1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters
- Fairy
- ~Attract The Faeries Using A Faerie Ring~
- Mermaid Spell
- Werewolf
- Become Human
- Vampire spell
- Turn Into a Mermaid
- Goddess Selene: Werewolf
- Sorcery
- Vampire
#1101 - Fairy
Chant: "Tonight I wish to be a fairy, no less than a day I will be, I wish to soar high, spend time with other fairy's, tonight I wish to be a fairy". Have a lit candle.
Last edited on Mar 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1102 - ~Attract The Faeries Using A Faerie Ring~
Go to the Faerie ring and ask for permission to be present with them and you mean no harm to them. Go inside of the Faerie ring walk clockwise while sprinkling the salt mixed with the clovers on the Faerie ring.
Now go and whisper:
''Faerie beings I can't see please will you appear to me help me help me if you would my spell is only mean't for good VENIO, ADVOCO, VIDEO.
If you have any trouble with the spell please E-mail me usually people can't pronounce the last three words.
~Blessed Be~ )O(
#1103 - Mermaid Spell
''human legs i have when i touch air, but in the water i have no more. A tail is my dream. This is my will so shall it be.''
Then put salt into the bath
then recite:
''When water i touch a tail i have, when dry i have legs. Goddess of the water, goddess of beauty, this is my will, so shall it be.''
Side effects are unknown
#1104 - Werewolf
Before saying the chant, you may choose to light a candle and incense to set the tone. If you want to give an offering to Artemis, now is the time.
Dianæ hic placitum meum
apparebit est vere credo,
fac mihi lupus.
quid mihi opus est ut '
Da mihi virtutem nocte derivare
et ego ero imperare animo mutationem voluntatis
habebo virtúte
Ego me inveniet
ego me
et mihi est lupus
Diana exaudi orationem meam
Hoc ego postulo
prope est, ut sciam periculum
sensus validior est videre et audire.
Ego creaturae noctis
transeatur quando Luna est dextera
mitte filii vestri
filii tui wolven
ad me mordeant
da mihi virtutem
mutare me
unum nos facere
sic fiat"
Side Effects
- strength
- eye colour change
- speed
- sharper teeth
- wanting to be outside more
- and of course, more hair
Last edited on Nov 13, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1105 - Become Human
Place all candles in the points of the pentacle facing different directions and say:
"Gods and Goddesses
I have chosen the wrong path
Vampirism is not for me
So mote it be
I no longer worship blood
I don't even like it"
Spill the blood on the ground, then hold the garlic and say:
"I like garlic, it is my friend
It no longer affects me"
Then eat the garlic. Now hold cross and say:
"This doesn't affect me"
Last edited on Mar 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1106 - Vampire spell
Innocense of the human soul, begin the transformation i give myself. Transform into one with the blood in veins, i shall not be human, but a vampire.
Then dose the black candles in your blood while saying,
Vampires, i wish toi become one of you. ancestors please gelp me through tthis perriless fight. gain their trust, let me be free and become the vampire i was ment to be!
The stare at the red cansles, whil thinking about being a vampire.
Drink the other persons blood, and say,
thank you, so mote it be!
Then stay awake till dawn. you must sleep or try to untill it's dusk agian, then you must drink more blood. it can be anyones.
-blurry vision
-blood lust
-instant and bad sun burns (In the sun)
-sleeping durnig the day
-super strngth
-super speed
ster all or at least most of these happen, you should become a vampire.
Be careful, the sun will hurt, Ravaine will burn, and you will burn for blood. However, you see see 20x better than humans, you will be faster, stronger, and almost industrucible.
#1107 - Turn Into a Mermaid
Spell: Insouciant, inclemency, redoubtable, mediocracy. Make me what I wish to be. A mermaid. Witches one and Witches all, let this power come to me.
#1108 - Goddess Selene: Werewolf
Chant this under the full moonlight, some place where you will be left alone so no one can pray against it, or indoors.
"On the seashore, on the broujan, on the ocean floor gleams the moon, and a wolf laying in a ashtock green wood,and cattle seeking for his sharp white fangs, but the wolf dives not into the forest, nor runs to the shadowy vale, moon moon, golden horned moon, check the flights of bullets, blunt the hunters knife, rot the shepherds cudgle, strike wild fear upon all men, beasts, reptiles, and all creeping things so he may not catch the grey wolf nor tear him from his warm hide!"
Remember to visualize enerything you are saying going to happen, and the reason why it says cattle seeking for his white sharp fangs is because the wolf you turn into is not a evil one stained with blood but instead a innocent wolf, and back in the salem witch trials many wolves were automatically branded as evil creatures always working with satan, when in reality many were not.
Last edited on Mar 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1109 - Sorcery
Before you read this this may only shapeshift you spiritually, and most people do not believe in the concept of p-shifting spells, so it may be a fantasy spell.
Walk in a 3 foot circle in your mind, the walk in a 7 foot circle within your mind, then imagine a pot with 3 sticks to hold it up, make a fire underneath the pot, then say within your mind:
"Spirits of the leas
That grow upon the trees,
Be kind to me
Spirits of fire and ice
That are fair and nice,
Be kind to me
Spirits of the dead
That glide with noiseless trend
Be kind to me
Spirits of the undead
That are awake in their beds
Be kind to me
Spirits of wolves, werewolves
Vampires, satyrs and ghosts
Elect all your devilish hosts."
Turn the flame blue in your mind and you should turn into a wolf.
Last edited on Mar 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1110 - Vampire
At night Draw a pentagram in the middel of the piece of paper then put a drop of YOUR blood in the middel of the pentagram. Fold the paper (Hamburger style) Write your FULL name on it then fold it (Hamburger style) again and chant this three times:
"Blood sucking demon
Is what I want
I hand over my soul in hope my desire
Is reality. I want to be a vampire to feed
On others so mote it be!"
Last edited on Mar 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.