2965 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Shrink my Waist
- Classical Resurrect
- Wish Spell
- Summon a Vamp
- Summon a Vampire in Seconds
- Become a Vampire
- Spirit Arrow
- Cleansing the Aura 2
- Raphaels Heal
- Become a Slayer
#2421 - Shrink my Waist
Light the candles.
Write on one side of the paper what your current waist measurement is, then on the other side write what you wish it to be. Place the paper, current side up, in front of the candles.
Mark on the measuring tape where you wish your waist to measure with the adhesive take, then x out where you are now with the permanent marker.
Sit and meditate. Visualize how you will look and feel when you are at your goal. Really feel the pride, happiness, excitement, etc.
Once you have a solid picture of it all in your mind, take the paper and burn each end in the flame of one of the candles and place on the plate, imagining that the inches are burning away with the paper.
Take the cord and begin to tie knots, starting at one end and alternating while moving from the outside inward until you reach 9 knots. Tie it around your neck out wrist.
By this time the paper should be ash, so gather the ash and release it into the winds, saying:
"So mote it be."
As the ashes float away.
As your waist shrinks, mark off the new measurement with the marker until you hit the tape.
Once you reach your goal, bury the cord as an offering to the earth.
Last edited on Oct 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2422 - Classical Resurrect
This spell is in two parts:
Part 1: Find a dead creature, it must have flesh on or the spell will not work. Smear some blood on the head of the creature, any amount will do even if it is only a speck. The next is important. Hold the animals head by your face and say:"Dead spirit come to me. Live again, roam free."Part 2: This is the simple part, simply throw the silver object at the living corpse and it will be bound to your will. Issue your commands by any language. Hint: Most spells do not require a certain language.
#2423 - Wish Spell
Get a peice of paper and pencile or pen and wright down your wish then go to your mirror then say your wish the same time as your age then keep saying it for the same amout of days as your age allso then bang your wish might come true but it doesnt allways come true sometimes.
WARNING: If you skip a day then your wish will defantly not come true and you can not start over.
Last edited on Oct 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2424 - Summon a Vamp
Collect a bowl and a knife. Head outdoors at night. Cut yourself (not too deep, a prick will do) and put your blood into the bowl. Lay there for awhile as you wait for a vampire to be drawn to the scent.
Last edited on Oct 23, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2425 - Summon a Vampire in Seconds
Get 6 red candles and go outside. Light the candles and place them in a circle. Chant these words as you stand in the middle of the circle:
"Summon, summon a vampire
So I can get the vampiric virth
So I can be immortal
I reject my soul to Satan's side
God has no command over me
I shall live forever
I shall live for blood
So mote it be".
Last edited on Oct 23, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2426 - Become a Vampire
Meditate and then chant the following: "By the light of God's eye, I wish to be the one thing that will never die: an immortal, powerful creature of the night. I wish for all to fear my might. My soul may leave, but I wish to be this one thing".
Last edited on Oct 23, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2427 - Spirit Arrow
If you feel that anything i left out please comment.
#2428 - Cleansing the Aura 2
It will depend on what you are attempting to -get rid of which spot is better. Be sure to take-plenty of time over choosing this until it feels-absolutely right.
Settle yourself comfortably on the ground.
Take a big deep breath and then breathe out.
Your breath out should be slightly longer -than the in breath.
Do this three times to clear your lungs
Now take a further deep breath and this time -as you exhale say as loudly as you can:
Ahh Ee Oo
Repeat the sounds at least twice more -increasing in intensity each time until you are
-actually screaming
If you can, continue for two more sets of three
(nine times in all, though six is fine.)
Finally sit quietly, place your hands on the
earth or the floor, re-orientate yourself in your
surroundings and absorb fresh energy as you-do so.
Become aware of the sounds around you.
Leave the area.
This is quite a powerful technique and you do need
to be quiet for the rest of the day, so that you can
allow the energy to settle. The technique is a good
way to deal with the frustrations of your everyday
world and often results in being able to look at
things from a different perspective.
#2429 - Raphaels Heal
First, pin point your pain. Then either say aloud or to your self " Raphael, hear my plea, your are the healing arch angel, and I respect thee. I have a slight issue, pain in my (area) and it's stopping me from preforming work".
Last edited on Oct 23, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2430 - Become a Slayer
Stan in the middle of the pentagram then say this:
"I wish to be a slayer
This a new race
I wish to have the power
Every race in the world
God I will kill every demon
I would keep the world safe
I beg of you
So mote it be"
Last edited on Oct 24, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.