Get rid of ringworm without medication! Will work 1 hr- 2 days.
You may need:
Ring Worm
A tissue
You may need:
Ring Worm
A tissue
First of all, make sure you have ring worm. description- red with scaly or bumpy edges, itchy and usually starts as a circle.
Pour water over the ring worm and imagine it slowly healing. Then, say, "I don't desire this red fungus, be gone, so mote it be!" Then, wipe the tissue over it and imagine the ringworm gone and your skin normal again.
For minor cuts or bruises, this spell will heal them.
You may need:
Blood from the cut
Vile to mix in
You may need:
Blood from the cut
Vile to mix in
Place water in the vile the a few drops of the blood from the cut ,now mix well an drink this should help it heal faster an stop the pain while mixing say this: "Sweet mother, sweet mother, send your child unto me for the sins of the unworthy must be bathed, tossed in blood and fear"
Say this once: "Of the power of the magic Winx this is my believix wish. for i shall have the power of the fairy ______ and she shall be my guardian as i will fly with her".
Use the paper and pencils or marker to draw what you would look like as a fairy. Add details and colors to your wings to make sure they are what you want them to look like.
Say once you're done drawing: "By the power of my gaurdian fairy I shall be one with only good in my heart, so mote me and my powers never be apart".
After 2 days, say this to activate you powers: "Magic Winx! "
You will have the immortality and the abilities of a god/goddess
You may need:
1 black candle: if you want Hades's powers
1 red/pink candle: if you want Aphrodite's powers
1 blue candle: if you want Athena's powers
1 green candle: if you want Poseidon's powers
1 orange candle: if you want Artemis's powers
1 yellow candle: if you want Apollo's powers
1 green/yellow candle: if you want Persephone's powers
You may need:
1 black candle: if you want Hades's powers
1 red/pink candle: if you want Aphrodite's powers
1 blue candle: if you want Athena's powers
1 green candle: if you want Poseidon's powers
1 orange candle: if you want Artemis's powers
1 yellow candle: if you want Apollo's powers
1 green/yellow candle: if you want Persephone's powers
Go into your backyard or a forest or something (just something with lots of nature surrounding you) then sit down. Make a circle around you whilst sitting criss-crossed then say this once:
"O Gods and Goddesses, this is my plea place your power before me!" (then light your chosen candle on a leaf or something making sure the candle does not tip) "O King of the gods, Zeus, I ask you to grant me my wish. Put me in contact with the goddess I must be swish. O (say your god/goddess's name) give me the power of your that is almighty. For the power of you is my wish to see, so mote it be".
Then meditate for like 3 minutes and within 2 days you will get your wish.
Transfer your life energy into a new vessel. Can be used to possess an unwilling vessel. If overpowered by the unwilling vessel's mind your soul will be lost
You may need:
Blood or hair of the new vessel
Blood of the caster
A bowl
You may need:
Blood or hair of the new vessel
Blood of the caster
A bowl
Place a cirlce of sand on a surface. Place the bowl within the circle and add the oil into it. Have a source of fire nearby. Place the blood or hair of the vessel within the bowl and chant: ''Essentiam meam transferrum in hoc vase''
Next add your own blood into the bowl and chant: ''Liga animam meam ad mortalis huius in perpetuum, Sic fiat''
Then set fire to the contents. Should your mortal body be struck down by anything your sould will be pulled into your new vessel's body by the chains of your magic