2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Mend A Broken Heart
- Vampire
- Fallen Angel
- Titan
- Angels and Prophetic Dreams
- Connect to a Tree
- Demon Wolf
- Happiness
- Kill
- Kill A Chill
#1041 - Mend A Broken Heart
Place one of the pink candles at the end of a bath and start to fill it with warm water. With the water running, prepare a cup of strawberry tea. Light a candle and soak in the warm water until you feel relax enough to weave the spell. As you dry off, sip the srawberry tea and then dab the strawberry oil around your face.Make your way to the altar and cast a cirle with your willow wand. Now light your second pink candle and put the other ingredients into the bowl,
Stir them thoroughly,saying as you do:
"Mother earth I ask you for nurture and protection. Give me the confidence to use the strengths I have. And let it be done,that it harm no one"
When everything is thoroughly mixed,look in the miror and say: "Mother earth, help me to be the person I know I am. And let me overcome my difficulty. And let it be done that it harm no one ."
Pour half the mixture into the drawstring bag alone with the coin and the crystal and close the magic making the usual way. Leave the bowl containing the other half in a place where you will be able to enjoy the fragrance. Keep the bag with you at all times and sleep with it under your pillow until you feel that your broken heart is healed.
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1042 - Vampire
It has to be dark and you can be either inside or outside (me personally inside.) and you take a symbol that means somethign to you and put it on. Then close your eyes and focus on you becomeing a vampire and never turning back. and the things you want to be able to do like for example runing fast hearing douns from far away etc. And then say this chan three times with your eyes opened.
"I invoke the spirits and I want to say,
I'm tired of this boring life,
There is never anything new,
Everything is the same,
There is never anything exciting
So that's why I want to become a vampire,
Now nothing will ever be the same,
Drinking blood with extraordinary thirst,
After tonight, everyone will see,
Nothing will ever be the same,
So make me a vampire, It shall be.
Give me red eyes when thirsty.
I call the spirits to make this me.
So mote it be.
Transformation come to me,
Hear me now,
Make out my plea"
Say that three times with your eyes opened. And then in 30 seconds you will become a vampire.
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1043 - Fallen Angel
Say (x3-5) day or night:
"Oh fallen angels, lend me the light. Make me one of you, make me a fallen angel, with wings that are (color). I wish to fly as high as the wind can take me, from mountain to mountain, tree to tree. I wish to fly just as high as you, bless me and make me a fallen angel too".
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1044 - Titan
Say the 3-5 or (x1) times over the water make sure your mind is clear:
"Titan of one Titans of all
I beg of you to give me your blessing
Make me a Titan like you
A Titan god of (specialization)
Bless this water
Make me a Titan god"
Then drink the water.
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1045 - Angels and Prophetic Dreams
Before you go to bed or asleep just ask angels or guardian angel for guidance, answers to your questions or healing or if you would like to say something.
You may hear a voice if you are very intuitive. Ask them to keep you from evil and ask them to watch over you. When you get used to doing this and if you've ever heard a voice, ask them to show themselves kindly. If they do, do not be scared. Talk to them or say thank you.
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1046 - Connect to a Tree
First open the envelope. Put in your leaf twig etc. Close it and put a few drops of oil on the front. Then write on the envelope:
"Dear tree you are so mighty and tall,
Take down your minds wall,
Let me hear your thoughts and heart,
Let me feel your rough bark.
Let me hear your soft wind whisper,
Let me gain knowledge and good traits from you,
Dear tree, mighty and tall."
After you've written that say it out loud, then go sit with your head against the tree and listen. You might hear it whisper and you will feel loved and warm inside. Then put the envelope near the tree or bury it.
Last edited on Nov 05, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1047 - Demon Wolf
Say x10 at night: "I call upon the spirits of the moon. Make me demon wolf off of teen wolf. In human and wolf form I will be x5000 stronger than a normal human, x1000 times faster than a cheeta, my senses will be x500 times better than a normal human. I will be able to transform at will and have control in human and wolf form. Make me the creature I want to be. Make me the demon wolf, so mote it be."
Side effects:
- changing eye color.
- super strength/speed.
- super jumping skills.
- super tracking skills.
- upset stomach.
- pain in your muscles and bones.
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1048 - Happiness
Light the candles, and get the tune of a song with an easy rhythm in your head. Hold the crystal above the candle until you feel the warmth from the candle creep up to your fingers. Take the crystal and hold it against your charm. Sing the song (without words) and repeat it, so you've sang it twice. Blow out the candles.
You will feel the energy transfer into the crystal. Set the crystal down, and put your charm on. When you are feeling sad, or want to use this spell to feel better, sing the same song the same way, and put your hands on both your charm and your heart for it to work.
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1049 - Kill
Light the candles, get the knife and cut the apple in half while chanting:
"I cut
I hurt
Their blood will squirt
Oh angel of death
Kill (persons name)
No longer shall they live"
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1050 - Kill A Chill
Say this spell, and say it from memory:"Warmth and laughter knock out cold, no more coldness make me bright and bold." You may say this as many times as you want.
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.