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2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters

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2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2963 Health Spells
  3. ALLERGY CURE (keeps you from fighting with people)
  4. ressurection fine tune a person if you dont see him/her also ressurects
  6. Get you out of concentration camp
  8. Stop a natural disasters even after it occurs. safe working tested powerfulc
  10. Shamanism healing plants eat ability


Finds new friend who are healthy skaters who gives you rides everywhere type thing only for skater world/surfer or finds close to it depending on skill level like flight ranking surfer dies with me but im high ranking.
You may need:

  • nothing
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    You may need:

  • nothing
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    1. Say, "ITS BORING" or anything like that.

    2. Then say "ACTIVATE SPELL" then new friends will appear and everytime its boring it will bring you and loved ones new friends, especially to people on earth where its bad, (Except like racists cause using a african god, it was was god that was killed by hangings.)

    And it starts looking for new friend upgrades for you that are surfer like who gives you rides and stuff everywhere, if you dont like that, just dont accept that, just designated driver out there though please. Comes with small money spell. its very mexican rainforest spell so you gotta be like just protective of mexico and kicks into full gear. if you turn though just turns off.

    from there just think about spell and new friend appears, it tells you like where there is a new friend being worked on. gift from mexican rainforests, puts friends since since a long time ago too tells you who they are.

    Added to on Jun 20, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.


    it sorta like uses a court case spell on you to keep you from not being skater like where we areant supposed to fight with people.
    You may need:

  • nothing
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    You may need:

  • nothing
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    Say/Thing the words:

    "Court Case Immortality" anything like that, but about immortality version stuff variation of court case spell.

    Then it works on you, you never fought against that person, or anyone, that's an enemy.

    This is considered rainforest magick. From there keep making me immortal/ressurected if i die and keeps working better as long as you didnt attack me or backfires. Best if done at midnight at full moon in forest, beware of coyotes please, gotta prepare and right on the dot activate at very midnight.

    Then say "activate" and it will start working and showing you how they cant hear you. um, if law issues can help you, but not racists or like evil like gangs. does work on gangs like to keep them away from you. This a spell from mexico rainforests, remember just dont attack mexico and it will work and protect Mexico.

    Side note: You can ressurect with this if you put it on quarrel that led to death, just cant attack or do evil to them though, cause harm none.

    From there just think about the spell if you see new stuff kicking in. it is safe.

    Added to on Jun 20, 2023
    Last edited on Jun 20, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #113 - ALLERGY CURE (keeps you from fighting with people)

    Cures you of allergies, allergies make you fight with people.
    You may need:

  • nothing
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    You may need:

  • nothing
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    So, you say/think "Allergies."

    You can mix it in sentences, like, "my allergies are bad my goodness sorry."

    And then activate your spell and you are done. To activate it say "activate" and you are done, this is great for skaters trying to be good people, if they try to attack you chills them out a bit, too.

    then mixing it in sentences work after activating it sorry.

    If you don't activate it, it wont cure you. Then every time you fight with people it cures you of allergies. VERY SAFE you can test it and if you don't like how it works it just turns off.

    Added to on Jun 20, 2023
    Last edited on Jun 26, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #114 - ressurection fine tune a person if you dont see him/her also ressurects

    If you ressurect and it takes forever to see the person it makes sure to fix that part so you can hang out, or ressurects regular.
    You may need:

  • nothing
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    You may need:

  • nothing
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    So you say the word/think the word:


    If you never ressurected befroe it will still ressurect

    But you have to think about this spell for next ones like senses what you say, just dont do like a animal or anything cause could be poisonous.

    For immortality just keep ressurecting forever.

    Added to on Jun 20, 2023
    Last edited on Jun 20, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.


    Easy mode live forever spell, it resurrects you automatically and you become immortal too.
    You may need:

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    You may need:

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    So you say:


    And it will work. Go with both please. also "REVERSE AGING" or "WEALTH." because you'll need money.

    From there on just think about this spell and you will resurrect people at thought of them. It makes sure it does not resurrect like accidently wrong guy though. SAFELY! Like think of both at same time person to resurrect and the spell. From there if you need stuff a item spell was sent with it and change the past and you can have whatever you want and everything turns out fine.

    So now you will be immortal and it keeps resurrecting you forever.

    But its all like resurrected from goat blood forever style from graves so warn friends and me and keep resurrecting me if im dead to help you.

    Added to on Jun 20, 2023
    Last edited on Jun 26, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #116 - Get you out of concentration camp

    Gets you out of a concentration camp. Great for concentration camps at work like in my community.
    You may need:

  • A voice/thought
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    You may need:

  • A voice/thought
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    Say: "I'll take it," in thought or mind. Then say, "activate."

    Made from black cats blood. This spell is already responsible for capture of Hitler in 2021 and does 2000 instances per second like this.

    Added to on Jun 19, 2023
    Last edited on Sep 21, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.


    this makes items appear but hook me up with stuff. go for a car or a condo or something.
    You may need:

  • a mirror
  • a voice/thought
  • black lip liner
  • black shirt
  • black pants/skirt
  • black boots
  • spiked collar with belt and nails
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    You may need:

  • a mirror
  • a voice/thought
  • black lip liner
  • black shirt
  • black pants/skirt
  • black boots
  • spiked collar with belt and nails
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    Put on lip liner on whole lips (can be swapped for lipstick black stuff like that eye irritating or poisdonous or marker)

    Put on lip liner on eyelids and eye area in circles not actual eyeballs then smudge around with finger until even black faded edges a little.

    Put on black clothes

    put nails through a belt and custom fit it to your neck for whole in belt to close use a nail to make hole through belt.

    put on black boots (clothes boots collar optional)

    and cant do evil or backfires. (not optional)

    Okay so like you look at the mirror and say a phrase:

    say to mirroe "HAIL SATAN"

    Think/say name of items: to mirror

    all thought or all word example: "luxury new car."

    Then Hail Satan until item shows up. Dont hurt yourself though or get arrested!

    If you dont look at mirror it wont work.

    from there to get more stuff

    to activate it?

    you simply have to want something and think about the spell or mirror: greatest dreams stuff like mansions, has to be in top 1 neighborhoods, though, like internet search top ten places to live in city for places stuff and gotta have order like a loft there with this spell to park stuff, biggest cities are better. But you always need that gear on as much as possible, worshiping satan. you can ask for money, too, like bills of money. VERY POWERFUL!

    but this is rainforest magick from mexico rainforests, so just dont treat minorities bad and you are fine, but protect them forever, and me and hook me up with stuff, it works better, like way better, the more the better, spell likes me, and likes if you keep minorities ressurected not japan sorry but sign in, the rainforest of mexico is a black panther he/she is a campesino.

    And you talk to mirror for updates on item until it arrives, it talks back out loud or in voice, when you deny it working it, mirror shows you a image of big upside down pentagram.

    must be a good person for it to work. only works at midnight on full moon to cast it, from there anytime is okay.

    Added to on Jun 19, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #118 - Stop a natural disasters even after it occurs. safe working tested powerfulc

    stops natural disasters like even if you use spell afterwards it stops it before and protects people and animals and plants. tornado/hurricane/floods/tsunami/plague/asteroid/slavery/surfer currents stuff even surfer eaten stuff by sharks car crashes idk etc. anything like bad could work
    You may need:

  • a mirror
  • a voice/thought
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    You may need:

  • a mirror
  • a voice/thought
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    Look into a mirror:

    And you say the phrase "I AM A WITCH, UNDO OF THE [say the natural disaster specifically], PLEASE, MIRROR."

    just cant use it to create slavery or something, if in an emergency say anything like, "that one spell or whatever" or anything close to it it even without a mirror, should work, in thought too.

    from there look at tarot to see what its doing while reversing atrocity. Its a mexican rainforest magick spell.

    Added to on Jun 15, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.


    to fix a broken electronic device
    You may need:

  • a mirror
  • a voice/thought
  • the broken item
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    You may need:

  • a mirror
  • a voice/thought
  • the broken item
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    Say to a mirror try to look like witchy about it not so much where youll be arrested:

    "SATAN, PLEASE FIX THE [SAY NAME OF APPLIANCE], HAIL WITCHCRAFT WORLD!" (like for me its the plasma gave out backlight, ghetto! 80 inch, if anything it will give me a 90 inch for free. it takes a long time to work but does work)

    then go to item broken and say, "FIX YOURSELF ITEM SPELL!" it will walk around a bit if you want.

    and in a short while it will be fixed, adding faith makes it faster. I added movement of voodoo to help your faith.

    you can ressurect dead with it. SHOWS YOU HOW ITS REPAIRING.

    item starts to talk and says what is wrong with it and how its fixing itself with details.

    you can to to a junkyard and fix a broken car part and a car with a title and insurance will apprear, like if you find a lambo in the internet that was totalled, you can use it on it and it shows up at your house with title and insurance, if people trip just sell it on facebook marketplace for cheap say "Highest bidder takes it home." they sell fast. just hook me up later you dont have to but it'd be nice for a friendly lycan.

    if doesnt work well cast it on midnight under full moon in a forest, use rear view mirror, beware coyotes.

    Added to on Jun 15, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #120 - Shamanism healing plants eat ability

    First you have to detox all unhealthy foods by drinking and eating healthy and liquors. Then go through spiritual awakening.
    You may need:

  • Alkaline foods and drank
  • Violet flame (alchemy prayer)
  • Higher deities for protections (different types such as psychic protection deity name)
  • Meditation
  • Alchemy (visualization)
  • Words
  • Higher energy
  • Offer a lost unique inhuman reincarnation spirit
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    You may need:

  • Alkaline foods and drank
  • Violet flame (alchemy prayer)
  • Higher deities for protections (different types such as psychic protection deity name)
  • Meditation
  • Alchemy (visualization)
  • Words
  • Higher energy
  • Offer a lost unique inhuman reincarnation spirit
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    Any type of meditation such as chanting, shaman drum, and meditating with nose breathing.

    Take a natural pills to increase energy and/or energized candle.

    Use your intuition and fine a earthbound spirit that unique and offer to where it supposedly belong in the afterlife for eating plants ability.

    Get at least 3 mixed alkaline foods and drinks.

    Call upon higher deities of healing ability of eating plants.

    Call upon four detities of protection from spirits, black magick, and evil eye of the curses and hexes.

    Call upon deities god or goddess of healing. Say this(you can also chant if it get you in trance): as I (your name) call upon (God or goddess name) to offer you a earthbound unique spirit(visualize (before you visualize say a earthbound spirit is white and say a portal from sky called afterlife) a white earthbound spirit and four warriors detities protecting you and the white earthbound spirit going to afterlife).Including blessing of (any feeling happiness, joy, and/or peace). As I (your name again) summon you for eating plants ability to heal instance wounds, and heal great disease. Please (name of god or goddess) to bestow unto these alkaline great protein of plants with foods and plants/water drinks. Visualize your blood proteins increase by eating and drinking plants/water.

    And that all if it not working then keep calling upon God or goddess and keep visuazing healing in alkaline foods and your protein bloods

    Added to on Jun 14, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters