2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Dispell a Headache
- Thaumaturge Spell
- Heal a loved One
- Cure Lycanthropy
- Diet Spell
- Strength Spell
- Become a Werewolf
- Lucky Stone
- Simple Healing
- Life of Fear
#2011 - Dispell a Headache
picturing nothing but darkness and stars brightening up the
eternal darkness. See the satellite and see yourself laying there
in space, and see red laser rays coming from your head going
into the satellite. Keep picturing this, and then see the satellite
letting out blue rays of energy, good energy going into your
head. Keep it up for at least three minutes, and after those three
minutes slowly lift up your head, and very slowly shake it, and
you should feel your headache gone from you.
#2012 - Thaumaturge Spell
1) Rub your hands together gently over the pain/injury spot as you would in Reiki while visualizing Green , Healing energy circulating through them.
2) Once you have sufficiently amassed enough Healing energy, begin to gently hold your hands over the pain/injury spot and circle them around the area in whichever way you desire.
3) Visualize the Green, Healing energy surging through your hands and entering the individual's body, wiping out all traces of pain/injury in them.
4) Speak these words aloud with determination over the person:
Healer's Hands, Thaumaturge ,
Through thy Corpus Healing surge.
Broken bones and spirits mend,
Then on your feet you'll be again.
5) Once you feel sufficient enough with what you have done, literally wash your hands and thank the Blessing, Healing Spirits that aided you during your Magick.
Last edited on Jun 02, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2013 - Heal a loved One
"For she/he is unhealthy,
Make her/him healthy.
Take away the ill and pain,
Make her/him feel power again.
Let her/him see and hear,
May she/he be able to feel once more."
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2014 - Cure Lycanthropy
Step 1 Make sure you have all your ingredients and are in human form.
Step 2 Start the fire and boil the water.
Step 3 Cut the lemon and squeeze lemon juice in the water then chant:
"Sour the curse of mine and make it easy to clean!"
One time.
Step 4 Throw in the salt and chant. "May this cure me of my wretched curse!" One time.
Step 5 Now throw in your hair, scale, or what ever you had from transforming into what ever were-creature you are.
Step 6 Put your hands over the boiling pot and chant:
"May this water clear me of any infections and side effects! No longer shall I be cursed! I am human, I am mortal I am not a were-(put creature name here) any more! So more this be."
Step 7 Let the potion cool, but make sure it is still warm, then drink it. The hotter the potion is the better it can work, but don't scald your throat by drinking it when it is way to hot.
Side effects include, but are not limited to the following:
They should go away in about four weeks at most.
Burning feeling.
Feels weaker.
Last edited on Dec 12, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2015 - Diet Spell
His spell should be performed during a waxing moon on a night on which you can see the moon. It should be performed outside or with an open window facing the moon. Take the candle and point it to the sky. Imagine yourself thin. Carve the wish into the candle. Light it while saying:
"Tonight I come to you young Moon.
Help my efforts to not be in vain,
help me now to lose my burden
may I lose so you may gain."
Let the candle burn down then throw it away.
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2016 - Strength Spell
"Strength of day,
strength of night,
give me strength,
beyond my sight,
so mote it be."
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2017 - Become a Werewolf
Write down the details of you in wolf form. Here is an example:
- Fur color: gray
- Eye color: blue
- Hight: 5 feet 4 inches
- Powers/abilities: super strength, sight, and speed
You can add anything else you feel necessary. Fold the paper hamburger style and write werewolf and draw a pentacle beside it, as large as possible.(if your adding your hair and the dog's, mingle your hair with its and lay it on the paper. Fold it hamburger style again and write so mote it be as large as you can, all caps. Fold hamburger style again, write werewolf in cursive, fold one more hamburger style, and draw a pentacle. Go outside (must be night) and light the paper on fire. Now would be the time to add the sage if you wish.
Chant what you feel necessary, but one commonly used one is:
"By the light of the moon, and our piercing howls, we are transformed into cunning beasts. By the circl of lif and the evolution if man, I shall be reawakened as one with the land."
Last edited on Feb 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2018 - Lucky Stone
Gather materials then start with rosemary and pluck off each piece into the box. Take onion flowers and pluck off the petals and place in box. Place birthstone/stone into box. Now add pine needles (the stick too!), then add feathers into box and put lid on box
Light a white candle and chant "This is the stone I choose the stone for life, the stone for death. hope in the stone I plea to thou the gods enchant my stone here me out! This is my wish so mote it be!" repeat 5 times.
Last edited on Nov 04, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2019 - Simple Healing
Simple healing step by step!
If it is a cut.
Put your hand over the cut. Check out the cut and imagine all germs on it as something yucky that you are burning away so it doesn't get infected. Imagine the cut closing up and the skin healing so it doesn't bleed anymore.
If you are hurting.
Imagine a red circle around the pain spot. Imagine a red mist that is the pain coming out of the pain spot and then disappearing. Wash your hands.
Last edited on Feb 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2020 - Life of Fear
Fill the air around you with dark and/or chaos energy. Fill the air with you malice, hatred and anger. Get eye contact with them (it's ok if you blink) and send a duplicate amount of that energy around your target.
"Hatred and malice and anger I feel.
My insane side has been fuelled by you.
Vengeance is just
And you are worthy of my punishment.
Feel the force of my lost pain,
Feel the force of my lost anguish.
Let terror haunt you,
Strip all defences from you,
As long as there is darkness in my heart."
Say this three time, it's your choice how loudly but your voice must show your contempt. Send all the energy you put into the air towards them and form a prison with it around them, then sink it into their soul. When this is done walk away, the curse is set once you are out of their eyeshot.
It doesn't unset the curse if they see you again after casting this.
If they have a shield up or try to block the spell, make it be consumed by the energy you put into the air.
I'm not sure if this curse can be sent back to you or not, be careful.
This spell is quite draining, make sur you have a lot of energy to use.
Last edited on Jun 25, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.