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2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters

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2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2963 Health Spells
  1. Healthy Life
  2. Smell Exercise
  3. How To Get A Dark Side!
  4. Psi technique - Energy ball
  5. Light Harboring
  6. Juno offering jar (for on/around Litha)
  7. Yule rebirth tea
  8. Forget me not
  9. Period relief ointment
  10. Binding A Spirit To An Object 18+
#11 - #20
#31 - #40
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#11 - Healthy Life

This distributes health and also has light regeneration included. There is mechanisms included so does not require very much skill to use. This was inspired by ailments common to public and is designed to aid medicine and other forms of persistent care in bettering health for a more consistent lifestyle.
You may need:

  • Persistence.
  • Desire.
  • Substance.
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    You may need:

  • Persistence.
  • Desire.
  • Substance.
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    Splendid antimatter trundle timer complacent torn duress supplant time dim spend do door tame spent trained light daunting flame blatant blame storage grime explain caress buoyant all time start drain torrent stride clean flagrant stiff bent fortress strain strong stress depress stagnant stop do ride dignity stain time flannel building

    Added to on Nov 09, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #12 - Smell Exercise

    This will aid concentration and enhance sense of smell.
    You may need:

  • Your focus
  • Ability to do math
  • Willingness ti use imagination
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    You may need:

  • Your focus
  • Ability to do math
  • Willingness ti use imagination
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    Pay tribute with this phrase: “Saying I am to be made entirely warding on the best cuff a brim estranged ember partially in quest for valor a tribe apocalypse tries entering a glorious era stipend sends trained tried stain to tenants in quarry folly spend.”Subtract 125 from 347

    Dream of red phase entering blue phase transition then to darker bloom.

    This helps you concentrate on smell.

    Added to on Nov 03, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #13 - How To Get A Dark Side!

    This spell will give you a dark side. Beware of the consequences
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Items that remind you of your dark side
  • Candle (red or black, preferably)
  • Voice
  • Mirror
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Items that remind you of your dark side
  • Candle (red or black, preferably)
  • Voice
  • Mirror
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    Everyone has a dark side. It hides within us, waiting for the perfect moment to strike... revenge...

    But its only those who are special enough to be able to activate their dark side that can see theirs.

    Today I will show you how to get a dark side.

    First of all, you need to create a character. This character will be your dark side. It can be as insane and strong and vengeful as you want, but remember to be careful. I have a friend who did this spell. Lets just say he's in a straitjacket now...

    Get a piece of paper and a pen, any pen, and write about your dark side. Write about their personality, name, skills, appearance, et cetera. Now, their soul is in it's first stage of birth. To make sure that their soul is tied to you and doesn't just haunt you or wander off, add something from you to the piece of paper (eg. Smear your blood on it, tie it with a piece of your hair, etc.)

    Now, you need to choose some items and things that remind you of your dark side, including your piece of paper. You should get a candle (Red or black will work well) and create a sort of altar which represents your dark side. This is what will give it life. Existence.

    Around midnight, take any item from the altar and hold it to your heart or forehead while standing in front of your mirror. Say this:

    "Dear dark side, dear dark side, I know you are there. And no matter who you hurt or you may scare. I'll let you live in me, starting from this night. Awaken when you must, bring terror and fright."

    Now, you need to split yourself into two. Every day, spend some time pretending as if you are your dark side. Long enough that you'll forget your other self. Eventually, you'll split into two different people: your bright side and your dark side. And you wont have to pretend anymore.

    Added to on Oct 06, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #14 - Psi technique - Energy ball

    Basic energy ball method, no ingredients.
    You may need:

  • Concentration.
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    You may need:

  • Concentration.
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    1. Rub your hands together to create friction, or outline a circle in the middle of both of your palms with your finger. The main goal of this step is to stimulate your hands (more specifically, your palms).
    2. Hold your hands about 4-5 inches apart. Inhale slowly, and while inhaling, move your hands to where they are about 10-12 inches apart. Exhale slowly, and while exhaling, move your hands back to where they are 4-5 inches apart. Do this slowly for about a minute, and focus on the space between your hands.
    3. Make a motion with your hands similar to that of rolling a ball of play-dough, clay, etc., between your hands. Make this rolling motion for about 30 seconds to a minute, and once you stop, there should be buzzing or pressure as if there were a ball in your hands. You can play with the energy ball; you can change the density, size, and temperature.
    4. (OPTIONAL): To shell it, you visualize a protective layer or shield around it. Now, you can program your energy ball.
    5. (OPTIONAL): To program it, set your intention of what you want the energy ball to do; it can be spiritual or physical (see post notes). Once you set your intention, release the energy ball.

    Important notes:

    • Physical intentions could be for healing or moving objects. I am a little skeptical of the latter, but it could work with practice.
    • With enough practice, you will be able to instantly create a psi ball.

    Added to on Sep 24, 2024
    Last edited on Sep 25, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #15 - Light Harboring

    If you are light sensitive this will help you.
    You may need:

  • Sight
  • Ability to direct energy
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    You may need:

  • Sight
  • Ability to direct energy
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    The stained stone destroys dermal atmosphere hygiene strata immerse bargain forgo strong destruction same stray delineate per credit derail imperative decide a soothing desire refrain dismissive conduit for strain impervious distress disdain distill impressive feats most managed a credible fortune

    Added to on Aug 27, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #16 - Juno offering jar (for on/around Litha)

    Juno offering jar: A beautiful handcrafted glass jar for collecting offerings and displaying on your altar in honour of the Goddess of women, childbirth and marriage, Juno.
    You may need:

  • Glass jar with cork
  • Wine
  • Silver gifts (like rings or coins)
  • Traditional Roman cakes/pastries, small diced
  • Small cuckoo feather
  • Pomegranate seeds
  • Small silver crown
  • Cypress leaves, roughly chopped
  • Lily petals, roughly chopped
  • Lotus petals, roughly chopped
  • Yellow candle
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    You may need:

  • Glass jar with cork
  • Wine
  • Silver gifts (like rings or coins)
  • Traditional Roman cakes/pastries, small diced
  • Small cuckoo feather
  • Pomegranate seeds
  • Small silver crown
  • Cypress leaves, roughly chopped
  • Lily petals, roughly chopped
  • Lotus petals, roughly chopped
  • Yellow candle
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    1. Combine the ingredients in equal parts in the jar, and cork and seal with wax from a yellow candle.
    2. Bless your jar with a blessing in honour of Juno.
    3. Carry it with you if wanted, or you can display it on your altar during rituals performed at Litha.

    Added to on Aug 04, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #17 - Yule rebirth tea

    Embrace the essence of Yule with my revitalizing Rebirth Tea Blend recipe!
    You may need:

  • Australian honeysuckle petals
  • Aloe vera leaves
  • Amaryllis petals
  • Anemone petals
  • Calla lily petals
  • Chrysanthemum petals
  • Cherry blossom petals
  • Daffodil petals
  • Daisy petals
  • Gladiolus petals
  • Hyacinth petals
  • Iris petals
  • Lilac petals
  • Lily petals
  • Lewisia petals
  • Magnolia petals
  • Mistletoe berries(not American mistletoe)
  • Marigold petals
  • Orchid petals
  • Peony petals
  • Rose petals
  • Rain lily petals
  • Sunflower petals
  • Strawflower petals
  • Thyme leaves
  • Thistle flower petals
  • Vervain leaves
  • White tulip petals
  • White carnation petals
  • Woodruff leaves
  • Yucca flower petals
  • Yerba santa flower petals
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    You may need:

  • Australian honeysuckle petals
  • Aloe vera leaves
  • Amaryllis petals
  • Anemone petals
  • Calla lily petals
  • Chrysanthemum petals
  • Cherry blossom petals
  • Daffodil petals
  • Daisy petals
  • Gladiolus petals
  • Hyacinth petals
  • Iris petals
  • Lilac petals
  • Lily petals
  • Lewisia petals
  • Magnolia petals
  • Mistletoe berries(not American mistletoe)
  • Marigold petals
  • Orchid petals
  • Peony petals
  • Rose petals
  • Rain lily petals
  • Sunflower petals
  • Strawflower petals
  • Thyme leaves
  • Thistle flower petals
  • Vervain leaves
  • White tulip petals
  • White carnation petals
  • Woodruff leaves
  • Yucca flower petals
  • Yerba santa flower petals
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    1. Combine the herbs in a food processor until desired consistency.
    2. Store in a jar and use in Yule rituals to make teas and/or bless your Yule teas to be potions.
    3. Enjoy every sip whenever you have your Yule tea.

    Added to on Aug 02, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #18 - Forget me not

    This is a collection of English metaphors that bring about change to your awareness of the world
    You may need:

  • Drink 1-2 or more glasses of water a day or equivalent coping strategy
  • Ability to derive meaning from contemplation of metaphors
  • Equivalent of year or more study of English language (recommended)
  • Count (in head) while breathing and determine if it is timed right for day and exact moment
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    You may need:

  • Drink 1-2 or more glasses of water a day or equivalent coping strategy
  • Ability to derive meaning from contemplation of metaphors
  • Equivalent of year or more study of English language (recommended)
  • Count (in head) while breathing and determine if it is timed right for day and exact moment
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    The text in quotation can be read out loud to possibly bring about listed effect. Repeating simple spell can increase likelihood of accomplishing said effect. Also, doing them all in order has the effect of the spell title.

    Hold/embrace telomere:

    "I distill reign forgetting tender I sit in tight correction of observance title let remember"

    Put bidding into effect:

    "A fitting auxiliary function meets frontal contemplation instill remembrance foster"

    Increase logic of locomotion:

    "I disdain contemplation of weak countenance I forget bet of November"

    Forget less:

    "I sit still as a tenant inquiring fitting forlorn estuary profit improvised stain cleric disaster forget for increasing desire"

    Added to on Jul 27, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #19 - Period relief ointment

    This special ointment will help with any menstrual cramps felt during your cycle. To use: Apply where you feel pain, rub into the skin and wait for it to work - about four to five minutes.
    You may need:

  • Coconut oil
  • 100ml Infused herbal oils (fennel, mugwort, chamomile, cinnamon, black cohosh, dill, French maritime bark, ginger, chasteberry, evening primrose, red raspberry, cramp bark, corydalis, Jamaican dogwood, peppermint, sage, lavender, roses, turmeric, dong quai, yarrow, thorow wax, lemon balm, skullcap)
  • 15g Beeswax
  • Optional: essential oils, 5-10 drops per 100mL
  • Salve jars
  • Heat-proof bowl
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    You may need:

  • Coconut oil
  • 100ml Infused herbal oils (fennel, mugwort, chamomile, cinnamon, black cohosh, dill, French maritime bark, ginger, chasteberry, evening primrose, red raspberry, cramp bark, corydalis, Jamaican dogwood, peppermint, sage, lavender, roses, turmeric, dong quai, yarrow, thorow wax, lemon balm, skullcap)
  • 15g Beeswax
  • Optional: essential oils, 5-10 drops per 100mL
  • Salve jars
  • Heat-proof bowl
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    1. First you will need to make an infused oil. You can find a recipe here -->
    2. Take 100ml of your infused herbal oil
    3. Warm in a bain-marie, and add 15g beeswax until it has melted.
    4. Take it off the heat.
    5. Whilst it is still warm add any essential oils you want to.
    6. Pour this into some salve jars.
    7. Allow to cool and then add a lid, label and store.


    • Apply as you need a few times a day.
    • To see if the salve will set to the right consistency and has enough beeswax in, take a teaspoon of the hot oil, place it on a saucer and put it in the fridge. If it sets after a few minutes then you are ready. If not, add a little more beeswax.

    Added to on Jul 15, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #20 - Binding A Spirit To An Object 18+

    Spell is for over 18+ This is to be done if the spirit is strong and unyielding , should all the magick you can muster not be enough to rip the demon away from its host then a transference must be done. This moves the spirit from a host, or secondary haunted object, into a sealed totem prepared beforehand with inscriptions of binding carved into the object, or painted onto its surface. {TW* Sacrificial Magic - All animals to be sacrificed must be in alignment with local kosher butchering laws of your given state. Animal Sacrifice is protected under the United States bi-laws on freedom of religion. } [All spells in spellsofmagic are for entertainment purposes only, no animals were harmed in the making of this spell. Do not attempt if under the age of 18. If you attempt the spell you do so at your own risk and you are not to hold the spell writer or the website liable in any way. USE COMMON SENSE.]
    You may need:

  • Prepped Totem
  • Sacrifice (Animal Or An Object Of Great Emotional Attachment To The Caster)
  • Salt
  • Blade
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    You may need:

  • Prepped Totem
  • Sacrifice (Animal Or An Object Of Great Emotional Attachment To The Caster)
  • Salt
  • Blade
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    The spell is from my own personal practice and as such holds many of my own personal gnosis on the occult and magick as a whole. This leaves the realm of academia and leans into my religious beliefs. Take it with a grain of salt, that being said do not attempt this or any of my spells unless you have grown as a practitioner and are at least of the age of 18-21, this is from my Exorcism Rituals Series I did on Tumblr a while back.

    To begin draw this symbol in salt to create the transference stage in which you will place the sacrifice and the doll.

    As you draw the symbol recite the poem in the tune of worms go in

    " Trick oh trick the trap is set, from now on don't forget, the knot of one is now complete, oh dear friend come try my treat"

    Once the symbol has been drawn place down the doll on its designated location and begin the process of holding the Sacrifice above the designated location. Begin saying the poems next verse.

    "This treat I made is just for you, the innocence is calling too, with knot of two I draw you in , my web that I now masterfully spin"

    Once you have said this part of the spell you may now Sacrifice the animal or break the object with emotional attachment to you. As it's bleeding let it flow from the circle to the doll. or place the pieces In a line leading to the doll.

    " Hear these words and smell the blood, of those who only showed me love,with knot of three my spell complete holding tight with no release,feast upon this trick I've made, so you can never harm again."

    Once the final verse has been said the demon will be trapped withing the doll, it is important to put an ungodly amount of energy behind this spell. You are tricking an entity and enticing it with violence to enter into a pre-made vessel .

    Again this spell isn't for everyone this is Sacrificial magick and should only be done when necessary and by people above the age of 18, NO MINORS ALLOWED

    Added to on Jun 12, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters