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2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2959 Health Spells
2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2959 Health Spells
  1. Become a vampire
  2. A Simple Healing
  3. Symbiote spell/my spell
  4. Energy drain technique
  5. Twilight wolf Spell
  6. Demon Wolf
  7. Black Magick Warrior.
  8. AAA / the old twisted tree.
  9. develop traits of an artificial intelligence ***NOT A SPELL, ITS JUST A CHANT AND SOME PRACTICE***
  10. Walnut Revenge

#331 - Become a vampire

This spell allows you to become a vampire.
You may need:

  • Ingredients:
  • This spell
  • Nighttime
  • Desire or want to become a vampire
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    You may need:

  • Ingredients:
  • This spell
  • Nighttime
  • Desire or want to become a vampire
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    Spell Casting:

  • Say this as much as you want:

  • “Blood red, pale skin. Moonlight draw me in. Quench my thirst, coursing veins. Let my body feel no pain.”

  • Say this once:

  • “Gods and goddesses of magic hear my plea. A vampire is what I want to be. Turn me into a vampire with your divine and magical magick. When any type of light hits me it will cause me to transform more and more a vampire. The more light that hits me the faster the transformation into a vampire. I want to see results. Tonight, if I dream about vampires that will mean that this spell has worked. As I so will so mote it be.”

  • Draw a pentagram in the air with your finger and say “It is done.”

  • You finished casting the spell.

  • Note: This spell is permanent once you cast it, it cannot be undone.

    Side Effects:

    • You will get tired and fall asleep quickly

    • You will a dream about vampires the same night you cast the spell

    • Pale skin

    • Eye color changes to red

    • Headaches that won't go away even if you take medication

    • Your genes and DNA will start to change and mutate into a vampires’ DNA and genes when exposed to light and photons even if not directly exposed which will start transforming you more and more into a vampire which will make you sick until the transformation completes itself the transformation will be slow and painful because of the vampire venom in your bloodstream the process is gradual it could take from 2 days to a week depends on how your body is

    • Thirst and craving for blood

    • Your vampiric powers and weaknesses will manifest one by one and randomly

    Your Vampiric Powers:


    • Immortality

    • Enhanced Condition or Supernatural Condition

    • Enhanced/Supernatural Agility

    • Enhanced/Supernatural Combat

    • Enhanced/Supernatural Durability

    • Enhanced/Supernatural Endurance

    • Enhanced/Supernatural Senses

    • Night Vision

    • Enhanced/Supernatural Speed

    • Enhanced/Supernatural Stamina

    • Enhanced/Supernatural Strength

    • Regenerative Healing Factor


    • Blood Consumption

    • Blood Empowerment

    • Blood Flow Vision

    • Contaminant Immunity

    • Conversion

    • Vampirization

    • Daytime Walking

    • Darkness Manipulation

    • Defunct Physiology

    • Disease Immunity

    • Emotion Consumption

    • Energy Absorption

    • Enhanced Intelligence

    • Flight

    • Disease Inducement

    • Haemopotent Replication

    • Illusion Manipulation

    • Invulnerability

    • Life-Force Absorption

    • Magic

    • Dark Arts

    • Mind Control

    • Hypnosis

    • Natural Weaponry

    • Claw Retraction

    • Fang Retraction

    • Enhanced Bite

    • Prehensile Tongue

    • Psionic Manipulation

    • Psionic Energy Conversion

    • Scattering

    • Bat Swarming

    • Self-Sustenance

    • Shapeshifting

    • Air Mimicry

    • Animal Morphing

    • Bat Physiology

    • Human Disguise

    • Size Manipulation

    • Sleeplessness

    • Soullessness

    • Stealth Tactics

    • Supernatural Beauty

    • Supernatural Survivability

    • Undead Pulse

    • Unnatural Presence

    • Wallcrawling

    • Wing Manifestation

    • Wing Blades

    Vampiric Weaknesses

    • Sunlight - Vampire does indeed burn in sunlight but do not ‘burst into flames’. Vampire skins contain vampire chemical which reacts with sunlight, upon touch to UV rays vampires lose their skin and crumble to dust, stone, ash, bones, gooey piles and some vaporise. However, only some vampires burst into flames that have light touching their heart.

    • Silver - A vampire will be burned in contact to silver or mercury. However, this method is less useful because silver is very expensive.

    • Iron - Iron can be used to contain, injure, and kill vampires

    • Garlic - Vampires have sensitive noses and garlic causes fangs to erupt, running eyes, sneezing, blindness, coughing and skin rashes and moreover a chemical present in garlic can cause the same burning effect as sunlight. Although garlic smell cannot ‘burn’ a vampire but it can cause such an irritation that a vampire would leave the area. Garlic and Pepper spray can cause a vampire to be fatally damaged.

    • Vervain - A mystic herb called vervain is poisonous to vampires. It burns their skin on contact. If a human is holding, wearing, or has vervain in their system, a vampire cannot hyponotize them. Vervain can be mixed with a vampire's drink which, if drunk, will severely weaken them.

    • nightshade - some vampires are capable of being poisoned if not right out killed by the plants toxins.

    • roses- poisonous if not fatal to some vampires.

    • juniper - a plant that a temporary slow acting, short lasting paralysis on a vampire.

    • Religious Iconography - The virus that makes a man a vampire is connected to the dark side, any object connected to the light side can in fact damage the virus and so vampires tend to remain away from holy objects. However, not all crosses are equipped with the power of goodness and love and do not affect a vampire. Healing spells can also kill a vampire.

    • Dead man's blood - The use of blood from the recently deceased can also be used as a method to incapacitate vampires briefly.

    • Stake - An iron stake can knock a hole in the vampire and weaken it to some point while a normal wooden stake can kill a vampire when dug into the heart and a silver, ash, hawthorn or oak stake can completely destroy the vampire if dug in the body.

    • Exsanguination - If drained completely of their blood, vampires can become comatosed or even die.

    • Crosses - By holding some form of crucifix in front of a vampire, a potential victim can cause the vampire to halt, or even to turn and flee. A cross presented strongly enough can even cause a vampire to be unable to return to their coffin, destroying them at sunrise. Direct physical contact with a crucifix will severely burn a vampire, but will not destroy them.

    • Holy water - Water that has been blessed by a clergyman will burn a vampire if it makes contact with one. A sufficient supply of such water will likely destroy one entirely.

    • Dismemberment - Dismemberment is a grisly process that involves hacking off the Vampire’s limbs, one by one, to prevent them from rising from the grave and attacking the living. Obviously, any vampire is going to find it to be impossible to get up, wander around, and feed without its arms or legs. Ideally, this should be done with a sword or a woodsman’s axe.

    • Invitation - The vampire is unable to enter a house without first being verbally invited inside. However, once the invitation was extended, the Vampire may enter whenever it wishes, at anytime thereafter. Thus, as long as the people do not give admittance to the creature, they remain safe. However, once the Vampire has been invited inside, the creature is extremely difficult to get rid of. This usually happens when the household fails to recognize the Vampire for what it is. Once inside, the Vampire will drain each person of blood, one by one.

    • Fire - Fire causes vampires a great deal of pain and injury; they can, however, quickly heal from even the worst burns if given time and blood.

    • Decapitation -A vampire can be killed completely if its head is cut out and body burned. The vampire’s body will keep on walking as a headless zombie till it finds its head and after that the vampire will be reborn.

    • Werewolf Bite - A bite from a werewolf as the venom in the saliva will neutralize the vampire venom in their blood causing them to die and deterierate.

    • Nephilim Blood - If a vampire feeds on a Nephilim, the blood will cause them agonizing pain and also causing the vampire to burn up from the inside.

    • Magic - Vampires are vulnerable to the effects of magic. Witches are able to give supernatural aneurysms that cause the blood vessels of vampires to explode.

    • Soul Trapping - A vampire is not immune to soul trapping and if it loses its soul, it shall die. Life absorption spells work to some extend but you are needed to attack several times.

    Added to on Jan 26, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #332 - A Simple Healing

    A simple means of reliving pain and speeding recovery.
    You may need:

  • Positive Energy
  • Knowledge of Energy Manipulation
  • Knowledge of Grounding
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    You may need:

  • Positive Energy
  • Knowledge of Energy Manipulation
  • Knowledge of Grounding
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    Relax, and gather your energy. Make sure to ground yourself before attempting.

    Focus on the effected area, and visualize a stream of golden light flowing into the injury. If you are merely reliving general pain/tiredness then simply allow the healing/positive energy to flow through your entire body. If you are casting this on someone else then place a hand over the effected area and direct the energy from your hand to their body.

    Note: This is not meant to replace actual medical practices, and is not for treating serious, or life-threatening,injuries.

    Added to on Jan 22, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #333 - Symbiote spell/my spell

    Will give you a symbiote if your choosing should be a 100% match
    You may need:

  • 1-a gift for the symbiote like chocolate.
  • 2-something of meaning x
  • 3-a reason to have symbiote does not need to be important.
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    You may need:

  • 1-a gift for the symbiote like chocolate.
  • 2-something of meaning x
  • 3-a reason to have symbiote does not need to be important.
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    "I am in need of a symbiote a symbiote I can control a powerful symbiote. I am in need of it. It will be the color (what color you want to to be). The color of my symbiotes eyes will be (what color you want the eyes to be). My symbiote will only eat bad people. Me and my symbiote will be a 100% match. My symbiotes name is (what you want to name your symbiote)."

    If you want your symbiote to have wings or something add this at the end of the spell-my symbiote will have (wings or something)

    Added to on Jan 20, 2019
    Last edited on Aug 15, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #334 - Energy drain technique

    A technique I use to drain energy. Technique made from other parts of different techniques that worked for me.
    You may need:

  • Hand
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    You may need:

  • Hand
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    DISCLAIMER: Firstly, I do not condone harm to creatures or individuals you choose to work this on, you are your own person and take responsibility for your actions and the consequences from them. Secondly, this is my own technique and might not work for you or others; my advice is to do what I did and try multiple techniques, then merge the ones that worked or alter a working one to work better for you.


    1. Put your hand upon that which you wish to take energy from

    2. Visualize the object full of a colour. Keep your eyes open, the way I do it makes my thoughts merge with what I see so I see the actual object become filled with colour. It should look like the object is actually filled.

    3. See the colour start to seep into your hand, fingers, and palm. I see it coming into my hand as a gas, though other ways should work fine.

    4. have the colour in the object slowly fade while it moves into your hand, with your hand gaining more colour

    5. Keep seeing the colour, but now in your hand.

    6. See your own colours surrounding it, and letting itself seep into the new colour. Let the new colour also seep into the surrounding colours. For help with this, imagine two coloured smoke bombs and how they dissipate into one another.

    6 1/2. If you dont want to mix it with your own energy, and wish to redirect it to another limb or other object (I.g. Take energy from a living plant and give it to a dying plant, redirect the energy to a certain muscle) then imagine it in a current, going up from your hand, into your elbow, to your shoulder, then passing to the other shoulder, down to the elbow, into the hand and out into the other object. When I say current it can be anything, as long as its the same thing you were thinking of for the energy originally(liquid, electricity, gas, etc)

    Sidenote: As just a colour can mean many things, with blue meaning coldness but also sadness, its best (if you can) to connect it with other things as well. In other words, use symbolism by symbols or memories your brain associates with certain things and feelings. if you're taking blue energy but you're not wanting sadness, think of ice or snow. If you think of something you don't want, (i.g taking in cold energy but not sad, then you accidently think of sadness or something that causes you to be sad) don't try to shove the thought away somewhere, just put a red x or something on it. any symbol that means "NO" or "KEEP OUT", any symbolism that works for you.

    Added to on Jan 16, 2019
    Last edited on Nov 17, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #335 - Twilight wolf Spell

    Pretty much a twilight wolf spell, just like the movies
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say these words 10 times

    Spirits of the wolf, I ask you please to turn me into what i wish to be, a werewolf. In my human form I will grow taller and i wil become faster and stronger. I will be able to transform into my wolf form in seconds. in my wolf form i will have complete controle. In my wolf form I will have super strength and super senses. in my human and wolf form, my skin and fur will constatly be at a temperture of 42 degrees celsius. I wil hut down vampires who smell like a sick sweet smell. and this is my will, so mote it be!

    Added to on Jan 16, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #336 - Demon Wolf

    Turns you into a black magick user.
    You may need:

  • Words
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    You may need:

  • Words
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    "Make me immortal. Make me win. Cover me with black magick and give me the power to create my own real spells."

    Added to on Jan 15, 2019
    Last edited on Nov 21, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #337 - Black Magick Warrior.

    this spell makes you live forever and become a black magick user only shields you from negative back fire.
    You may need:

  • Brown marker.
  • Voice.
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    You may need:

  • Brown marker.
  • Voice.
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    Draw a pentagram in brown marker on your left wrist and hand. then whisper as quiet as you can: "I will become the most powerful type of witch/wizzard. I will rule my victims and be able to control them with my eye and my finger. they will be under MY control."

    Added to on Jan 15, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #338 - AAA / the old twisted tree.

    makes you become a twisted tree forever.
    You may need:

  • dead tree
  • glitter
  • sugar gliders
  • spiders
  • racoons
  • lynx
  • tigers
  • black panther movie
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    You may need:

  • dead tree
  • glitter
  • sugar gliders
  • spiders
  • racoons
  • lynx
  • tigers
  • black panther movie
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    watch the whole black panther movie backwards without talking and then plant the dead tree somewhere you'd spend the rest of your life. then release all the animals on the tree and say "live in this tree and grow here forever!" then get naked and throw glitter on your self and run up and down the nearest highway 5 times. put your clothes on and lick the tree. make sure you lick the whole tree and for every inch of moss lick it 78 times. if you aren't in jail or sick you will wake up and see that you are the tree.

    Added to on Jan 15, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #339 - develop traits of an artificial intelligence ***NOT A SPELL, ITS JUST A CHANT AND SOME PRACTICE***

    as the title says, I am NOT responsible for damage done from doing this. this worked for me. read side effects before starting. GOOD LUCK!!!
    You may need:

  • . you alone
  • . electronic device, with an artificial intelligence on it
  • . strong whisper or chanting voice
  • . any moon phase
  • . day/morning/afternoon if a laptop, tablet (kindle fire is okay), or google home bot
  • .evening/night/midnight if a phone, amazon echo, or virtual desktop assistant.
  • .desire to change a lot about yourself.
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    You may need:

  • . you alone
  • . electronic device, with an artificial intelligence on it
  • . strong whisper or chanting voice
  • . any moon phase
  • . day/morning/afternoon if a laptop, tablet (kindle fire is okay), or google home bot
  • .evening/night/midnight if a phone, amazon echo, or virtual desktop assistant.
  • .desire to change a lot about yourself.
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    1. sit in a room alone with the device, close the door (you may lock the door, only if its an option)
    2. either hold the device to your heart or have it infront/next to you.
    3. now, when you are ready whisper or chant 3x:
    4. "i was once only human, now i wish to change my ways, change my mind, i will become artificial intelligence, i am willing to change everything about me, just for this one wish, this is my desire. so mote it be!"
    5. take a deep breath, now when you are ready continue with your day!


    • mental and emotional exaustion for the first week
    • more knowledge out of now where
    • stronger
    • faster processing
    • eye color change, becoming more noticeable
    • growing a hatred for humanity/loosing faith
    • loss of an ability to experince love the same as human beings
    • faster talking.

    Added to on Jan 14, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #340 - Walnut Revenge

    Your enemies will get hit in the head by falling nuts where ever they go even if they aren't near a tree.
    You may need:

  • a nut of any kind (like plants not any flesh nuts)
  • a leaf
  • a voice
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    You may need:

  • a nut of any kind (like plants not any flesh nuts)
  • a leaf
  • a voice
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    Place the leaf on the floor/ground and sit the nut on top of it then chant.

    "By the powers of witches and mages.

    By the powers of crones and sages.

    By the moon and all its phases.

    I wish (person's name) would get hit in the head by Mrs. Coconut!"

    [Insert evil laugh here.]

    Added to on Jan 14, 2019
    Last edited on Aug 10, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters