I re-uploaded this spell made by a different user. This is the version where your hair turns blonde if not already blonde and your eyes turn blue if not already blue.
You may need:
You may need:
On a windy day, go outside and chant this,do not read the crossed off text though, as it will screw up the spell
I call upon the angels in the heavenly skies to make me one of their kind, make me a beautiful blonde hair, blue eyed angel with a golden halo on my head and beautiful white wings on my back, so mote it be!"
Side Effects:
Back hurting
Feeling like your floating
Becoming closer to nature and the sky
Floating in the air
a halo appearing above your head
watery eyes (if your eyes are not blue:
portions of hair turning blonde (if not already blonde)
Wanna be like a unicorn? Use this spell on Halloween!
You may need:
Dressed up in a costume
A strong connection with a unicorn
You may need:
Dressed up in a costume
A strong connection with a unicorn
A unicorn spell for the believer.
First, make sure you are all dressed up in your Halloween costume (this spell best works if you are wearing a unicorn, witch, or fairy costume!) Gather your unicorn belief! Get it ready!
Imagine your playing with your unicorn friend. You must have a unicorn friend for this spell. Close your eyes. Imagine you have unicorn magic.
Repeat this three times:
"I wish to be among the unicorns,
prancing, dancing free.
I wish to see all the unicorns that there are to be."
After 1 hour you should have unicorn magic! Enjoy!
"I asks upon the gods and goddesses, I want the ability to change back and forth, I have a ferret in my heart, I have a ferret in my soul. But I am having trouble bringing out my coat as black as coal I ask you to help me, I ask of you to help me turn into someone I can truly be."
"Scales and Scales And Claws.Sharp teeth and teeth and tails. Lizard,Lizard lizard. I wish to be a scaly lizard. By the power of three(3), this is my wish so mote it be!"
"Spirits of the skunk, I ask you, gift me something, nice and new. One of you I want to be, for this is something I do agree. I wil be able to shift into my skunk form at will, I promise I wont go overkill. I will have two form(s), one skunk one human which will soon be a norm. This is my wish I want gifted to me,this is my will so mote it be!"
"Spirits of the snake, I call upon you, gift me something I know is true the gift of the snake, to become one would be cool, with this ability I should not be a fool. To shift on command is what I desire, after 5 shifts control of it is what I shall acquire. I thank you for this gift prior, I shall keep this a secret event if I have to be a liar."