2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Sick by Orange
- Gain Power
- Karma Spell
- Letter to Shinigami
- Snake's Venom
- Blondie's spell to cure a broken heart
- Healing Colors
- Pranic breathing
- Sensing the energy
- Calling the Energies
#2681 - Sick by Orange
Take the orange and cut a small deep hole in the center, then write the name of the person you want to make sick on the paper. Now, put the paper in the orange and the the piece you cut out. Then put it back (the best you can) and put the orange in a dark place and as the orange rots the person gets sicker.
#2682 - Gain Power
Light the 5 white candles and let it burn for 5 minutes. Think of whatever power you want to have and concentrate hard on it. After this, chant the following three times: "Gods and Goddesses, I invoke thee. Give me powers, three times three. So I can make whatever I think in a minute or just one blink!".
After you chant the incantation, visualize on it coming to you. Let the white candles burn out.
#2683 - Karma Spell
Focus on the bully or person. Chant: " Let Cruelty, Pain, and Evil ways. Follow this Villan for the rest of his days. Reverse the torment, he creates. To turn on him, A crueler fate!"
#2684 - Letter to Shinigami
Now the next as well as the above need to be done in seclusion. That is right, seclusion. Cast a dark circle with four strong incenses of various musky favors and light the four candles in each of the four quarters of the huge urn or BBQ Grill. Continue to use the visualization of the death of the victim and say, ''Oh Lilith and Azrael, bring to the death (name) by the Shinigami you shall send. Make him finish the job and send the victim forth to the depths of hell. Make him suffer in shame and torment for the wrongs he has sent. So shall it be.'' Then burn the photo and the letter in the sealed envelope in the grill and watch it burn while visualizing the person's death. Let the incense and the candles burn out.
#2685 - Snake's Venom
Empty the water bottle into the bowl. Drop a teaspoon of alcohol and blood into the mix. Then add the honey and sugar. Now, mix the concoction and drink.
#2686 - Blondie's spell to cure a broken heart
Heart my you be
broken no more
make the magic
of blondie cure
you. So mote it be
P.S the spell will work in a few days.
#2687 - Healing Colors
Healing Principles of Color
Healing with color begins with a basic understanding of the specific function of a particular color. Of course, the list below is quite basic revealing mostly primary colors, but its a great starting point to help gain a basic understanding of the use of color with healing. My healing tradition emphasizes respecting the potency of the vibratory rates of the colors sent to a client by using a toned down version of the color and then amplifying it deeper if necessary. For instance, we are taught to first send the pastel equivalent of the color we intend to send first, and then varying the color shade as needed.
White: Purification, stabilizing, the all purpose color. Use this color when you are not sure which color to use. It is beneficial to all systems in the body.
Black: Grounding, protection. Black gets a bad rap. Black is actually a protective color. Avoid using too much of this color as it could bring on depression. This color is never used alone, but with a combination of colors.
Green: Balance, general healing, growth. Used for circulatory system, emotional conditions, and conditions related to the heart chakra. Do not use this color for cancerous or tumor like conditions since green is a color of growth.
Red: Stimulating, strengthening, warming. Used for circulatory system, sexuality, stimulating the over all energy of the metabolism, and for most blood conditions. Do not use red in cases of hypertension.
Blue: Cooling, calming, cleansing, restructuring. Used for respiratory, eyes, ears, nose, asthma, high blood pressure.
Yellow: Awakening, mental stimulation, used for most conditions related to the solar plex chakra, especially the digestive system, stomach, intestines, adrenal function, and bladder. Also used to stimulate the intellect.
Orange: Activating, constructing. Used for spleen, pancreas, stomach, food assimilation, eliminative system, and most conditions related to the naval chakra.
Indigo: Purification. Used for endocrine system, lymph system, immune system, blood purifier, conditions of the ears, nose, throat.
Lavender: Purification, cleansing. Used for skeletal system, nervous system, balancing of physical and spiritual energies.
Pink: Soothing, nurturing. Used for the immune system, thymus gland, skin conditions, inflammation, and helping to soothe emotional disturbances.
Gold: Restructuring, strengthening. Used for cardiac system, the entire immune system.
Healing with Color: Meditation
1. For this meditation either sit in a chair or stand. Imagine an egg shaped bubble around you.
2. Starting with the first chakra (red), breathe in deeply from your nose imagining the color red entering your feet and filling your entire body. When you exhale image the color red exiting your body into your visualized egg shaped bubble. Continue to do this until the egg shaped bubble is filled with the color red.
3. Continue to as in step two, but this time use the color of chakra two orange. You will then precede with yellow, green, royal purple, violet, and end with a luminous white color.
#2688 - Pranic breathing
2. Keep your shoulders relaxed through out the entire breathing sequence.
3. Put your hands on your lower abdomen.
4. Place your tongue on you palate - on the roof of your mouth just behind your teeth. Keep it there though out the entire breathing sequence.
5. Inhale slowly through your nose allowing the air to push your lower belly out. Pause for a moment.
6. Exhale through your mouth completely feeling your abdomen pulling in, contacting as you do.
7. This is one cycle of pranic breathing.
Note: Do not force your breathing. If you become dizzy stop and resume normal breathing.
#2689 - Sensing the energy
After you have begun to sense the energy field emanating from your fingertips, through practicing this exercise, it is time to try sensing the energy field of another person using a technique referred to as the Passing of Hands:
-Have your patient lie flat on the treatment table, arms at sides. Now, call in the energy as you have learned to do (to sensitize your hands), and begin to scan the body of your subject, by using the palm of one hand at a time. Use your right hand (if you are right-handed or left-handed)the right hand is dominant in most people. Hold your hand level, with fingers spread slightly, as if resting). Begin at the top of the head, and as you scan, move your open palm slowly, about 4 or 5 inches above the skin surface of your patient. Move downwards, scanning the entire body, to the patients feet. Pay particular attention to each chakra location, and also the abdominal area. Do not move your hands too quickly2 to 3 inches per second is the ideal speed. Forget yourself while you do this, and instead open yourself to any sensation that may form in your hand as you do so. Just be open to any sensation
which comes. What do you feel? Are there certain areas of the body over which you feel somethinga subtle sensation in your hands? Examine the entire front of the body in this way, from head to toe. Do you feel anything around the area of the chakras? Are there other areas of the body over which you sense something, and if so, what impressions are you getting as you do so? It is easiest to work with one hand, at the beginning, but after you have begun to sense the energy field try the other hand, as well. Use only one hand at a time, while learning.
#2690 - Calling the Energies
Each day, for 3 times or more (at various times during the day), summon the energy. Close your eyes and place your hands in front of you, and effortlessly see, in your minds eye, the energy coming into your body from the earth, from above and from all around you.
Feel it filling your body and then moving through your shoulders, down your arms and moving into your hands. As you hold your hands in front of you, really see and feel the energy coming into you from the universe, through your body, down your arms, and then filling up your hands like water filling a glove. Allow the energy to collect in your hands you may feel a tingling or a sensation of heat as it does so.
Each time you practice this should only take a minute or two.