1530 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters
- Morning star Psi-feed
- Calling a Dragon Friend
- Make Some Meat
- Vampire Spell
- Cure Lycanthropy
- Wolf Spell
- New Moon Love
- Become a Werewolf
- Summon a Werewolf or Vampire
- Werewolf
#1141 - Morning star Psi-feed
Now you will need to create a psi ball at the very tip of the psi tendril. Do this by forcing chi down the tendril, and allowing it to fill the tip like a psi balloon being inflated by a hose.
Once this is complete, continue forcing energy into the ball until it begins seeping out of the psi-ball in filiments.(do not allow the ball to pop or deflate its chi, continue holding its spherical form with your Will.)
Finnally, if you have done the following correctly, you should have a psi tendril with a ''morning star'' at its tip. The ''spikes'' of the morning star, or its filiments if you will, are the devices through which you will feed, you will do this by extending the tendril/ morning star into a crowd of people and allowing the filiments to search for and attach to life forms, once this is done all thats left to do is pull in the chi.
Hope this info was helpful any questions feel free to contact me.
#1142 - Calling a Dragon Friend
Use the 5 pieces of ribbon to weave a pentagram, single point up.
Weave it as a summonsing pentagram.
Place the stone over your third eye and chant:
"Myriad of colors, shining bright,
Bringing happiness, love, and delight,
Tiny Dragons, friends to be,
Come now, I ask, and join with me.
Friendship found and love abounds."
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1143 - Make Some Meat
First off you need to open the snack and then say this 5 times:
"Meat meat is what I desire meat meat is what I need gods and godesses make this snack the one thing I desire make this snack meat."
You say this 5 times and then it will change to raw meat.
PS: It doesnt change shape taste only.
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1144 - Vampire Spell
Put on your sun protection item (bracelet/necklace/ring). Then repeat the following as many times as you want.
I want to be a vampire like the one in this picture. I want to have the same blood rush as him/her. I want to have the fangs. My weaknesses will be stakes, vervain, and sunlight. The sun shall not hurt me if I'm wearing this.
Last edited on Feb 23, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1145 - Cure Lycanthropy
Step 1 Make sure you have all your ingredients and are in human form.
Step 2 Start the fire and boil the water.
Step 3 Cut the lemon and squeeze lemon juice in the water then chant:
"Sour the curse of mine and make it easy to clean!"
One time.
Step 4 Throw in the salt and chant. "May this cure me of my wretched curse!" One time.
Step 5 Now throw in your hair, scale, or what ever you had from transforming into what ever were-creature you are.
Step 6 Put your hands over the boiling pot and chant:
"May this water clear me of any infections and side effects! No longer shall I be cursed! I am human, I am mortal I am not a were-(put creature name here) any more! So more this be."
Step 7 Let the potion cool, but make sure it is still warm, then drink it. The hotter the potion is the better it can work, but don't scald your throat by drinking it when it is way to hot.
Side effects include, but are not limited to the following:
They should go away in about four weeks at most.
Burning feeling.
Feels weaker.
Last edited on Dec 12, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1146 - Wolf Spell
Say this one time:
"The wolf is the creature that I seek,
sharp teeth and fur. I may shift when I please.
From my human body, to my furry wolf form.
I wish to be a wolf. By the power of the(Moon Phase)
I shall be given a wolf body."
Side effects:
Sharper teeth,
A little harrier,
Uncontrollable anger problems,
Wanting meat,
Possible growling/howling,
Better hearing/smell,
Last edited on Feb 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1147 - New Moon Love
On the night of a new moon, write your dream/wish on the piece of paper.Light the candle and simply look into the flames as they dance in the darkness of the room you are in. Close your eyes and visualize your wish coming true. Look to the moon and request that the Lady of the Moon grant you your wish. Thank her. Now take the piece of paper and burn it in the candle. Repeat this 12 nights. If you happen to miss a night you will have to start all over - but not during a waning moon.
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1148 - Become a Werewolf
Write down the details of you in wolf form. Here is an example:
- Fur color: gray
- Eye color: blue
- Hight: 5 feet 4 inches
- Powers/abilities: super strength, sight, and speed
You can add anything else you feel necessary. Fold the paper hamburger style and write werewolf and draw a pentacle beside it, as large as possible.(if your adding your hair and the dog's, mingle your hair with its and lay it on the paper. Fold it hamburger style again and write so mote it be as large as you can, all caps. Fold hamburger style again, write werewolf in cursive, fold one more hamburger style, and draw a pentacle. Go outside (must be night) and light the paper on fire. Now would be the time to add the sage if you wish.
Chant what you feel necessary, but one commonly used one is:
"By the light of the moon, and our piercing howls, we are transformed into cunning beasts. By the circl of lif and the evolution if man, I shall be reawakened as one with the land."
Last edited on Feb 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1149 - Summon a Werewolf or Vampire
Draw a spiral as big as you can on the paper than an X through it. If you have salt sprinkle it on the outer parts of your spiral in a circle.Burn the sage and or lavander, this will help with warding off evil things.
Chant, "I summon you, a (vampire/werewolf) to this room! I command you stay in my circle of safty. I summon you so I may ask you for my purposes. So more be!" Ask the (vampire/werwolf) your favor.
Last edited on Feb 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1150 - Werewolf
Sit down on the ground. Now, chant 10x: "Werewolves one, werewolves all. Awnser my call. I want to be one of you. I want this please, so make this me. Mote it be!"
Last edited on Feb 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.