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1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 1532 Fantasy Spells
1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1532 Fantasy Spells
  1. Spell Writing
  2. Mermaid Power Potion!
  3. Grow Wings In 24 Hours!
  4. Ways to become a vampire
  5. Become the Strongest Vampire
  6. Psi Vampire
  7. Eye of the Dragon
  8. Dinosaur
  9. Were-cat Potion (Extra)
  10. Fairy Magnet

#961 - Spell Writing

How To Write a Spell or Ritual - The Basics
You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    STEP 1
    Clearly state your need, determine what is the purpose of the spell. Think about this carefully you must be VERY specific. Asking for protection could mean anything. You can not leave anything to chance in spellmaking. You must cover all aspects, be certain of all parts. Clearly state all dimensions of your need (enduring love, rather than just love; complete protection, rather than just physical protection; etc.).

    STEP 2
    Once you have the spell specifics determined clearly in your mind especially its purpose it's time to start building the spell together. This is where your correspondences come in. You will need to research things like candle colours, moon phases, herbs, and elements while you decide what is right for the spell. You must also decide what materials you need if any. Go with your instinct and what feels right for you. Make notes about what you want the spell to consist of and what you want to be the outcome.

    STEP 3
    Next we begin to write the spell or ritual. Don not expect the words to flow from you especially when first starting to Spellcraft. With all things it takes practice to formulate words and actions together. The more you practice the better you will become. Your mind will know what you need so always go with instinct and heart, trust your inner self. If you are using tools in your spell then try to mention them in the spell, infuse your words of power or magickal rhyme into the spell or ritual to strengthen it. Sometimes it is these words that may help you to build the entire spell or rhyme. Also think about the actual words you use, match the words to the type of spell you're composing, strong words for protection, gentler words for healing or love. During any spell or ritual chanting is used to raise power. Try to build a chant one that rhymes and repeat it several times depending on how powerful you want the spell to be. Also when writing be aware of any actions like writing on some paper, what type of paper, candle lighting, burning anything etc. You must match the words to the actions of the spell or ritual.

    STEP 4
    To finish off you must read it through carefully and make any changes or additions. Check each stage of what you have written, anything you need to do to prepare, any action at the end must also be considered. When you have everything in place you will be readty to preform your spell or ritual.

    Remember that all this will be going into your own Book Of Shadows. It is very important to keep a record of the whole spell or ritual, when it was performed, what you did, did you feel anything etc.

    Added to on Oct 25, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #962 - Mermaid Power Potion!

    This spell will give you the powers of shapeshifting, heating, and moving water.Message me if it works.
    You may need:

  • Salt
  • Water
  • Strand of your hair
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    You may need:

  • Salt
  • Water
  • Strand of your hair
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    "Mermaids of the ocean deep,
    Grant me this while I'm asleep.
    Powers are what you must send,
    For on them I will depend.
    Hydrokinesis is number one,
    For mermaids use this just for fun.
    Hydrothermokinesis is number two,
    So mermaids can heat things too.
    Shapeshifting is number three,
    Because, for me, it's mandatory."

    Gather ingredients. Put 3 dashes of salt into the water. Swirl the water with your finger clockwise. Add the hair and repeat #3. Whisper the spell over the potion 3 times. Drink 5-10 sips of the potion, depending if your new doing magic or not.

    Side Effects:

    • Water bends to your will
    • It gets hot in the room you're in
    • When you think about certain objects, you start to turn into them

    Added to on Oct 23, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #963 - Grow Wings In 24 Hours!

    Use this spell and you will grow wings within 24 hours.
    You may need:

  • Water Bottle /w/ lid (empty)
  • Liquid Body Soap
  • Perfume (Body Spray Will Work)
  • Teaspoon
  • Tablespoon
  • Glitter the color you want your wings to be
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    You may need:

  • Water Bottle /w/ lid (empty)
  • Liquid Body Soap
  • Perfume (Body Spray Will Work)
  • Teaspoon
  • Tablespoon
  • Glitter the color you want your wings to be
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    Put 12 tablespoons of liquid body soap in your bottle. Put ONLY 1 teaspoon of your perfume (body spray, etc) in the bottle. Sprinkle 3 teaspoons of glitter in the bottle. Get into a shower or bath and chant:

    "Wings oh so beautiful, I want more than anything to have wings. In 24 hours after this spell, I will have (the color of your glitter) wings. Gods and goddessess, hear me now,give me wings."

    Chant while applying the potion to your back. Rinse well with water. Wash with this for 2 more days.

    Added to on Oct 22, 2013
    Last edited on May 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #964 - Ways to become a vampire

    I have been studying them for 3 years. Besides, I am one myself for about 1 year. If you don't believe, please go away.
    You may need:

  • Nothing much
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    You may need:

  • Nothing much
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    Here are the two ways you can be/become a vampire.
    WAY 1:
    You could be born a vampire and don't even know it. Usually, you have your awakening at the age of 11, 12, 13 or 14. If you don't know what a awakening is then it's pretty much like puberty but you get vampire traits. Look it up and find out more, but you will know when you have it. The source that will help is a sanguinarius. org and go to Teen vampires. Then awakening vampires.

    WAY 2:
    Blood exchange. Not like running in the streets and searching for someone. Ask a friend, family, neighbor or etc. besides vampire are everywhere. Go to vampire website then ''How to get turned into a vampire'' It's in there but here is the basic description:

    To get turned into a vampire you need to do a simple exchange of blood with a vampire. Even just a 1/4 teaspoon of blood is more than enough blood to turn you into a vampire. Unlike how this is portrayed in movies, there is no need to drain someone of their blood to the point of death, when turning them into a vampire. Any person that claims they are a real vampire and says that they have to drain you to the point of death to turn you into a vampire, is a poser and should be avoided.

    As is already commonly believed, when a vampire turns you into a vampire, the vampire must receive the normal persons blood first. This exchange of blood can be done orally. Afterwards the normal person must receive the vampires blood, they can do this orally as well. This is the only way that you can be turned into a vampire.

    This is possible because being a vampire, and the ability for you to get turned into a vampire is caused by an endogenous retrovirus, go to that page to learn more about it.

    ALSO DON'T TRY VAMPIRE SPELLS THEY NEVER WORK! This is not really a spell kind of just information to help you.

    If you have any more questions, please contact me! I will help you with any information you would like :)
    Thank you

    Added to on Oct 20, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #965 - Become the Strongest Vampire

    This will give you a major power of your choose that can develop.
    You may need:

  • Needle
  • A drop of your blood
  • A candle
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    You may need:

  • Needle
  • A drop of your blood
  • A candle
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    Look at the window and think of words to describe the moon then light the candle infront of you in the moon light. Chant; "Give me a enchanted life of immortals, the undead."

    Stare into the flame and focus of nothing but it, then chant, "Powers of thy undead rise, pull yourself across these skies. Bring me a vampire life soon, as this candle light crosses the moon".

    Then prick your finger with the needle and pour 1 drop of blood onto the flame, do more until the flame goes out. Then think of your self with ruby red eyes fangs with blood dripping from them. if you wont hunt humans, but animals then imagine gold eyes.

    Chant: "Take my mortality and make me feed on blood and live in the night. I shall be able to (name power) then sleep in the morning". You should awake seeing yourself with ruby eyes, mortals shall not be able to see it though.

    Added to on Oct 19, 2013
    Last edited on May 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #966 - Psi Vampire

    It's a spell to make you psi vampire.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say 3x " I wish to become a vampire I will have red eyes, fangs, and claws, I shall sell my soul to you, this is my will so mote it be!"

    Added to on Oct 18, 2013
    Last edited on May 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #967 - Eye of the Dragon

    Say this spell 3 times, whoever's name is on the blank line will then be protected from harm until the next full moon.
    You may need:

  • Picture of a Dragon Eye
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    You may need:

  • Picture of a Dragon Eye
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    Hold the picture in front of you. Sit or stand in a comfortable position on the night of a full moon. Chant 3 times:

    "Dragon Eye,
    Protect thy,
    Oh mighty beast,
    Please watch over thee,
    Until full light
    ____ shall be alright!"

    Side Effects:

    • Protection
    • Feeling as if you're being watched (In a good way.)
    • Feeling like you are indestructible, cannot be hurt. (You will still feel pain, you just won't be harmed. Please don't hurt yourself.)

    Added to on Oct 17, 2013
    Last edited on May 01, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #968 - Dinosaur

    This spell will turn you into a dinosaur.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen/Pencil
  • Colored Pencils/Crayons
  • Ruler(12 inches) or tape measure
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen/Pencil
  • Colored Pencils/Crayons
  • Ruler(12 inches) or tape measure
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    Draw the dinosaur you want to be. Place the height and length. Color it in. Fold paper hamburger style. Write your info (Name, type of dino, scale color, eye color, behavior/personality, diet, etc.) Fold the paper hamburger style.

    -Write and say at the same time, "Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs, I wish to be a dinosaur. I want to be a/an (name of dinosaur). My scale color shall be (color). And my eyes will be shining (color). God, grant me my wish to be, I wish to be a dinosaur. So Mote It Be." ("So Mote It Be" should be written as big as you can.)

    Fold the paper hamburger style. Draw a pentagram. Fold it once more. Every night, for three nights, chant this first, "God, please let me be the dinosaur I wish to be. Then, chant, "Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs, I wish to be a dinosaur. I want to be a/an (name of dinosaur). My scale color shall be (color). And my eyes will be shining (color). God, grant me my wish to be, I wish to be a dinosaur. So Mote It Be."

    Kiss the paper and put it under your pillow. As you fall asleep, dream of you being a dinosaur.

    Side Effects:

    • Eyes will change color
    • Skin will change color
    • Headaches
    • Toothaches
    • Nausea
    • Tailbone aches
    • Backaches
    • Longer nails (Depends on what your dino is.)
    • Taller
    • Longer
    • Stronger

    Added to on Oct 17, 2013
    Last edited on Sep 26, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #969 - Were-cat Potion (Extra)

    There was something I forgot to add on. Come to this one for the extra things I forgot.
    You may need:

  • 1 quartz crystal
  • 1 Moonstone
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    You may need:

  • 1 quartz crystal
  • 1 Moonstone
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    -After you put in the piece of jewelry, put in the quartz crystal.

    -And after you put in your strand of your hair, add the moonstone.

    That was something I forgot to add to the potion recipe.

    Added to on Oct 15, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #970 - Fairy Magnet

    Helps you to attract a fairy . A fairy can grant you 3 wishes
    You may need:

  • A chocolate
  • A perfume spray
  • A pillow
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    You may need:

  • A chocolate
  • A perfume spray
  • A pillow
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    Spray the perfume all around you. Place the chocolate as an offering to the fairy. Place the pillow behind the chocolate and say

    " Oh fairy , fairy , please hear me . I bow to you and your power . Be my friend and together we will create harmony . I offer this sweet to you as a token of friendship. "

    Meditate and feel yourself flow to the fairy world. Imagine the fairy you want and try speaking to her. Find out who she is. Once you know her name , open your eyes. Imagine her flying around you and feel her presence . You will find her right beside you. If you don't , it means that she is an evil fairy. Try again. If you find a good fairy , she will grant you 3 wishes which you can use whenever you want. To use a wish , chant

    " Oh ( your fairy 's name ) ! I am in despair ! I will use a wish . I wish , with all my heart that ( say your wish ) . Please grant it".

    Added to on Oct 13, 2013
    Last edited on May 02, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters