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2965 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2965 Health Spells
2965 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2965 Health Spells
  1. Safe Birth
  2. real vampire spell
  3. Banishing Spell for Bad Spirits
  4. spell to turn into a vampire over night
  5. The Spiderweb Cures.
  6. Calling Of Lucifer
  7. Werewolf
  8. Stop Nightmares
  9. How to become a Vampire
  10. Eleneras Nightmare

#2311 - Safe Birth

This spell will make sure that before, during and after the birth of the baby it will be easy, safe and pure with no complications!
You may need:

  • An object of the unborn baby i.e A blanket, a piece of clothing etc.
  • A lucky charm (optional, but preferable)
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    You may need:

  • An object of the unborn baby i.e A blanket, a piece of clothing etc.
  • A lucky charm (optional, but preferable)
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    Chant this once and put all of your effort, energy and concentration into it as possible,

    • Air, Water, Fire, Earth,
    • Merge together, protect the birth,
    • Do this for the life entity,
    • Do it for the Mum safely,
    • Merge together to help this baby,
    • Please 'o' please, So Mote It Be!

    That's it, now the Mum should have a safe pregnancy and birth and the baby should have a pure life! :)

    Added to on Jul 05, 2012
    Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2312 - real vampire spell

    it will take a little time
    You may need:

  • night,around nine oclock
  • alone
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    You may need:

  • night,around nine oclock
  • alone
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    say this ten times

    OH SO RED,
    SO MAKE IT ME!!!!!!!

    Added to on Jul 04, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2313 - Banishing Spell for Bad Spirits

    this spell banishes bad spirits and send them back to where thy came.
    You may need:

  • Holy water
  • salt
  • large quartz crystal
  • an amulet or something to keep you safe from bad spirit.
  • a hammer or something to crush the quartz crystal.
  • a shovel or something to dig a hole.
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    You may need:

  • Holy water
  • salt
  • large quartz crystal
  • an amulet or something to keep you safe from bad spirit.
  • a hammer or something to crush the quartz crystal.
  • a shovel or something to dig a hole.
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    cast a salt circle around you and the person that is passed by a bad spirit.

    place a cross on the possessed person with holy water on the crown, third eye, throat, hart, and solar plexus chakras.

    be sure to have the quartz crystal in the salt circle.

    next invoke Anyanwu god of the sun by chanting: ''Ti's i call upon Anyanwu, god of the sun, I summon the to help me, banish this bad spirit and send it back to which it came, to trap in the quartz, so mote it Be, i ask of the!''

    next once the bad spirit is out of the person possessed ask him to leave the salt circle. next you will leave the salt circle as well.

    now the spirit is trapped in the salt circle with the quartz crystal.
    next you will ask the god of the sun to force the bad spirit into the quartz crystal by incantation of the following words:
    ''By light, by sun, by god of light, Anyanwu we ask of the to smite the, and trap the in the quartz crystal through out eternity so mote it be!''

    now once you fill it is safe to go back in salt circle, pick up the quartz crystal that has the bad spirit trapped in it, and thank the God of the sun for his assistants and close salt circle.

    now go out side and get a hammer or something to crush the quartz crystal, and thin berry the quartz dust into the earth with the following incantation:
    ''by earth to dust this spirit is dis members, by fire, by earth you are now banished to the place in which you came, through eternity, so mote it be, this spell is complete!''

    next cover the whole and never uncover it again.

    Added to on Jul 04, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2314 - spell to turn into a vampire over night

    This is a spell to turn into a vampire.
    You may need:

  • Night(around 9:00)
  • Be alone(like in your bedroom)
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    You may need:

  • Night(around 9:00)
  • Be alone(like in your bedroom)
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    Say this spell ten times.Then, in the morning,you will have the side effects shown below after you say it ten times, say

    ''I'm now one of the vampires.''

    Here is the spell:

    "Blood red, pale skin. Moonlight draw me in. Quench my thirst, coursing veins, let my body feel no pain."

    Here are the side effects:

    • Toothache
    • Blood cravings
    • No reflection.
    • Garlic Allergy
    • Sensitive to light

    Added to on Jul 04, 2012
    Last edited on Oct 22, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2315 - The Spiderweb Cures.

    this spell causes mischief to befall another.
    You may need:

  • black clothe 12in.x12in.x12in.x12in.
  • dead fly or some other loathsome insect.
  • all the cobwebs that you can muster up.
  • parchment paper large enough to pout a paragraph into it.
  • black string
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    You may need:

  • black clothe 12in.x12in.x12in.x12in.
  • dead fly or some other loathsome insect.
  • all the cobwebs that you can muster up.
  • parchment paper large enough to pout a paragraph into it.
  • black string
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    now gather all the things you need for the spell and go to your sacred space. write on the parchment paper the following:

    To:(name of person that had ill intent to you)
    North, South, East, West
    spider's web shall bind him best
    east, west, north, south
    trap his limbs and bond his mouth
    seal his eyes and choke his breath
    and make him fear he's bound for death.

    now take the parchment forthwith and fold it four times than wrap it together with the dead insect and the cobwebs in the black cloth. make them in to a small black pouch that is bonded by the black string. hang the pouch up on your sailing and do not disturb for a long time until it has a thick cote of dust on it. now berry it in the ground were it well never be disturbed. and the cures is now compete.

    WORNING: do not use this spell unless you have good reason to do the spell towards someone for if you are just doing the cures because you fill like it it will backfire fiftyfold on you.

    Added to on Jul 01, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2316 - Calling Of Lucifer

    A shifter and I have used this, only in time of great need. Please don't go waving this spell arround uselessly.
    You may need:

  • 2 pinches of salt
  • 1 black candle
  • 1 white chalk
  • 1 12 inch of red thread
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    You may need:

  • 2 pinches of salt
  • 1 black candle
  • 1 white chalk
  • 1 12 inch of red thread
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    The calling of Lucifer is a simple proccess but must be done when the night is at its darkest and coldest.

    Lay down the salt in a zigzag order.
    Draw with the white chalk whatever reason you wish to draw Lucifer out along the lines of the salt.
    Place the black candle across from the white chalk drawing and light the flame.
    Then, spin the red thread a arround the candle till the end touches the flame.

    Lastly whisper these words into the flame.

    Oh, God of under
    God Of time, do the souls trace with lice.
    Of which this time I do combine, to hear the words
    Hear my lies.
    Lucifer, name of fear
    Grant me a wish, one so I can hold dear.
    From the unearthly runes, Elders talk.
    Must I use what you've been called.
    Mote it be granted.

    Added to on Jun 30, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 17, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2317 - Werewolf

    In order to make this spell to work you need to believe that it will work to turn you into a werewolf.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    This is how you can become a werewolf: Go into your bedroom or bathroom and lock the door. Sit down in a comfortable position and chant: "Let me have fur of a wolf. Transform me whenever I want. Let me have control of my wolf form, and be the creature I desire. So mote it be".

    Side effects after spell:

    • •arms hurting
    • •legs hurting
    • •blurry vision
    • •blacking out

    Side effects after blacking out:

    • •vision more clear
    • •sense of smell
    • •balance is more better
    • •bladder controle is more better
    • •you can see farther

    Added to on Jun 30, 2012
    Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2318 - Stop Nightmares

    I have been having nightmares that have scared me lately and I decided to do something about and created a spell, that helped me so much. I have not had a nightmare since.
    You may need:

  • 1 black and white bottle
  • 2 white tea candle
  • 1 seashell
  • Sage
  • Thyme
  • 1 bay leaf
  • Salt
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    You may need:

  • 1 black and white bottle
  • 2 white tea candle
  • 1 seashell
  • Sage
  • Thyme
  • 1 bay leaf
  • Salt
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    Light the candles, after you do that i sugest you to turn the lights out. Center yourself and work mainly on your breathing. Lay out all of the items and purify them with salt I always say " With this salt I invoke the goddess and god to purify these items" after you sprinkle the salt put you items in the bottle in the order I have listed in the ingredient list, while doing this say:

    "I call upon the power of
    The goddess and god to protect me
    Rid me of these nightmares
    Harm shall not come to your child
    cleanse me of this worry.
    I call upon the power of
    Earth, Air, Fire, and water to protect
    Lull me into peaceful sleep.
    Good dreams should ever follow me
    Blessed be"

    After you say the spell blow one of the candles out and pour its wax into the bottle close the bottle and shake it and say "So my spell binds". After this put the bottle under your pillows and sleep peacefully.

    Added to on Jun 29, 2012
    Last edited on May 01, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2319 - How to become a Vampire

    Guide on how to become a vampire.
    You may need:

  • Blood
  • Badge
  • Element of Darkness
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    You may need:

  • Blood
  • Badge
  • Element of Darkness
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    Oh no you say. It is just another one of those stupid spells of how to become a vampire. You are wrong. This actually works, no spell involved. And please can no one be rude, because if you are here to be rude than you are a bad, bad person.

    1. Prick yourself with a badge (no need to put it on a candle or something)
    2. Let the blood run for a bit, then mop it up.
    3. Think all the dark thoughts in your mind you have
    4. Go to bed

    Over the next 3 days you should start to change, but actually feeling some difference can come in a while. First of all your canines become sharper (don't be expecting screwdrivers for teeth). Then you will start to feel things like a rough throat, thirst that can not be quenched, and sudden speed.

    When I say you need ''Element of Darkness'' I mean that you have to have a piece of dark soul. You can't be someone who runs around in fairy dresses wishing to be a mermaid. You have to think dark thoughts...

    Added to on Jun 29, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2320 - Eleneras Nightmare

    This spell is make a nightmare for a person(or more).
    You may need:

  • Black candle
  • A paper with the person's name
  • Night
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    You may need:

  • Black candle
  • A paper with the person's name
  • Night
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    Light the candle,hold the paper and, say the spell once

    "Nightmares,nightmares of the night,
    Flying demons of the dark and light,
    Make this person have a dream,
    What she/he will never forget,
    While his/her life is ends."

    Burn the paper a little and blow out the candle.Tomorrow ask the person what she/he dreamt:)

    Added to on Jun 29, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2965 Health Spells from Spell Casters