1528 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters
- Be a Fresh or Saltwater Mermaid
- Work With Fae
- Get a Pet Dragon
- Dragon Potion
- Element Fairy
- Element Fairy (Water Fairy)
- Element Fairy (Air Fairy)
- Elf
- Mermaid of the Ocean Blue
- Ritual of Immortality
#601 - Be a Fresh or Saltwater Mermaid
Light the candle. Take the glass bowl of water and dip the silver necklace or bracelet in. Make sure it is really wet. Take the bracelet or necklace and hold above fire. While above fire, chant:
"Ocean sisters come to me
Bring the powers of the sea
Make us one with oceans and the water
Fish nor human shall I be"
Drop necklace/bracelet in fire and wait for 6 seconds. Pour the bowl of water over candle and wear the necklace.
The necklace/bracelet is a spell cancelling amulet. If you want to swim without being a mermaid, wear the necklace/bracelet in the water. Wear it at all times out of the water, or it will wear off.
Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#602 - Work With Fae
#603 - Get a Pet Dragon
First you need to print or draw (in color) your dragon. Next you have to fold it into quarters and put it under your pillow under the stone.
When you go to bed , say "Dragons,dragons,hear my plea, I wish this stone was a dragons egg. It will take the shape of the drawing underneath it .This is my will so mote it be"
When you wake up the stone will look slightly different ( warm to touch, glowing slightly, etc). Tip: small tigers eye stones work best if you want a feirce dragon, amethyst if you want a gentle, docile one
Last edited on Aug 13, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#604 - Dragon Potion
Use the ingredient that corresponds with the dragon type you want.
- Fire Dragon- Lemon
- Air Dragon- Grapefruit
- Water Dragon- Mandarin
- Earth Dragon- Orange
Fill your Potion bottle with the water. Then squeeze one of the fruit from above (depending on which Dragon you want to be) into the Potion bottle. Concentrate hardly on what you will look like, and then recite the Spell:
'Gods and Goddesses of Nature and Animals, please let this Potion make me a (Fire, Air, Water, Earth) Dragon. As it is my desire to be so. This Potion shall take away my skin and give me (Fire=Red, Air=Grey, Water=Blue, Earth=Green) scales and wings the moment I say (summoning words). I shall be a human again when I say (disappearing words). So let it be!'
Then drink the Potion and say 'Thank you'. You should be able to turn into a Dragon and use your Element power in one month.
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#605 - Element Fairy
Use the ingredients that correspond to your birthdate:
- *March, April, May= Daisy
- June, July, August= Snowdrop
- September, October, November= Bluebell
- December, January, February= Daffodil
First, fill the bowl with the dirt or mud and put one of the flowers (depending on your birth-date) into the bowl. Put the bowl out into the sun and wait one minute. Then take it, go outside, kneel on the ground, close your eyes and recite the Spell:
"Goddess of Earth, please help me with my desire. I wish to be an Earth Fairy! I wish my wings will be (white, brown, cream, green). I wish to have the powers of Earth and (love, fortune, super-strengh, super-speed). When I say "I am an Earth Fairy", I will be visible ONLY to the ones I have told my secret and I will have my wings on my back. When I say "I am a human being", I will be a human again. I promise to keep this a secret and only tell my Bestest of Friends and my family. So mote it be!"
After you have recited the spell, kiss your flower and meditate for at least half a minute.
Last edited on Aug 13, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#606 - Element Fairy (Water Fairy)
Take the water bottle and put it in front of you. Hold the conch shell to your ear and listen to the waves (actually, it's the blood in your head) for at least 30 seconds. Then put down the conch shell, close your eyes and recite the Spell:
'Goddess of Water, Goddess of the Sea, please make my desire come true.
I wish to be a Water Fairy!
I wish my wings will be (white, blue, pink, green).
I wish to have the powers of Water and (teleportation, mind-reading, super-strength, super-speed).
When I say ''I am a Water Fairy'', I will be visible ONLY to the ones I have told my secret and I will have my wings on my back.
When I say ''I am a human being'', I will be a human again.
I promise to keep this a secret and only tell my Bestest of Friends and my family.
So mote it be!'
After you have recited the Spell, fill the conch shell with water from the water bottle and drink it. Do it over and over again until the water bottle is empty.
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#607 - Element Fairy (Air Fairy)
This Spell should ONLY be made on Friday. If it's not, it will not work.
You need to do this Spell in a quiet room alone. Take the balloon and pump it up. Then put it in front of you, close your eyes and recite the Spell:
'Goddess of Wind, Goddess of Air, please help me with my desire.
I wish to be an Air Fairy!
I wish my wings will be (white, blue, purple, grey).
I wish to have the powers of Wind and (healing, mind-reading, super-strength, super-speed)
When I say ''I am an Air Fairy'', I will be visible ONLY to the ones I have told my secret and I will have my wings on my back.
When I say ''I am a human being'', I will be a human again.
I promise to keep this a secret and only tell my Bestest of Friends and my family.
So mote it be!'
After you have recited the Spell, open your eyes and pretend to be using your powers and wings. Then close your eyes again, and do the same, but this time imagine it. At last, open your eyes once more and pop the balloon.
#608 - Elf
Say once:
"Spirits and Universe
Make me one with the elements
Make me an elf
Grant me pointed ears
Give me beauty
Give me intelligence
Grant this wish
So mote it be"
Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#609 - Mermaid of the Ocean Blue
''Mermaids of the Ocean blue, I cry out to you. My wish is to become a mermaid like you and to be free in the sea. Oh (whatever being you wish to call too) hear this plea. Make me one with the sea. Let me have fins instead of feet, my tail will be long and start at my waist. So please lets make haste with this. My tail will be (tail color) please grant me with powers within the hour. My powers will be (your powers) and will come to me from beyond the shore. The full moon will enchant me and turn me the first two weeks. After that only water can change me. Rain will not harm me. This is my greatest desire so please mermaids, spirits, and gods or goddesses of the sea please grant me this wish.
So mote it be.
Now you slowly take out your shell, if it has water in it then take the shell and rub the water on your hands and legs, also make sure to hold the other necklace over the paper with the spell. It should spin on its own. Then take out your symbol and put it on. Drink the water about ten sips will do, stare at the moon or picture of the moon for two or three minuets. After that meditate for five minuets then go to sleep, keep your legs together for an hour. If it helps go to sleep listening to ocean sounds.
If it works for you then you should have these side effects
Tingly legs
Legs stick together alot
Legs will hurt
If you keep your legs apart for to long you might start to feel a pain in your legs.
You might also get lucky and have mermaid dreams. Pay attension to what your tail looks like that might be the one you get.
Last edited on Jan 22, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#610 - Ritual of Immortality
Get out on a blood moon at draw a pentagram with the point of it south using the blood. Put a black candle on the south point red candles on the east and west points and white candles on the northern points.
Have one magical person at each point in order of purity (currupt bottom neutral middle, east and west and pure north) with each of them having a chalice filled the potion made with the herbs (in a different section). Light the candles and return to your spot.
Say this incantation in unison with the other people "As the blood moon rises, we call upon the unholy creatures of the night and princes of the underworld. We call upon you Satan and offer that in return of making us immortal we will serve you and all unholy creatures for eternity and promise to bring you an innocent soul every month until the end of time!"
Cut your palm with the dagger and drain the blood into the chalice until its half full (be warned you must do this with no hesitance or regret or it will go badly and this applies to all in the ritual.
Thoroughly mix every ones blood by pouring each others blood in the chalices. Drink the mix and wait 7 days if you die you aren't strong enough for it if you survive you are now immortal and a vampire and immune to sunlight, for as long as you offer innocent souls to Satan every month (or year if you collect them all at the same time).
Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.