2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Psi Peace Ball
- Busting Buttons
- Werewolf
- A Healing Enchantment
- Ressurection Meditation
- Hand Healing
- Vampire Transformation
- Healing Spell
- Eye Color Change Spell
- Durendal's Cure for Vampirism
#1661 - Psi Peace Ball
Think of peaceful thoughts and get rid of any form of negative energy (please meditate before hand if need be). Make a dense round crystal ball shaped psi ball at the same time put all the peaceful thoughts in it.
Place ball in air (for those who can't see the ball visualise it in your head). multiply the ball depending on how much rooms are in the house and send the balls into each room. Watch your psi ball burst in each room and en-light the household with peaceful energy.
Last edited on May 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1662 - Busting Buttons
Drink the bottle of soda then jump up and down about 20 times then chant once "Make me round with a bursting belly just like a big bowl of jelly. Now make me pop buttons so mote it be"! You may start to feel your belly ache.
Last edited on Sep 28, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1663 - Werewolf
''From the light of the moon and our piercing howls we are further transformed into cunning beasts. From the circle of life to the evolution of man, I shall be reawakened as one with the land.''
Side effects:
Hunger right after eating
Changing eye color?
More hairy
Slightly bigger body
#1664 - A Healing Enchantment
''Curare patiens, nunc autem poena inops dolor, maneant modo poena, et non reverta!''
Translated :
''I now heal the pain of this needy patient, disappear now pain, and never return!''
Say as many times possible, while visualizing healing energy cooconing the injury.
Blessed be.
#1665 - Ressurection Meditation
Go inside of of a super dark and silent room, Get the dead body of a bug or an animal, and put it in front of you. Cross your legs, and focus on the animal getting on its hind legs, and walking.
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1666 - Hand Healing
Make a psi ball by using warm energy and place on persons injured body part think of the heat absorbing from persons body into psi ball and then use the heat from ball and apply to injured body part
The person should then feel the heat in there body fighting off the wound when they feel that you then place your hand on the body part then massage for 1 minute then the person should be going through healing process.
Last edited on May 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1667 - Vampire Transformation
Chant this 12 times:
''Blood red, pale skin, moonlight, draw me in, quench my thirst, coursing veins. Let my body feel no pain.''
Side effects:
Little sensitivity to the sun
Craving blood
Paler skin
Darker/lighter hair color(if you hair is brown, it will become more dark brown/black. If you have blonde hair, it will become lighter.)
Sharper teeth
Important notes(MUST READ):
-Crosses, holy water, stakes, light, and vervain can't hurt you. Movie makers gave vampires these traits to make them more interesting. Keep this in mind.
-You can go to church.
-You can walk out in the light, but your skin will just be a little sensitive.
-Your teeth will become more sharper than longer.
-You can still eat and drink human food, but you'll become more fond of blood.
-You can still feel pain, but you can heal faster.
-You can't pick up a car and throw it in one mile. But you will become slightly faster and stronger.
-You will become more beautiful/handsome than you did in your human form.
-You can compel and seduce people.
-You'll have Telekinesis.
-Forget about claws. You won't get claws.
-Your fangs will be retractable.
Good luck.
Last edited on Nov 13, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1668 - Healing Spell
Thanks! I hope you feel better and have healed! :) Note: It may take a little while.
Good luck
Last edited on Jun 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1669 - Eye Color Change Spell
Eyes, eyes, please hear my pleas,
Change to ____ instead of ____
By the power of three,
this is my wish, so mote it be.
Say ''Eyes, eyes, please hear my pleas, change to ____ instead of ____''
THREE times, then say
''By the power of three, this is my wish, so mote it be.'' ONE time.
After you say the spell, close you eyes and concentrate on your eyes changing color(It might help to do this in front of a candle)
When you feel like it worked(At least 5 minutes) you can open your eyes
Effects: Your eyes will change color
#1670 - Durendal's Cure for Vampirism
Light the candle and put it on a safe place.On a piece of paper,draw a pentagram using a black ball-point pen.Put the red drink at the middle of the pentagram.Let the daylight in into your room.Put your strand of hair beside the red drink and chant these words aloud:
"I have done a mistake to God
For I have chosen to be a vampire.
Let my soul come and enter me once
again for my soul will be no longer
damned in hell.
May this drink turn me into a human
again and I shall not be
a creature of the night forever.
This is a will of mine,
So mote it be."
Hold the drink and put it beside the pentagram and put your hair at the middle of the pentagram .Raise the drink and drink it.Go outside and bask in the daylight for 1 minute to complete the ritual.
Last edited on May 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.