timmytom444's Profile

Member Info
Name: timmytom444
Location: i am where i am ask if you want to know
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Mon, 24 Mar 2025
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
hello :) I recently have learn alot about hypnosis so if anyone is interested in being hypnotized via just text feel free to ask
Bored - talk to me if ur bored too I guess
also ask me anything and i'll see what i can do
o and i have a most unusual life so if your bored we can talk about it
Also if anyone has ever heard of adampants pls talk to me
Why are other thing apart from thought nessary for spells considering alot of them do the same thing but are still different in wording, meaning that the wording is not important so why do they need any thing apart from thought
Yay I put more on my bio 16/7/14
And any puzzles I want to slove them or problems
Mhhhh 7/1/16. Time sure does move on
last update:
okay so beginning to understand life and its pretty cool i think someday you ( meaning anyone) should do the same gl my dudes