2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Finding Lost Items Spell
- Meditation to gain energy
- Healing candle spell
- Honor Your Ancestors (Samhain)
- Health & Mental Issues Removal
- Effigy Poppet Curse
- new healing spell
- Belly inflation and stickyness.
- Become a werewolf
- Energy of Number 19 Boost
#151 - Finding Lost Items Spell
As you are looking for your item say:
Tanuki ga koketa
pronounce it tah nu kee gah koh keh tah
Keep repeating it while looking.
#152 - Meditation to gain energy
Sit in a meditation position (legs crossed hands on your knees) in the middle of a room with no sound, close your eyes and take deep breathes. Once you are reloaded make a psi ball and hold it out in your hands. Keep on taking deep breathes and keep in the same position, one your arms feel tired imagine you suck in all the energy from the psi ball into your body. Once done put yours hands back on your knees, keep your eyes closed and maintain your deep breaths. If done correctly you should feel tingly or feel like your magical energy is restored, enjoy!
#153 - Healing candle spell
This healing candle is one I have used before, and is a good introduction to candle magick.
Start by carving your intention into your candle using the pin, or something else. The intention for this spell is healing, so write this word into the candle, while setting the intention of who the healing is directed towards. You can also carve in sigils to match your intentions.
Second, anoint your candle with your essential oil of choice. I recommend eucalyptus for healing. If you don't have that, try lemongrass, lavender, or another oil associated with healing. (Make sure to double check your sources if you are researching this :))
Now roll your candle in your tarragon. Tarragon is a great herb for healing, and if you don't have any, you can get it cheap at any grocery store. Then roll your candle in the lavender and rosemary. Keep your intentions in mind as you do this.
Place your candle where you will be lighting it and make a circle of black salt around it, to protect both the spell and your target for the spell. Now light the candle.
Leave the candle burning until it burns down to a very small stub, making sure to keep intentions strong. Take the stump once the spell is complete, and sleep with it close to your pillow for a couple of days.
Blessed be!
#154 - Honor Your Ancestors (Samhain)
Take several deep breaths. Focus on those who have come before you, on their branching connections to you. Remember that you are the result of the love of thousands.
Light the fire/three candles. When you are ready, say:
"Through the shadows of living memory
And out across the gulf of time
I call now to my Ancestors:
Hear my/our prayers and accept this tribute, (give offering)
Great-grandparents of yesteryear,
And all honorable forebears,
Across the ages, can you hear
As I call to you this night, to share
The eve together in good cheer.
Hear my/our prayers and accept this tribute, (give offering)
For again I recall that it was only
Through your distant voice,
Through your ancient anarchy,
And through your every choice,
That I stand here, wild and free.
Hear my/our prayers and accept this tribute, (give offering)
Our connection is again renewed,
Here on this night with the veil so thin.
Through all the years that interlude,
You're with me, here, within.
To you, I give my gratitude.
That I might see this day,
Informed by your vision,
—Old Ones, this I pray!
That I might understand this day,
Guided by your wisdom,
—Old Ones, this I pray!
That I might share this day,
Empowered by your love,
—Old Ones, this I pray!
(place message paper in the fire/light it in the candles then drop it in the fire-proof container; be careful not to burn yourself!)
Ancestors from beyond,
You are not forgotten.
We still share this bond.
Have thee a Blessed Samhain."
Watch the smoke from your message as it rises and dissipates, knowing your communication has been heard. Let the fire/candles burn down/out (unless you need to do something else—don't leave a lit fire unattended!) and put the ashes outside with the offerings in the dish (preferably in a graveyard, but if you don't have easy access one, don't worry about it).
Blessed be.
#155 - Health & Mental Issues Removal
I feel very bad for those who thinks a spell can loose your weight, or boost your mental health .
Thats Lol.
But Yes it is possible to loose your weight and remove your anxiety through an ancient Japaneese technique. To know about that read the link below 👇
#156 - Effigy Poppet Curse
First: Light the black candle on your altar and place the fireproof container/bowl/plate in front of the candle.
Second: Take your effigy & set the corner on fire using the candle.
Third: Immediately drop the effigy in the bowl.
Fourth: Chant the following aloud.
This is the time of retribution, I invoke the elements, I summon them, I conjure them to do my bidding, The four watchtowers, grant me thy power, being forth fear, guilt and pain, there shall be submission without pity, I direct my hate against thee, against thee it shall be directed, a hundred-fold is the cost for my anger and pain, Thee shall be wrought with fear, anointed with pain, blinded by me, binded by me, cursed by me, So Mote it be!
Lastly: Allow the Effigy to burn out, after the fire is out extinguish the candle to conclude the ritual.
#157 - new healing spell
Last edited on Dec 08, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#158 - Belly inflation and stickyness.
Drink the 2 or more liters of soda(do not go to the bathroom after drinking the 2 or more liters of soda for spell to work).squirt twice into the cup or bowl, then add some mouthwash, and then mix. Then jump up and down 120 times.add some water, a strand of your hair,and mix for the last time. To finish apply to your stomach(do not rub it in just let it set for the best effect.)!
side effects:
your clothes will stick to your stomach
needing to go to the bathroom
#159 - Become a werewolf
First take the moonstone and place it in the floor beside you. Then take the picture and place it in front of you. Then think of your mate/s (I mean soulmate which will be a werewolf like you. And some have more than one. Can't be a werewolf from Zombies 2 like Wyatt, Willa or Wynter. sorry. As I have already use Willa, Wynter and Wyatt for me. Sorry about that.).
Then place the moonstone on the picture and say this spell:
' Wolves of strength and power. Let me be a werewolf like my mates. I will protect my pack and live with them. I shall be strong and powerful. This is my wish so mote it be '
Then you take the moonstone and put it on or hold it.
You shall be a werewolf in 3-7 days. Then after 3 days you should try to transform.
Just one problem is that you will have a white streak in your hair. Dye stays in it for 2-3 days. Just claim it is poliosis and it's normal. And you must wear the moonstone almost every day or after a month you will die if you don't touch a moonstone object. If you don't were it after 3 days you will have coughing fits.
How to transform is you think yourself as your chosen wolf. To detransform think to yourself as human with any chosen clothes on. Your old clothes will be transported to the wash.
Side affects:
Taste for meat.
Eyes glowing yellow when you're angry.
Urge to howl.
Sharper teeth mainly the canines.
Speed increased
Strength increased.
Beware of: Silver. Silver burns werewolves. Like they are allergic to it. May leave burns for a few days.
Wolfsbane is a flower that makes werewolves in human, werewolf (when eyes and moonstone is glowing and you're angry and in battle mode) and wolf form sneeze and if hit by it will temporarily cure a wolf.
Silver Bullet s permanently cure a werewolf for good.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask me.
Last edited on Sep 20, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#160 - Energy of Number 19 Boost
Eat a food high in potassium.
While eating the material, say (1) three times and then (9) three times rapid-fire. Do this as many times as you wish.
In order to close the ritual, remember to throw away/clean up any remains of food.