2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- body to voices in your head
- A Herbal Spell For Colds
- Grow flowers
- Happiness Potion
- The iadian method of forming energy objects for attacks and tasks (ABSOLUTELY WORKS)
- Death Spell to kill Enemy
- Latin Spell( Mind Reading)
- Bury the Past (self-renewal spell)
- Anti depressant
- Peaceful Sleep For Children
#431 - body to voices in your head
your going to sit the objects around you and you shall sit in the middle and have the picture of the person outside the circle. your gonna meditate and when you feel like your ready your gonna begin the spell
i invoke the gods and goddesses Hades, Aphrodite, Athena and Hermes to bring out the one they call (name of personailty) to give her(him) own body and bond her(him) to the earth. this is my will so mote it be
coldness on back
lightness in chest
stomach aches
i tried this with a friend and so far it seems to be workin
any questions message me
Bless be!
#432 - A Herbal Spell For Colds
First, fill the jar about three quarters full with water, making sure that the water has no harmful chemicals like chlorine in it.
Take all of the ingredients outside and set up a small, quiet place to work your magic-Literally!
Put the thyme in the water and shake it up, making sure that you have put no more than three teaspoons in it. If you want a more overpowering and energy-costly effect, then add three teaspoons.
Draw a chalk circle around the jar, then draw a smaller circle inside the first, directly below the jar.
Place whatever piece of jewelry you want to enchant inside the smaller circle, then hold your hands above both of them and chant two times:
Please note that this spell uses the support of the Greek gods, but you can replace the gods name to suit your own religion.
'Apollo, mighty god of healing, please offer me your might, and allow me to enchant this accessory. By the serenity of the outdoors, I offer nothing but my energy and the pledge that any of your gifts will not be misused for greed or power.'
Then, if you feel an ebbing feeling in your palms, the spell is complete, and the spell is complete. Wear the jewelry for protection against illness, and then for added protection strain the jar the next day, then put the infused water in your bedroom.
#433 - Grow flowers
Repeat x3
Flower flower make it grow (ex.. in my backyard/ in my front yard) it shall flow
Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#434 - Happiness Potion
Boil water with the crystal in the water.
Put all of the herbs/spices in some cheesecloth. Tie the ingredients into the cheesecloth using food safe string.
Put the cheesecloth bag into the water and leave for 5 min to seep.
Pour into a jar that has the honey in it.
Last edited on Dec 22, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#435 - The iadian method of forming energy objects for attacks and tasks (ABSOLUTELY WORKS)
Step 1. Place both your wrists side by side about 3 centimeters apart.
Step 2. Open your your hands until they are completely flat, and then angle them away until they are at a 45 degree angle.
Step 3. Call energy into you. To do this seek a source of energy, tap into it, and call forth how much energy you want in tons of TNT equivalent. (Can by in megatons of TNT if you want.) To do this, you THINK: '100 tons of energy into me. Go!'
Step 4. Send the collected energy to your hands by imagining the energy going to your hands while at the same time you think, '50 tons of energy to my hands. Go!'
Step 5. Now you tell the energy in your hands, 'Form ball. Go!'
Step 6. Target who you want to fire at by imagining a stream of energy going from your third eye to the person in question.
Step 7. Fire the Ball by thinking, "FIRE!"
The ball of energy will now shoot towards the person you have targeted.
This can be a very deadly technique depending on what energy you choose to use when you form your energy ball.
You can also form projectiles and missiles, even all manner of WMDs in spirit form that will be as deadly as the physical counterparts.
This Technique is designed to kill people, and it does it well.
#436 - Death Spell to kill Enemy
Light black candles 3 black candles
Put the photos or names in the doll. Another way is to etch their names in the candles.
Say these words: You are the black candle i want to die, (say the name of enemy) you are the spirit of my enemy should die spiritu of death i call you take this life as a blow my breath with angers ,( hold up the candle with etched name) spiritu of death take away this persona life after i blow out this candle.
Translate un latin
"Meditate, ' I here call upon the Powerful Spirit of death I ask your help to kill my enemies
Appear to me now show yourself! Kill ( name of enemies)
By the power of you full moon tonight
I swear this WOrds until they die i swear they die
Until the candles light gone! This is my will so mote it be!
Last edited on Dec 21, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#437 - Latin Spell( Mind Reading)
After the spirit you called or conjured appeared and told his or her name, give him/her something to offer the exchange( gift to gods to grant your wishes) if they like foods or chicken,meat ask them what food they like exept your soul.
Jewels maybe offer ask them.
Remember worship is contract,
The last final spell after you found your god or worshiper contact them sometimes,
"Spirit of (name) i call you now attend to me in the middle of circle rightly cast safe from curst or blast i call you now attend to me i here inside giving a gift grant my wish and make it real
I here releasing my angers without justice
I asking your help _(Kill my enemies who making me angry 3*)
the spell may translate in Greek Latin Hebrew .
If you are in USA speak it English.....
Then don't forget to meditate this spell done with clear mind.
#438 - Bury the Past (self-renewal spell)
This spell is best cast at night during a waning moon. If you're going to use a circle, cast it widdershins (counter-clockwise). Note that this spell can't change your sexual orientation or things about you that are core parts of your personality, and it can't be directed at someone else. Also, the spell will only work if you really, earnestly want to change, so put all stubbornness aside.
First, write down on a slip of paper a description of the part of yourself that you want to lay to rest. Here's an example:
"Here lies the timid and terrified Maria, who whiled away her days in mortal fear of being bullied, scorned and rejected. Never did she venture to make friends, so greatly did the wide world frighten her. May the cool, peaceful earth still her constant shaking"
Fold a different sheet of paper into a box to use as a "coffin". If you don't know how to do this, there are various books and websites with step-by-step instructions to help you. Wooden and tin boxes can work too, but try to keep it small. Once you have your coffin, fold up the slip of paper with your description on it and place it inside. Close the box and use the marker on the lid to draw a cross, pentagram or whatever you find significant.
Go outside (if you're not already outside), make sure you have all your supplies, and cast your circle. Dig a small hole near the center of the circle, 4-5 inches deep. Place the paper coffin inside the hole, focusing on what you are symbolically burying and why. If you have flower petals, sprinkle them over the coffin now. Place a small rock near the head of the grave to serve as a "tombstone", and place an unlit candle at the foot of the grave. Take this time to reflect on death and rebirth in your life. If you want, you can further dress the grave with extra flowers or a little drawing on the tombstone.
When you're ready, light the candle and say a eulogy. It can be as simple or elaborate as you want, depending on how much you like the funeral imagery. If you can't think of anything to say, "may they rest in peace" is a good one-sentence eulogy. Once you're done, cover the grave in dirt and whisper, "so mote it be". Take a deep breath and close the circle. Leave the grave-site to be washed away by the weather.
If the spell works right the tendencies of your old-self will start to fade away very soon, but you have to make your own effort to change as the spell works. Remember, you cannot be renewed if you don't want to be renewed. If you outwardly say that the way you are doing things is harmful or preventing growth, but you don't feel that way on the inside and don't want to stop, then you're stuck. You're like a tree with dead branches: release your grip on them, let them fall, and soon new branches will sprout and blossom around you.
#439 - Anti depressant
Wrap the hair in yellow fabric. If it’s long woman’s hair, roll it into a ball first.
It’s important that the fabric is yellow becomes yellow symbolizes; peace, happiness, confidence, and charm. If your trying to cure this person of depression, then those are the things you need.
Soak the ‘wrap’ in water for about a minute. Then let it dry for at least 24 hours.
Set down the bowl/plate, and place the strand of hair in the middle of the plate/bowl.
Circle it once with honey, then sprinkle the salt and herbs over the honey so it sticks.
Grab the three (or four if you use orange and yellow) candles and arrange them all around the plate.
Light the red candle first and say,
“Red, fiery bright.
Come and help thy heart tonight.
Bind with the joy and the love of a thousand ones.”
Light the orange candle and say,
“Orange, courageous and helpful.
Let thy mind dodge the fears and
strive in cleanliness.”
Light the white candle and say,
“White, as bright as light.
Purity and clean thy sins,
And wear away all darkness.”
Turn off the light.
Take the fabric hair wrap and let the flame touch it a little, only a small bit of flame. Make sure each candle fire has touched it once. Best if it happens 3 times though.
Set the burning fabric and hair into the center of the honey, herbs and candles.
Chant 3 times,
“Oh gods and goddesses of the earth.
My dear ______ (their full name including last) is very ill. With the fate of early death in their eyes.
Please cure them of their sickness. Bring the happiness and love to their heart.
Oh gods and goddesses hear my plea,
I beg for ______ (their first name) so mote it be.”
Last edited on Mar 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#440 - Peaceful Sleep For Children
First things first, make sure you have everything set up in their room first. Night light should be plugged in at this point.
Now make sure they have a full stomach, and then run their bath water and put in three drops of Johnson and Johnson Bedtime Baby wash. Wash them up so they begin to get sleepy.
Next get them out and dry them off, and wrap them in their towel. Now rub them down with the Baby lotion, and get them dressed and lay them in bed.
Get your IPhone/IPod/IPad Tablet etc. Go to YouTube and type in 24 hours of Meditation music for children or you can even use 24 hours of Disney Piano Music.
Hook up the speaker and put it somewhere high enough so that they can still hear it.
Last edited on May 07, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.