First,to bless the water, go up to any tree that you think is special to you or the target of the spell,and run the water down the bark. .Be sure to catch it before it falls.
Then,you say the following words while throwing the water at the person,a few drops at a time: "Soul bound by invisible ropes,now break free from all that is mortal. Dragon trapped in iron bounds,break your chains to all that is alive."
This spell is to make you a mermaid. Not everyone gets a tail,though,they just get the ability to breathe under water,swim like a mermaid/merman and to have the mermaid/merman's instinct.
You may need:
2 towels
Some shells (the number of shells is your lucky number)
Any 2 products for your hair,body,or skin
1 jar (any size)
Herb (any herb that you want)
You may need:
2 towels
Some shells (the number of shells is your lucky number)
Any 2 products for your hair,body,or skin
1 jar (any size)
Herb (any herb that you want)
First,you lay the towels down.Through the spell, just think "i wish to be a mermaid/merman" Next, lay your shells down on the towels in a pattern you desire. Put the products for your body on the towel. Now if you are left handed,put it on the left,same for right handed.
Next you need to get the jar and put the herbs and water in it. Place the jar in the middle of the pattern. Put 1 drop of each product on the shells you feel are most special, then one of each in the jar.
Chant "Make me a mermaid to swim with the fish, let this me my one and only wish, to breathe under water, swim and have instinct, twice I will not have to think" Then, take a bath and pour the stuff in the jar in then when you are done,use the same towels from the spell to dry off with and lay all the shells on a windowsill.
This spell takes 2-3 weeks to complete your fang come in 2 weeks you should notice some ups
You may need:
A needle
Some blood more blood =higher chances
Red candle
And a plate
You may need:
A needle
Some blood more blood =higher chances
Red candle
And a plate
Firs t you need to prick your finger with the needle then put your blood on the plate then say satin satin come to me then light the red candle and say take my soul and twist and turn it into what I really am the say SO MOTE IT BE!! And blow out the candle
In the morning go to a calm place outside or in your home but I prefer outside
At 8:00a.m or p.m if you are to late to do it in the morning.go in the room and chant this
Goddes of air and wind
Please listen to my call
I wish to have it all
Wing and a wand you must
Don't forget the fairy dust
Grant me this within an hour
I wish to have this brilliant power!
They say visualize the color and kind of wings you want
Hope it works for you :D
An Inuyasha spell anything he can do you can do almost to
You may need:
Must be done on new moon or less than 20%
You may need:
Must be done on new moon or less than 20%
Think of the ear color you want when you have that in mind chant this
This is an Inuyasha spell, your ears will leave on a new moon just like his, the reason why it's on a new moon is because Inuyasha doesn't have dog ears on new moons and you don't have dog ears, so... yeah, also I'm not sure when they should come in they just do but I say if you don't have them in by the next new moon something went wrong. Oh yeah I almost forgot, hehe, um, yeah, it's if a friend of yours or your boy/girl friend or lover says sit you will be thrown to the ground just like him if you wear a necklace. Sorry guys that's life and yes I know your friend and lover aren't your master but oh well.
Say this once: "Of the power of the magic Winx this is my believix wish. for i shall have the power of the fairy ______ and she shall be my guardian as i will fly with her".
Use the paper and pencils or marker to draw what you would look like as a fairy. Add details and colors to your wings to make sure they are what you want them to look like.
Say once you're done drawing: "By the power of my gaurdian fairy I shall be one with only good in my heart, so mote me and my powers never be apart".
After 2 days, say this to activate you powers: "Magic Winx! "
On the night of a new moon, fill a bath with warm water. It has to be full enough so your legs are fully underwater. Put together your legs as if it's already a tail. Then, put in 1/3 cup of dye in the water. Gently stir it around with your hands. Drop in the fish fin.
After a minute, hold it to your heart and say, "My desire is to become a mermaid/merman. Posideion, I call upon you. Grant me my wish, and when I'm dry, my legs shall return." Now, until your tail grows, keep the fish fin as a necklace and wear it. The tail should grow in a week to a month.