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1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

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1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1532 Fantasy Spells
  1. “Nosferatu Call” (Vampire Ritual)
  2. Call Of the Night (Vampire Ritual)
  3. Fairy Aid
  4. Vampire Stamina
  5. Petition & plant
  6. Vampire Transformation Spell
  7. Vampire Transformation Spell
  8. Call Dragon Gaurdian to Protect You
  9. Call Ara
  10. Call Ara
#1 - #10
#21 - #30
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#1 - “Nosferatu Call” (Vampire Ritual)

This is a spell inspired by 2024 Nosferatu!!
You may need:

  • Belief in Vampires
  • Vampire Subliminal or music that remember vampires
  • Any moon cycle
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    You may need:

  • Belief in Vampires
  • Vampire Subliminal or music that remember vampires
  • Any moon cycle
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    Vampirism for another person (consensual): With your eyes closed, and your mind blank thankfully by the silence of night, think about the person who you trust and their desire to be a vampire. Once you did it, clap both hands three times and say: “Come to me, Creature of Night.. Make day turn night, turn prey into predator, and fulfill the desire of those who wants to be like you... Hear my call.”

    If you, after that, hear some strange noise of a bat, or even dream about a bat, congratulations! You did it! And if you don't dream, just wait and see the person turn into a vampire. ;)

    Vampirism for yourself: With your eyes closed, imagine yourself in a goth place; it can be a cemetery, a mansion, whatever. And in front of you, there's him: Nosferatu (Or better, Dracula but yeah)! Talk with him, and don't show fear. He will know it. And when he bite you, whisper "Your trust is mine and my blood is yours”.

    If you dream about vampires, it worked! If you don't dream, it's ok! Your wish became true.

    Added to on Jan 20, 2025
    Last edited on Jan 20, 2025
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2 - Call Of the Night (Vampire Ritual)

    This spell is inspired by a dream that I have sometimes, and it's inspired by the anime "Call of the Night" (specifically episode 1)
    You may need:

  • Belief in Vampires
  • Moon (any moon works)
  • Visualization or Imagination
  • Vampire subliminal or vampire music (music that remember vampires!)
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    You may need:

  • Belief in Vampires
  • Moon (any moon works)
  • Visualization or Imagination
  • Vampire subliminal or vampire music (music that remember vampires!)
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    NOTE: Don't worry if you pronounce wrong the spell if your language isn't English!

    In your mind, visualize yourself standing in a front of a vampire; talk with them, make yourself comfortable and, when you feel them biting you, whisper calmly: “Make me yours, just like moon was made for bats.”

    If you start to dream about vampires when you go to sleep, it worked. If you don't dream, don't worry about it. Your wish became true. Trust me.

    The Symptoms:

    — Pain, discomfort, itching sensation and growth of canine teeth.

    — Headache.

    — Dizziness.

    — Light chills.

    — Shaking body.

    — Dreams about vampires.

    — Slightly cold skin.

    — Tingling sensations on the skin.

    — Desire to drink blood.

    — Attract bats.

    — Feeling that you are being watched, especially at night.

    — Goosebumps out of nowhere.

    — Feeling discomfort on the skin when exposed to sunlight. (You won't burn.)

    — Discomfort in the throat.

    — Slight taste of blood in the mouth.

    — Lack of sleep. (And maybe hunger)

    — Sudden mood swings.

    — Feeling very angry and bad-tempered for no reason.

    — Racing heart.

    — Seeing shadows.

    — Supernatural presence.

    — High self-esteem and confidence. (Even though it's not a real symptom, it's important!)

    – Bonus: High sexual arousal. (Don't ask why.)

    Added to on Jan 20, 2025
    Last edited on Jan 20, 2025
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3 - Fairy Aid

    Use the power of fairy to make decisions and empower your progress. Strong spell to make your life more fun.
    You may need:

  • Depiction of fairy(watercolor or statue)
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    You may need:

  • Depiction of fairy(watercolor or statue)
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    Focus on your forehead and say: It takes intimate correspondence to insightful descriptions in a timely manner, all is apparent in circumspect. Unison sector falling turns seemingly unaware after becoming decent in subsequent denizen talk.

    This increases the chance of seeing a fairy. To be used when you are facing difficulty or simply want to get ahead in life.

    Added to on Nov 29, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4 - Vampire Stamina

    Even if vampires don’t exist in your locality or general belief system this will enhance your stamina.
    You may need:

  • No need for blood.
  • Your own leisure.
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    You may need:

  • No need for blood.
  • Your own leisure.
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    To still stain delve implore merits guardian sustain indirect descending ambivalent metaphor vexing indignant desire don’t derive impersonation into set harvest gain a start riding in the right direction motivation sort more devastate in state harmony most house decide prevailing winds instead

    Added to on Nov 14, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5 - Petition & plant

    Petition & pot plant or outside plant
    You may need:

  • Petition as basic as pen and paper & string. Plant pot plant or outside plant
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    You may need:

  • Petition as basic as pen and paper & string. Plant pot plant or outside plant
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    Added to on Oct 27, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #6 - Vampire Transformation Spell

    This is a spell to become a Vampire.
    You may need:

  • Paper (preferably lined)
  • Pen/Anything to write with
  • Knife/something sharp
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    You may need:

  • Paper (preferably lined)
  • Pen/Anything to write with
  • Knife/something sharp
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    First of all, get your piece of paper. Draw a photo of yourself (it's okay if you aren't a good artist) and write your name above it, along with the word "Human".

    Then, tear the piece of paper up. This is not who you are destined to be. You are meant to be a vampire, sucking blood while illuminated by the full moon, not a human.

    Grab another piece of paper, and write this:

    "Dear God of Vampires,

    I vow to be a vampire, I reject my human form.

    I want to become a vampire, defying natural norm.

    With fangs as sharp as razors, and a thirst for blood.

    A hatred for the sun, but an affinity to the moon.

    I ask you please for my transformation to come soon.

    Turn me into a vampire, that is all I request.

    This is my destiny, the role I play best."

    Then, cut yourself and smear some blood on it, and sign your name on it. Remember to be careful while cutting yourself. If you get injured and die, you'll have no hope of completing the spell. Also, you'll be dead.

    Then, on the other side of the sheet of paper, draw the new you. A vampire, with menacing red eyes and fangs.

    Keep the paper under your pillow, and sleep with it every night for about a week. During this week, I would recommend trying to connect with Vampirism.

    After 6-8 days, you will be a vampire.

    Added to on Oct 20, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #7 - Vampire Transformation Spell

    This is a spell to become a Vampire.
    You may need:

  • Paper (preferably lined)
  • Pen/Anything to write with
  • Knife/something sharp
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    You may need:

  • Paper (preferably lined)
  • Pen/Anything to write with
  • Knife/something sharp
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    First of all, get your piece of paper. Draw a photo of yourself (it's okay if you aren't a good artist) and write your name above it, along with the word "Human".

    Then, tear the piece of paper up. This is not who you are destined to be. You are meant to be a vampire, sucking blood while illuminated by the full moon, not a human.

    Grab another piece of paper, and write this:

    "Dear God of Vampires,

    I vow to be a vampire, I reject my human form.

    I want to become a vampire, defying natural norm.

    With fangs as sharp as razors, and a thirst for blood.

    A hatred for the sun, but an affinity to the moon.

    I ask you please for my transformation to come soon.

    Turn me into a vampire, that is all I request.

    This is my destiny, the role I play best."

    Then, cut yourself and smear some blood on it, and sign your name on it. Remember to be careful while cutting yourself. If you get injured and die, you'll have no hope of completing the spell. Also, you'll be dead.

    Then, on the other side of the sheet of paper, draw the new you. A vampire, with menacing red eyes and fangs.

    Keep the paper under your pillow, and sleep with it every night for about a week. During this week, I would recommend trying to connect with Vampirism.

    After 6-8 days, you will be a vampire.

    Added to on Oct 20, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #8 - Call Dragon Gaurdian to Protect You

    Using this spell, your dragon guardian will protect you. But ONLY if the harm is not necessary in ANY WAY. So if what's about to happen is a good lesson, they won't do anything, but if someone is trying to hex you then they'll help.
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • To already work with dragons
  • To have met your dragon guardian
  • Willpower
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • To already work with dragons
  • To have met your dragon guardian
  • Willpower
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    When the situation becomes unsafe, say this quick chant:

    "Dragon power, dragon claw

    Dragon light they have not saw (visualize cleansing light filling the room)

    Wrap me in your protective wings

    Shred them with your horrible claws

    Breath your fire on their lair

    A terrible curse they shall bare

    Dragon power, dragon claw

    [Guardian's name, or just 'dragon guardian] I summon thee!"

    Added to on May 31, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #9 - Call Ara

    This is a Spiritual Spell to connect with the God of the Universe and Jesus Christ
    You may need:

  • You will need seven Palm Incense, Dragon Blood, Obsidian Stones, Seven Black Candles, Seven White Candles, Seven Blue Candles, Seven Gray Candles, Seven Green Candles, Seven Red Candles, Seven Gold Candles, as many Colors there will be seven. You need Soil, Salt and Cinnamon brought from some Holy Rock.
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    You may need:

  • You will need seven Palm Incense, Dragon Blood, Obsidian Stones, Seven Black Candles, Seven White Candles, Seven Blue Candles, Seven Gray Candles, Seven Green Candles, Seven Red Candles, Seven Gold Candles, as many Colors there will be seven. You need Soil, Salt and Cinnamon brought from some Holy Rock.
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    Light All the Candles, Incense the Palm Incense and say by My Charm let this Smoke rise to Heaven until Orion be the Will of Ara, Burn the Incense of the Dragon's Blood and say Let the Earth hear Ara and his Prophet and his Son Jesus who is the God of Orion and let Mher get out of his door soon. Let this Smoke spread through this Sanctuary and its Spirits through all Earth and Heaven, Heaven and Earth shall pass but their words shall not pass Place the Obsidian stones in your Sanctuary, surround them and say this Mantra 7 times Shall the Light come Each Candle fulfills its counsel Do as it wills so be it so be it Then put the Soil brought from the Holy Rock with a red cloth in your Shrine and say this Prayer Seven times. Blessed are all Witches Father Aran Blesses them, here is the Lamb that dwells on Earth to change the world, no longer Witchcraft is Holy, always Witchcraft is Holy, Forever Witchcraft is Holy, Forever Witchcraft is Holy, Even so, How dead, how cruel, All Dragons listen to it, Everyone listens to it, All Wizards listen to it Everyone listens to it, All Parallel Worlds listen to it Everyone listens to it, All Planets listen to it Everyone listens to it, All Universes listen to it Everyone listens to it

    Then take the Salt, spit your saliva on the paper, burn it in the Fire from those Candles, and pour the Ashes into the Salt, sprinkle the Salt on the Earth, and say: May those who oppose Witchcraft be unarmed, may the Earth swallow those who have malice towards a Witch, let it be so, let it be, let it be, I say by the Power of the Sixth and the Third. come out and circle clockwise seven times, come to your Room and sprinkle Cinnamon on the Ground, write your name on a piece of paper and place it on the Ground and say eight and nine times, this Name I Give to Ara As Dark as it is Harsh, let it Let the candles be burnt with almsgivin et the seven days be over, go to the rock from where you brought the Earth, put it on that Rock along with your name, and bring water from there and drink that Water for seven to 10 days.

    Added to on May 24, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #10 - Call Ara

    This is a Spiritual Spell to connect with the God of the Universe and Jesus Christ
    You may need:

  • You will need seven Palm Incense, Dragon Blood, Obsidian Stones, Seven Black Candles, Seven White Candles, Seven Blue Candles, Seven Gray Candles, Seven Green Candles, Seven Red Candles, Seven Gold Candles, as many Colors there will be seven. You need Soil, Salt and Cinnamon brought from some Holy Rock.
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    You may need:

  • You will need seven Palm Incense, Dragon Blood, Obsidian Stones, Seven Black Candles, Seven White Candles, Seven Blue Candles, Seven Gray Candles, Seven Green Candles, Seven Red Candles, Seven Gold Candles, as many Colors there will be seven. You need Soil, Salt and Cinnamon brought from some Holy Rock.
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    Light All the Candles, Incense the Palm Incense and say by My Charm let this Smoke rise to Heaven until Orion be the Will of Ara, Burn the Incense of the Dragon's Blood and say Let the Earth hear Ara and his Prophet and his Son Jesus who is the God of Orion and let Mher get out of his door soon. Let this Smoke spread through this Sanctuary and its Spirits through all Earth and Heaven, Heaven and Earth shall pass but their words shall not pass Place the Obsidian stones in your Sanctuary, surround them and say this Mantra 7 times Shall the Light come Each Candle fulfills its counsel Do as it wills so be it so be it Then put the Soil brought from the Holy Rock with a red cloth in your Shrine and say this Prayer Seven times. Blessed are all Witches Father Aran Blesses them, here is the Lamb that dwells on Earth to change the world, no longer Witchcraft is Holy, always Witchcraft is Holy, Forever Witchcraft is Holy, Forever Witchcraft is Holy, Even so, How dead, how cruel, All Dragons listen to it, Everyone listens to it, All Wizards listen to it Everyone listens to it, All Parallel Worlds listen to it Everyone listens to it, All Planets listen to it Everyone listens to it, All Universes listen to it Everyone listens to it

    Then take the Salt, spit your saliva on the paper, burn it in the Fire from those Candles, and pour the Ashes into the Salt, sprinkle the Salt on the Earth, and say: May those who oppose Witchcraft be unarmed, may the Earth swallow those who have malice towards a Witch, let it be so, let it be, let it be, I say by the Power of the Sixth and the Third. come out and circle clockwise seven times, come to your Room and sprinkle Cinnamon on the Ground, write your name on a piece of paper and place it on the Ground and say eight and nine times, this Name I Give to Ara As Dark as it is Harsh, let it Let the candles be burnt with almsgivin et the seven days be over, go to the rock from where you brought the Earth, put it on that Rock along with your name, and bring water from there and drink that Water for seven to 10 days.

    Added to on May 24, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters
    #1 - #10
    #21 - #30