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2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2963 Health Spells
2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2963 Health Spells
  1. Banish Evil
  2. Another Mermaid Spell. A BeccaSullen spells productions.
  3. Full Moon Mermaid
  4. Peace and Light
  5. Healing Family
  6. Make a Doll Come to Life
  7. Twilight Vampire
  8. A Mermaid Spell
  9. Vampire Spell
  10. Vampire Sun Protection

#2541 - Banish Evil

Kills opponents.
You may need:

You may need:



"Evil that which forms below no longer may you dwell, death takes you with this spell."

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Last edited on Sep 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.

#2542 - Another Mermaid Spell. A BeccaSullen spells productions.

this is yet again another spell that might work it is yet again another mermaid spell. tyr it hope it works for yall.
You may need:

  • nothing
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    You may need:

  • nothing
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    first lets start off by saying this:

    ''Water of nature talk unto me, Water of nature let the earth come to me, Water of nature sea creatures and I, will never leave each until I resign, Oh great oceans, Oh great seas, answer my want, answer my need, make me a mermaid!''

    btw say this when you are wet.

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    #2543 - Full Moon Mermaid

    This spell turns you into a mermaid you don't have to be in a bath tub or anything like that. Your power and tail should come in the next full moon.
    You may need:

  • Picture of full moon
  • Necklace
  • Picture of the moon
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    You may need:

  • Picture of full moon
  • Necklace
  • Picture of the moon
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    First off. You should get a necklace or a sea sell and put it on a chain. You put your writing hand in the water. (could use a sink) Then get a picture of the full moon and stare at it. Then put the necklace on and say:

    "Tohesse-nah, 1,2,3 let my legs retur to me, when I get a tail, tohesse-nah to mermaids."

    Side effects are: Headaches, sudden thirst, and stomache aches.

    Your powers & tail should come on the next full moon. Good luck and as I always usally say bless it be!

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    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2544 - Peace and Light

    A spell to diffuse negative energies and bring light and peace into the soul.
    You may need:

  • Visualization
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    You may need:

  • Visualization
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    This spell can be used in times of stress and anxiety. Close your eyes and try to envision yourself surrounded by a white light. Say to yourself that this is a light of protection. Wrap your entire body in the white light. Outside the white light, add a golden light. This is the light of the Goddess, the one who moves mountains for us. Finally, envision a lavender light covering the rest. This is a light of comfort and peace. Repeat the following words as needed.

    Light be bright within my soul
    Emerge from night, safe and whole
    Peace is mine at this time
    Piercing dark, my light shall shine

    For now, for more, and ever true
    With light and love am I imbued

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    #2545 - Healing Family

    Heals family.
    You may need:

  • 3 red candles
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    You may need:

  • 3 red candles
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    Light the red candles, close your eyes, and chant: "He/she is of our blood. Save him/her now, please. So mote it be. He/she is sick but will be better. I call upon the Gods and Goddesses, heal them now before they die. Oh please, listen to my cries. "

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    #2546 - Make a Doll Come to Life

    This is a spell to make a doll haunted.
    You may need:

  • Doll
  • Peace offering
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    You may need:

  • Doll
  • Peace offering
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    Make a pentacle on the ground and place the doll within it. Then chant:

    "God and goddesses across the land. Witches one and all come and hear my plea. Bring life into this doll at the stroke of midnight, so mote it be"

    Then leave the doll laying there and lay the peace offerings there. By the next morning the doll will be alive.

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    #2547 - Twilight Vampire

    This is a spell to make you become a twilight vampire from the hit movie twilight.
    You may need:

  • Full Moon
  • Believe in the spell or it won't work
  • Clear Voice
  • Clear Mind
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    You may need:

  • Full Moon
  • Believe in the spell or it won't work
  • Clear Voice
  • Clear Mind
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    On the night of a full moon at the time midnight do this spell. First you lay down on your bed and you stare at the celling. Then you say this chant:

    "God and Goddesses I call on you to make me a vampire from whatI wish to be. I wish to no longer have to eat or drink anything at all not unless I want to. I wish to die right here on this very night but be reborn not as a human but as a vampire. I call on the spirits of vampires and witches make me one of your kind. I reject my soul makes me feel the worst pain imaginable. For I have died andI have been reborn as a vampire. So mote it be!"

    Then ten seconds after this spell you will feel pain in your tummy and your head will hurt. Your throat will seem like its on fire.the fire will spread and leaving you into a vampire. On the next full moon you will be a full vampire.

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    #2548 - A Mermaid Spell

    Want to become a mermaid? Then try this spell.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "Mermaids and witches far and near. Please listen now, lend me ear. My wish is simple as you see to be a mermaid with the sea. I wish to have a tail. Please don't fail. My powers I wish for my time underwater is eternal, for gills on the neck are essential. Mermaids and witches please let my eternal wish forever be. Oh, please just let me become a mermaid when wet and a human when dry. At the strike of midnight tonight so mote it be."

    At midnight you will get your powers and your tail!

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    #2549 - Vampire Spell

    Turn yourself into a vampire.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say this spell ten times: "Blood red. Pale skin. Moonlight, draw me in. Quench my thirst. Coarsing veins. Let my body feel no pain". You may feel a little dizzy after this, but then you'll feel a rush of energy.

    Side effects may include:

    • Small fangs
    • Blood cravings
    • Different senses
    • Sleeping during the day
    • Improved strength and endurance
    • Sensitivity to the sun

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    #2550 - Vampire Sun Protection

    If you're a vampire that wants to be able to be in the sunlight but can't cause if they do they would burn alive well this is a ring protection spell.
    You may need:

  • Ring
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    You may need:

  • Ring
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    Be indoors at 3pm. Take the ring you chose and lay it on the bed or anywhere that there is sunlight touching. Stare at the ring and close your eyes. Imagine yourself outside in the sunlight with the ring on and you are not burning. Focus really hard on this imagine. Open your eyes and put the ring on. You should now be able to walk in the sunlight.

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    2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters