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1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 1532 Fantasy Spells
1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1532 Fantasy Spells
  1. Magick and Spell Casting
  2. Transform Into a Pokèmon Spell
  3. Mermaid of the Ocean Spell
  4. Mermaid in One Day
  5. Vampire Spell
  6. Vampire
  7. Blood Dragon Charm
  8. 2nd Dragon Transformation
  9. Transform
  10. Request to Selene

#661 - Magick and Spell Casting

This is not a spell, but I hope you read this as it is something to help you about spells and something I consider to be important to remember while casting any spell. This is a friendly monologue by me to you
You may need:

  • Belief
  • Trust
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Trust
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    Many people (especially on this site) will say that transformation spells are fake, so I'd like to clear things up. Any spell works, and it's a fact. I'll be bashed or hated for saying this, but it is true, any spell, transformational or summoning spell, works! I will quote someone who posted on this site: ''Faith is best tool in magic! Even those that seem like fake spells can be done with enough faith (...)

    Emotions are frequency. We are but spirits having physical experiences. Emotions influence spells so be careful. Also, visualization is key to compelling any spell. And it is indeed true. The best key in spell is ''belief''. Without belief, a spell is no more no less than a set of empty words that show nothing. Also, I'd like quote someone else from this site: ''I just recently learnt that spells are like recipe books - you take what you know from the spell and add what you want, whether it's just change of words, ingredients or methods...'' And also, I will quote someone else who has helped me a lot by this: ''Passion fuels a spell; doubt kills it. Spell can be performed almost anywhere - though I don't recommend performing them in midst of rush hour. You need to work where you won't be disturbed at all.

    Once you've cast a spell, don't talk, nor think about it, for 24 hours. (However, I am not sure how to think of this as some people suggest rather thinking about spell to increase belief).

    An old axiom says spells should rhyme. A rhymed spell has joyfulness and rhythm and is easier to memorize.

    A spell is only to control yourself, not others; "never cast spell on someone else without their permission'' So what are all these things I quoted? Well, keys to successful spell casting. You will hear people say spells don't work, people who don't believe in transformation spells, people who don't believe in magick, but magick exists. People won't agree with me, people will say I am 10-year old who's living in films too much, but I am not. I know what I am saying. Magick is belief, and belief is key to all spells you can imagine. So try following what I said and try casting a spell. Magick and casting spells is like closing your eyes and throwing yourself, knowing that someone will catch you. That's what it is to cast a spell. When you fall, you just know spell will not let you hit the ground, but will catch you instead. Transformation spells, love spells, fantasy spells... it does not matter. Any of them work.

    They call people who believe in transformation spell fluffies - morons. I just think they don't believe enough. Oh, and also, I am against love spells. Why? Because it is never true love. I am not a love fan as I hate romance things, so I can't really talk about this nor give you good advices, so best advice I can give you that love spells are not true love spells. Anyway, back to my point. People will say I should stop lying. But I should say same for them. This is not a child's game, I know what I am writing.

    Also, one tip from me. Please, write your own spell. Don't say something like ''I can't'' Yes you can! If you really want it, you will be able to put work in it and you will make a successful spell, because it came from you, from your heart. While making a spell, don't you dare think for moment it won't work! Believe with all your heart. Passion fuels spells, doubt kills them. You can create any kind of spell and you can become what you want. Believe in it. Okay? Put emotions in the spell. Happiness! Passion! Feel happy as you will become what you want soon, once you make a spell of yours. You can do any other spell, of course, but a perfect spell can only be made by us, because we think it is simply... perfect. Have a nice day!

    Added to on Dec 21, 2014
    Last edited on May 21, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #662 - Transform Into a Pokèmon Spell

    I got this from my friend. It's supposed to turn you into any Pokèmon, whether legendary, pseudo legendary, starter, or just a common wild Pokèmon. Any (not fake) Pokèmon you choose.
    You may need:

  • Your voice
  • Clothes colored like your Pokèmon
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    You may need:

  • Your voice
  • Clothes colored like your Pokèmon
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    1. Decide carefully on what Pokèmon you want to be.
    2. Dress into the clothes.
    3. Stand up. You might want to do this outside where people won't think you're cray cray.
    4. Count out loud to 27. That is the level you need to be in order to evolve into a Pokèmon.
    5. Hop twice on your left foot.
    6. Make your Pokèmon's cry. If you don't know your Pokèmon's cry, look it up on YouTube. If you are having trouble making your Pokèmon's cry, just try the best you can.
    7. Scream.
    8. Do the macarena. It's important. I am not kidding.
    9. Enjoy being a Pokèmon! :)

    Added to on Dec 21, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #663 - Mermaid of the Ocean Spell

    You can choose to be a mermaid when you only say "Unite" while touching water! You can choose one out four powers, Jeleton, heating , freezing, and water control. Enjoy and Believe!
    You may need:

  • A Bottle Of Water
  • Silence
  • A Room
  • Lights Off
  • Visualization
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • A Bottle Of Water
  • Silence
  • A Room
  • Lights Off
  • Visualization
  • Voice
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    Turn Off The Lights In A Quiet Room (Do This During The Day) Sit On The Floor And Visualize You Swimming In The Ocean In Your Tail And Using Your Powers! Then Open Your Eyes And Chant ''Godess Of The Sea It Is I (Your Name) Who Is In Need Of Your Honorable Powers If Possible Give Me Thy Wish For A Tail Color Of ( Color) and The Power of (Power) . This is my wish so mote it be!'' Say This 3x and Wait for ATLEAST a week because your powers need time to develo and so does your tail.

    Added to on Dec 21, 2014
    Last edited on Feb 27, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #664 - Mermaid in One Day

    This spell will make turn into a mermaid in one day.
    You may need:

  • A bathtub
  • Some jewelry
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    You may need:

  • A bathtub
  • Some jewelry
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    First get into a bahtub or just cover your leg using water. Don't let your feet dry. Secondly put on your jewelry. Don't take it off or you will fail. Make sure the place is quiet and youre alone.

    Read this chant while in your heart believe it will work. Read this 5 times: "God and goddesses of the sea, hear my plea, this is my biggest wish and I hope will be. I want a (colour) tail and (power). God and goddesees of the sea, please hear my plea, and in one day my feet will turn tail,and I can sing, talk and swim freely. God and goddesses of the sea, hear my plea, hear my plea and in one day a mermaid will I be".

    After you finish reading this chant close your eyes..focus and think you are a mermaid. After a few minutes, you have to get out of your tub and don't let your feet dry. Then put some salt on your feet and you can read the chant as many times as you want.

    Added to on Dec 20, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 27, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #665 - Vampire Spell

    Simple Vampire I incantation. I have not done this and just want to say. Unless your really advanced and are carefull dont do it. But if yoy are please message me.
    You may need:

  • This spell can use many energy helping things that you need
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    You may need:

  • This spell can use many energy helping things that you need
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    Spell of Wings
    Wings of flame earth and air
    Across my back when I'd like
    Without out them what would I be
    A sorcerer without a cooI power
    I think not.
    With ways of a wizard
    From lion to Bird
    I need wings on my back
    I need BLACK wings I say
    They can carry my weight very high From the Power of candle
    To the the power of moons
    And more beyond
    With all my wishes
    Of a Sorcerer
    I wish this one currently
    So mote it be

    Added to on Dec 20, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #666 - Vampire

    A spell to make you a vampire, got it off a friend so I don't know if it works.
    You may need:

  • 1 Red candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 Red candle
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    Sit down in a nice comfy place outside where you feel comfortable. Cast yourself a circle to cast away negative energies and to keep you safe. Take a few minutes (The longer the better) just to meditate and release stress and negative energies that may have you worked up. After you feel relaxed, light the candle and have it in front of you. Recite the spell 10x

    "Spirits of the undead, I ask you please to turn me into one of you! I wish to have the powers of SuperHuman speed, SuperHuman strength, SuperHuman Senses, Superhuman Healing, Flight , Immortality, Compulsion, Super Human Agility. And my weakness's will be, Ivitation to enter a house, Wooden stakes, , Vervain. I will become an undead Vampire, I will grow stronger over time. My fangs will come out when I want them to come out. I will not need oxygen to survive, When I take out my fangs my eyes will glow a yellow color. My blood will heal humans, as well as if they die with my blood in their system they'll become a vampire. This is my will! So mote it be!"

    Added to on Dec 18, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #667 - Blood Dragon Charm

    This will give you luck and is a more advanced version of the Dragon Charm. This is blood magic, and will demand that you receive good luck and lots of it. Spell will last a day - 3 days
    You may need:

  • 1 black candle (to break any barriers that stop you from receiving good luck.)
  • Matches (No lighters)
  • An item to charm (ring, necklace etc.)
  • A sharp object to pierce your finger (pin, knife, etc.)
  • 1-3 drops of your blood
  • (optional) Protective circle to prevent backfire
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    You may need:

  • 1 black candle (to break any barriers that stop you from receiving good luck.)
  • Matches (No lighters)
  • An item to charm (ring, necklace etc.)
  • A sharp object to pierce your finger (pin, knife, etc.)
  • 1-3 drops of your blood
  • (optional) Protective circle to prevent backfire
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    Grab the pin or whatever you are using to pierce your finger. Once your finger is bleeding, grab your black candle and pinch the wick of the candle to cover and douse it with your blood. Set up the candle on the ground, table or altar. Anything will do.

    Place the item you want to charm inbetween you and the candle. Light the candle with the matches. Now recite the following; "Dragon of light i call upon you, turn this (whatever you want to charm) into a charm of good luck. Never shall my spells fail".

    Then grab your item, and brush it through the flame of the black candle while reciting the following: "This ordinary charm is now a good luck charm so mote it be." Now put on your charm straight after saying the last step and feel the rush of energy flow through you. If you don't feel any energy flow through you, your want for this to work is not very high.

    Snuff out the candle by pinching the flame. Recommended to put some saliva on your fingers so you dont burn yourself.

    Added to on Dec 18, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #668 - 2nd Dragon Transformation

    Another Dragon transformation spell, in case the other one didn't work.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "Great beast in the sky
    Flying through the darkened night.
    I wish to fly among you,
    A Dragon, through and through.
    With great wings that span so wide
    and carry me on up so high.
    To have great, sharp claws
    and a spike-covered tail.
    A body that is (insert color here)
    To be one with the earth and its creations.
    I wish to control (wind, water, fire, earth, lightning)
    and be filled by its nature.
    So give me great jaws filled with sharp teeth.
    Hard, thick scales to protect me.
    I want to be able to change at will.
    To live forever in any form,
    a Dragon to my very core."

    Added to on Dec 06, 2014
    Last edited on Feb 24, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #669 - Transform

    This is my first spell I've been working on it for a while but have not had success. I am a beginner and this may not work. This is supposed to work best at night.
    You may need:

  • Mind
  • Belief
  • Inner Strenght
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    You may need:

  • Mind
  • Belief
  • Inner Strenght
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    1. Go outside, or near a window, and look up, at the stars, the moon, and the power seeping from them. Absorb the power, adding it to the strength you have.

    2. Say,
    ''The (type of animal) inside is calling from the inside,
    The heart, the soul, the body, the mind,
    From ears to tail, from teeth to claws,
    Let me become a (type of animal) with no flaws.''

    3. Imagine yourself as the creature you want to be.

    I don't know if it'll work but I hope it does for most of you.

    Ps you should be able to transform whenever you want.

    Added to on Dec 06, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #670 - Request to Selene

    Now, strictly speaking this isn't a "spell", but there is a poem or chant or prayer or whatever you want to call it in the Vampire Bible that seems to be one that is used to "request" a vampire's presence. I have not tried it out.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Note:the following information containing a spell to become a vampire may have dangerous after-effects.It would be wise not to read this out loud unless you intend for these effects to occur

    Those who are familiar with the story of the origin of vampires will recognize the importance of the moonlight goddess Selene in vampire history. She is considered the mother of all vampires, though technically she lived and died a virgin. It was her blood mixed with her husband Ambrogio's that gave him the power to create new life through his bite. Though her "children" never got to know her during her lifetime, they are regularly in touch with her in the form of the moonlight she shines down upon them each night.

    It is no surprise then that Selene maintains a position of great reverence among all vampires. It is forbidden to speak ill of her, as she is considered both mother and guardian angel among all vampires.

    I am often asked if there is any kind of magic spell to become a vampire. While I'll be the first to say that anything is possible, I have not in my work found any actual magic spell, nor anything that indicates that one exists. Vampires seem to be made strictly from one another, and you would need a "living" vampire's blood or saliva in order to become one.
    That said, there may be something that, though not technically a spell, might have the same effect. There are several poems in the Vampire Bible that are dedicated to Selene, the vampire mother. It is a tradition to honor Selene with poems just as her true love Ambrogio did while she was still alive. Ambrogio's vampire love poems are the inspiration for this tradition, though many of the later poems are more about gratitude and worship than love.

    One such poem in particular is particularly interesting because it appears to be a prayer to Selene asking for her specific assistance in becoming a vampire. It's not exactly a "spell", but it is a request to the vampire mother to send one of her "children" to the reader of the poem in order to be turned into a vampire. This makes much more sense than a magic spell and could possibly be one of the only ways to attract vampires to one's self.
    The poem itself is in Latin, with a translation into English following. If anyone were going to use this as a sort of spell to become a vampire, it would be best to read aloud the Latin version I would think. Use at your own risk.

    Ode To The Vampire Mother
    "O dea tenebris mater immortalibus puer tuus fac me sicut renascentur mea lux vestra absorbere liceat mihi locus ad tenebras sicut ex utero immortales filios tuos in ulnis quibus invocaverit te frater. O lunae lumen puer tuus fac me sicut renascentur me duce tenebris sunt i ita erit renatus"

    "Oh goddess of the darkness mother to the immortal let me be reborn as your child let your light absorb my own. Allow me passage to the darkness as from your immortal womb into the arms of your children to whom I will call brother. Oh moonlight let me be reborn as your child guide the dark ones to me so I shall be born again"

    Added to on Dec 03, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters