chant once and it takes between five minutes and a week, but for some animals it takes a bit longer.
    You may need:

  • You (obviously)
  • A voice
  • Beleif
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    You may need:

  • You (obviously)
  • A voice
  • Beleif
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    You chant the following ONCE:
    ''Gods of nature and divine I want to be part animal. Please grant me my wish and I will honor you with all my heart. Grant me my wish, make me a (say animal you wish to become).'' If done correctly, it take from 5 ministers to a week for it to work, but it sometimes takes longer depending on the animal you chose.

    Added to on Feb 27, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #500 - Body Exchange

    Swaps you and another person's bodies. They think they were always you, you know what they did AND retain your memories. You do, however, believe you were their gender, and vice versa.
    You may need:

  • 2 candles (blue for male, pink for female)
  • Paper
  • Pen(cil)
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    You may need:

  • 2 candles (blue for male, pink for female)
  • Paper
  • Pen(cil)
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    Before you go to bed, light the candles. Write your name on one piece of paper, write the target's name on another piece of paper. Burn your name over the candle of the target's gender, and the target's name over the candle of your gender. Go to sleep. When you wake up the next morning, you will have changed bodies.

    Added to on Feb 27, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2471 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters