2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Aura Seeing
- Shapeshifter Potion
- Neko
- Galaxy Nail Polish
- Wings Spell
- Create your own Wings
- Mermaid Potion
- Chakra Water
- Moon Light Eyes and Wolf Eyes
- Become a Witch Spell
#741 - Aura Seeing
2. Have a partner stand in front of a mirror or white wall.
3. Focus just to the side of your partner. Don't look at your partner or you will have to start over.
4. You may begin to see the colors surrounding them.
*if not don't worry this takes practice.
Another Way.
1. Open the third eye.
2. Close your eyes and see yourself within your third eye.
3. Imagine a field of color swirling around you.
4. Keep the image within your mind and open your eyes.
5. If you keep doing this, the colors will begin to show themselves to you.
Blessed Be.
#742 - Shapeshifter Potion
How to Make The Potion:
Put the stone at the bottom of the bowl. Pour the water in the bowl, add salt and grass.
Place DNA of the creature you want to be (such as cat hair, human hair, dog hair)
Next, if you would like to change a body part, such as for example: your eyes to cat eyes. Place the towel into the bowl, and soak it. Then place the towel over your eyes (or whatever body part (make sure to close your eyes) and say:
I wish to have the ability to shift, change my body as i wish so mote it be
Now, if you are changing your whole body temporarily then you must drink the water. Not all, but some. And say the incantation above after drinking it.
#743 - Neko
Repeat 4 times everyday until it works:
"Make me a neko to frolick and play with a (color) tail and (color) ears. I wish my tail to be (length in inches) and I wish it to be (fluffiness like very fluffy) fluffy. So mote it be."
Last edited on Oct 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#744 - Galaxy Nail Polish
#745 - Wings Spell
1. Go to a quiet room.
2. Close your eyes, Imagine the wings you always wanted, the ones you dreamt of having.
3. Then imagine you with them; You, in the sky, flying.
4. Imagine you going at the speed you would like to go all the time. Image how high you are going. Image How big are your wings? What color are they? Then open your eyes.
5. Look at everyone around you if your not alone a way to motivate you to keep this spell of you is to imagine how everyone will look when they see you flying, now go to a room where you could be alone. Chant this 3 times, "Clouds, wind, rain, water, elemental dragons of fire. I want these wings, my greatest desire. I want to sore above the clouds this is my wish, so mote it be."
Last edited on Oct 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#746 - Create your own Wings
Print or draw your wings. On the back of the paper write how fast you will go with them, how strong they will be, and their weaknesses. Chant this 3 times: "I wish I am going to earn my dream wings in a few days. So mote it be."
Last edited on Oct 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#747 - Mermaid Potion
Add vanilla extract, apple juice, and thyme. Stir, then leave it to sit in sunlight for around two hours. For best effects, leave it overnight. Strain it into the container for storage. If you want, drop in the shell. Optional: add a drop of blue food colouring for flair and recognizability.
Use the potion by drinking it, adding it to bath water, or rubbing on the body. Be very careful not to use too much! Use only half of the mixture. Stay safe, and message me if the potion works.
#748 - Chakra Water
To distill water, heat it up in an oven for anywhere from 1-1.5 hours. After you have the water, place your crystals in your water (note: some crystals may upset your digestive system, please know what kind of crystals you own, please do your research, if you fear upsetting your stomach, feel that it is unsafe to digest, or have a weak stomach, please do not try this, you can mail me for alternate methods), after placing them in the water, meditate and fill the bottle with happy emotions, leave the bottle out side in the light of the sun/moon, leave it outside for as long as you want (no more the 4 days). After drinking the water, thank your crystals, the earth, and the sun/moon( not doing this will cause bad luck).
The idea for this came from "spirit science"-It is NOT 100% mine.
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#749 - Moon Light Eyes and Wolf Eyes
Chant this 1 Time.
"Eyes of the moon when I am good. Eyes of the wolf when I am mad. Normal Eyes when I am normal. Selene, I call her and gods and goddesses. So mote it be."
*Might hurt your eyes a little.*
Last edited on Feb 08, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#750 - Become a Witch Spell
What to Do:
Take the jewelry and put it on.
Say the spell 3x:Take the jewelry off
Hold it in your hand tightly
Imagine yourself as a witch using your powers, flying, etc.. With lots of belief!
"I call on the witches
I call on elements
To grant me my deepest wish
My wish
To become a witch
With the power of flight
I shall fly to the greatest distance and height
With the power to manipulate and summon (element) and (element)
I shall summon and control it in any way I plea for
With the power of wish granting
I shall grant unlimited for anyone including me
There is one power
That is for you to choose based on my personality
I shall cast spells
Make potions
Do all magic
I ask for this plea
Make me a witch in 2 or 3 days
So mote it be."
Tips & Notes:
This is quite a long spell so you can write it down if you want or memorize it.
What I would do if I want to know how to use the elements is to go to the website and find the element or power.
(ex: ability to manipulate and summon fire, that is pyrokinesis so I would go to the site and find the power and it will show you how to summon and control it)
I would do that to the other powers in the spell like flight, wish granting, it has all of it.
Website with the powers: http://charmed.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Powers
Last edited on Feb 08, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.