1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters
- Mermaid Spell
- Become a Mermaid
- Shape Shifting
- Faerie Wings
- Half Night Fury
- Vampire
- To have a Vampire Dream
- A Working Werewolf Spell (Tested)
- A Mermaid Spell
- Dragon Transformation
#931 - Mermaid Spell
On this night, and on the hour. I call you near. Mermaids near and far, listen now, lend an ear. I have wish that I desire. To become a mermaid, to swim the sea as freely as can be. With a top and a tail, mermaid everywhere please do no fail. This full moon make my wish come true. So mote it be!
After you say the spell, listen to your heart and do whatever it tells you to do. If you do not hear anything then they have not received your request.
#932 - Become a Mermaid
-Have one part of your body touching water
-Say this spell 10 times:
''Insouciant Inclementcy,
Redoubtable Mediocracy,
Refutable Humanity,
Make me what I wish to be, a mermaid.
Witches one and witches all, give this power to me.''
SIDE EFFECTS (you may not get all of the side effects):
Itchy legs
Legs crossing by themselves
Mermaid dreams
Wanting to go swimming a lot
Getting better at swimming
#933 - Shape Shifting
Say: "When the moon rises I shall be hairy (werewolf) when I touch water, I shall gain scales,(mermaid) when the moon hits my skin, I will be pale (vamp.). When I think of a form, I shall become that. So mote it be!"
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#934 - Faerie Wings
Close your eyes. Visualize your desired wings. Feel them upon your back. Feel the fluttering of your wings now. Can you feel your magic flowing through the veins in your wings? Let it fill you with joy, happiness, and peace of mind. What ever color you see flashed before your eyes just now is the tint that your wings will be. Allow that color to flood your mind. Now let that color flow from your mind to your clear wings on your back, the color is filling them up. Making them visible. Say this incantation once you see them appear in your minds eye:
"Great Goddess of nature and the Faerie queen, let these wings grow upon my back. Let another child's first laughter be heard, and me reborn. Allow me to no longer be human, but a faerie like I have wished to be. Let these wings rise from my back in exactly one lunar cycle."
"O' great Goddess and Faerie queen, I will never do evil as long as these wings lay upon my back. I will always do what I believe in and what is right. I shall never let darkness tempt me to defy my oath. If I do evil, you may remove these wings from my back, as I will not be deserving of them."
After you said the spell, imagine your wings glowing with new found power. Then open your eyes.
Last edited on Feb 23, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#935 - Half Night Fury
If you have one, hold the Toothless toy and place the picture in front of you. Say this only once:
"Swift as air, Black as night, let the children be filled with fright. My wish is to become a Half Night Fury. To rule the skies as the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself. I will be able to transform into the Night Fury completely at will, with little pain. To transform, I must visualize the change, to return, I must do the same. So mote it be."
Side effects:
- Seeing visions of Night Furies
- Feeling more draconic
- Sharper nails and teeth
- More nocturnal
- Dreams of being a Night Fury
- Being more alone, rather than humans
- Starting to roar/growl often
- Having an appetite of fish
- Eyes more yellow/green
- Pupils slightly becoming slits
- Darker skin tone
Feeling more "Dangerous" on nights of the waxing moon, since that is when Night Furies attack most
Last edited on May 24, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#936 - Vampire
Sit in front of mirror at 11:11. Look at yourself in mirror then imagine yourself with fangs. Say, "Hear my plea, I wish to be a vampire, I understand the risk in which it will bring". Now hold your hand on your cheek ( representing last time feeling warm blood in your body). You will feel sick and burn( feel) until night and will take time to get used to
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#937 - To have a Vampire Dream
Light the candles at 12am after that lay down in your bed inhale the scent of the red candles and think about blood until you fall asleep. Inhale the scent 3 times only but keep thinking about blood.
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#938 - A Working Werewolf Spell (Tested)
Say This 10 Times On A Full Moon Without Messing Up:
''By the light of the moon and our piercing howls, we are further transformed into cunning beast. by the circle of life to the evolution of man, i shall be reawaken as one with the land.''
*OPTIONAL!!* To Get Rid Of Anger Issues Say This Along With The Spell, All 10 Times, So It Would Be This: ''By the light of the moon and our piercing howls, we are further transformed into cunning beast. by the circle of life to the evolution of man, i shall be reawaken as one with the land.Let me have the smarts and courage of a true wolf. Let the anger be true and not unreal For I am now reborn under the moon. So let it be!'' 10 Times.
Uncontrollable Anger, (unless you did the optional add-on)
Better Senses Even In Human Form,
Bone, Muscle, Teeth, And Head Aches,
And Upset Stomach
(*Please PM Me If There Are More Side-Effects!*)
#939 - A Mermaid Spell
Glass of the sea shine, upon me I have the ocean. Grant me with fins, make me a mermaid human no more now I'm finnaly free to escape humanity
#940 - Dragon Transformation
''Let me have scales of a dragon. Let me transform into a dragon any time I want. Let me have control in my dragon form. Let me be a creature I want to be. So Mote It Be.''
This spell should work instantly after chanting three times. If not, allow up to three days.
Some people will get side effects, and they are:
Nausea (Mild to moderate)
Growing claws
Backaches (If dragon form has wings)
-Imagine you turning into the dragon you want
-To turn back into a human, imagine yourself in human form and claw the ground 3x in a row
-To turn into a dragon again, picture your dragon form and chant, ''I shall turn into the dragon I was before.''
This spell can work on anyone, even kids.
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.